This dumbass is probably voting against his own economic interests
Why do dumbass low IQ bros always vote republican ?
I'm not sorry that you got cucked by Chad
>Alpha envy intensifies
What makes you think that?
Do you believe profiling works?
Gtfo here nigger
Because the Democratic party is the party of welfare, niggers, spics, and Marxist kikes
His family is rich as fuck, he is voting for his interests.
What is this from?
He isn't swayed by the vague promise of becoming more attractive by being liberal
better question, why do they all drive lifted trucks?
"Go cook my burrito"
"Go make my tortilla"
Wew I love this dude
Wow he's pretty alpha. I'd suck him
Meanwhile this is your typical democrat.
Good to know that chad is in our corner.
>Why do dumbass low IQ bros always vote republican ?
Look at these Democrat Rhodes scholars:
If you really want to know his family owns a very successful prosthetic limb business here in Arizona and the guy next to him (on the left) owns a retail store that is pretty successful as well.
Whats it say when you don't need a high IQ to see that the dem agenda is anti-white and total bs senpai?
most commonly its compensation, but there are a few that use it for work or they go muddin. none of these are mutually exclusive
>why is the media always sure to find examples which confirm the biases of their target audience
I dunno, it's weird.
>only smart people vote democrat
>ignores that hordes of dumb niggers and spics within his own party for convenience
Objectively speaking, the dumbfucks vote Democrat. The vast majority of blacks and spics vote Democrat, while almost two thirds of whites vote Republican.
We need more men like that. Tall, built, white men ready to scare the shit out of all the shitskins, and prepared to stomp them to the ground. In fact, every white man should be as agressive and hateful, there wouldn't be a single nigger, spic or muslim walking in our streets, or even bothering entering our countries.
Immigrating to white countries should have been considered extremely dangerous for non-whites, but instead we prop them up, give them our money and let them interact with our women.
Its time for white men to grow a completely new mindset, one that is tribal, agressive, xenophobic and supremacist.
>did a big mean Chad steal your girlfriend.
Liberals are much lower IQ if you count minorities you realize
They don't, minorities aren't people to them.
The fact these dumb hicks think that retard looks "alpha" kind of makes your point, op.
>voting against his own economic interests
people like you will never understand. it's not about having low IQ, it's about having integrity. people choose to be accountable for their own life on their own terms. take your handouts and fuck off, cuck.
because those bros are able bodied and don't need social welfares, they can work any job, no matter how menial. they vote the party that doesn't take their money in the form of taxes and redistribute to the weak
Believe it or not there is this thing called ideology and these other things called beliefs. people vote based off of them
>built the wall
>made in usa
>trump trump trump
>this is america
>I love my country
Doesn't look like it. But maybe he do.
What was her name user? Did you see his MAGA hat on her nightstand?
> all those uncultured redneck hillbilly white boy names
I rather have a low IQ freedom loving patriot then some high IQ Stalin loving commie
Pretty solid list of white alpha names there
>tfw your parents actually named you Sunshine and even after changing it legally you have to write it on every government form
I fucking hate hippies.
I'd rather work for a living and better myself than live off the teet of the government for the rest of my life, poor or not. That's just a different form of slavery.
Shows where libcucks priorities lie.
Yes because gullible Chad would rather have his tax money goto more corporate welfare , corporate profit subsidies and outsourcing just because he's caught up in the fervor of white identity politics among the GOP party
Fucking dumbasses all of you
Except this "Chad" is part of the top 5% faglord.
Why are white liberals so beta that they vote against there own racial interest
>go make my tortilla
Whatever he can join us
Don't get what you mean there Cletus but lmao okay
>Trump is telling him he will give him jobs
>he's voting against his own economic interest
shut the fuck up
I know this "Chad" in real life. He and his family are rich. He is literally one of the people that benefit directly from corporate welfare. Did you even bother to read any of the responses to your own thread?
> president makes jobs
No wonder you vote republican kiddo lmao
Sure you do Cletus . Sure you do
>Fucking dumbasses all of you
Yes and Hillary Clinton does not represent the same failed NeoConservative policies of the last 30 years or so. More huge secretive trade agreements like NAFTA, but on steroids. Real Change. Export Jobs Import and outsource labour. I'm sure Chad is "white collar" and has no need to worry about that anyway. Silly Chad.
I'm sure a more intelligent fellow would rather his money go to bringing in refugees and coddling niggers and faggots and more hate crimes legislation, that not only works to make him a minority in own country (and the world) but a second class citizen as well. He really needs to take some liberal arts classes to see how globalist capitalists, desperate ignorant hyper-religious refugees, and brainwashed middle class college students really have his best interests in mind.
Why would he support Donald Trump, a protectionist (jobs) nationalist (more jobs less globalism) that is destroying PC culture (you)?
Moron is not strong enough a word for you.
>obama reduced unemployment goy
>a president can't make jobs
you're a real bitch ass nigga aren't you
lol whatever makes you feel better at night boy. I know both him and his buddy. He is my cousin's husband's brother. I literally grew up hanging out with his family. I go to his family's thanksgiving every year and their fourth of July party. Come the fourth I take a pic for you of him and me at their house, you faggot.
>he's caught up in the fervor of white identity politics
t. Cody "I'm too cool to be white" Johnson
Kill yourself cucky
>Trump has literal Chad Thundercock
Because they're idiots, and also because their insecurity causes them to view liberals as more feminine
He probably just doesn't want to be associated with the low-T suicidal cucks that the left is made up of, who could blame him?
i reckon its called common sense....I am all for the highest education one may attain, but lets all face it....the academia world wide have sold their students a bunch of many people do we all know that are brilliant on an intellectual level but are social retards? Great for book stuff but not real world?
