drumpf absolutely and unequivocally BLOWN THE FUCK OUT.
inb4 le he hasn't even started on her meme.
Drumpf absolutely and unequivocally BLOWN THE FUCK OUT
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guys guys wait till the debates..... its over lardarses. get back to sucking nigger and spic cock. they decide your elections now
he's going to pull tricks and flip dicks
wait until he hits 88% support
Trump is currently losing.
Debates won't change that.
Bit early in the election to spoil everyone's fun but there it is.
Remember during the primaries when Trump was losing in the polls? He'll come back even stronger, just watch.
Advantages Clinton has in debates.
>She knows quite about about policy.
>She's good at handling pressure.
Disadvantages Clinton has in debates.
>She's boring as shit.
>She has a lot of scandals that she would have no rebuttal for.
Advantages Trump has in debates.
>He can get the crowd energized.
>He looks more Presidential than Clinton.
Disadvantages Trump has in debates.
>Won't have any good responses to