Also, it interests me the more educated a society it is, the lower the birth rate. Not very smart to breed your own society out of existence.
It's over.
why do any white people ever vote democrat your voting against your race and in general your own best interest?
democrats have supported cuts to welfare under bill clinton and obama. so eat a dick you muslim loving faggot
Confirmed for bait. That response is fucking weak as hell. If you're gonna shit up Sup Forums, at least do a good job of it. This is fucking tumblr tier.
>Its time for white men to grow a completely new mindset, one that is tribal, agressive, xenophobic and supremacist.
So basically niggers
The Democratic Party is center-right.
because they haven't been brainwashed by marxists?
This . Only dumbasses think the Democrats are socialists
He is probably of above average intelligence. He likely either has a college degree and works in sales or is something like a mechanic.
You are pretty much correct canadabro
>The Democratic Party is center-right.
Sure, Bernie. They want shitloads of gun control (far left), they want to turn healthcare single-payer (far left), they want to create hate speech laws (extreme far left), and a ton more. Sure sounds centrist to me!
Basically, there is nothing left for moderate liberals. If that's what one is, they have no party to ally with, and are stuck in some weird limbo between the libertarians and the Marxists which means they're fucked.
You people are ignorant.
The CPC is
- The largest caucus in the Democratic party
- Founded by Bernie Sanders
- Once affiliated with the Socialist International and even had it's website hosted there.
Now here's the name of what they're doing:
I hope I have given you at least one iota of wisdom today.
Bernie is running as a Democrat AND a Socialist. Hillary wants to completely socialize healthcare and create more social programs for those who never plan on working a day in their lives. Please tell me what mental gymnastics you're doing in order to convince yourself this isn't the case, I could use more keks today, you fucking tard.
He makes prosthetic limbs for his father's business. No college degree. He is pretty smart though. Idiots can't maintain reef aquariums.
I love how insecure and triggered republicucks when you question their intelligence LMAO
Because to the other side he is "A FUCKING WHITE MALE", with all the negatives it entails.
So its arguable if he is voting against his economic interests, because "protected minorities" get priority for all handouts, and certainly in favor of his social interests.
T.retarded socialist
>le corporate welfare is a really big problem
>Welfare for things that don't even contribute to society is fine though.
linked to this one
I love how liberalshits never bother to come up with constructive arguments and instead just make inflammatory comments with no real substance. You are literally the definition of a shitposter.
>republicans are low IQ retards
>Racist, IQ doesn't even matter anyway.
If you want to argue , welfare given to the poor goes right back into the economy seeing ass the poor are in too much destitute to save any money
>If you want to argue , welfare given to the poor goes right back into the economy seeing ass the poor are in too much destitute to save any money
If you smash a window, workers and products are needed to replace the window, so if we smash every window in the country only economic good can come out of it.
That is your argument, restated.
Le bump
His family is probably hurt by corporate welfare. 90%+ of companies, virtually all small businesses, don't quality for any loopholes or credits. US business tax rates are super high except for select industries where they are basically zero.
Only poor people vote for their economic interest
Go suck this "Chads" dick off and time stamp it since you envy dumbasses so much
fiscally yes, socially they are commie scum
he's a pretty big white male
LOL THIS BAIT. Kiddo that would be paramount to incest. I think that's something your crowd is in favor of. I think you are truly the envious one in this situation. Have fun with your inferiority complex.
yeah, but not socially, not since the 90's.
Go cut my burrito OP
Welfare and Food Stamps are a complete waste of wealth and capital, the money that they spend on that goes straight out the fucking window, and then people that should be working gain no incentive to even find any sort of job hurting the economy any more.
probably voting against his own economic interests
sounds democratic
Naw Iam cool . Iam a proud homeowner and Bernie supporter who benches 355 lbs
I eat chads like him for breakfast
>This dumbass is probably voting against his own economic interests
"economic interests" meaning free stuff
>Low IQ bros
You mean Nigs, they vote democrat.
Your girlfriend thinks about his cock while you fuck her.
>Yes because gullible Chad would rather have his tax money goto more corporate welfare
Oh you mean the money going to the corporations that actually contribute to society rather than the spics and niggers that'll spend the money on Coronas and Swisher Sweets?
Who cares about economic interests when your nation is being conquered you parasitic jewish rat
>Oh you mean the money going to the corporations that actually contribute to society rather than the spics and niggers that'll spend the money on Coronas and Swisher Sweets?
> subsides profits that go oversees into offshore bank accounts or created jobs in China
Go turn on faux news kid, I think Shill Hannity is on to fill your impressionable brain with propaganda
Both parties equally fund corporate welfare, actually. They even share some of the same pet industries. Hillary Clinton literally is running on a platform to expand corporate welfare for green energy companies (which already benefit from numerous targeted tax breaks). She is also bought and sold by the finance industry.
what makes you believe democrats are smarter?
He looks pretty much socially liberal. I think you meant stupid niggers.
I'm a libertarian and I'm here to moderate this shit. Fuck corporations. Fuck spics and nogs on welfare. And fuck taxes.
they are not pretentious they just want to live a simple life doing a decent job probably dont have jesus christ complexes of changing the world and all those humanist ideals.
Hey guys how come people with high IQ's end up leaders of the third reich?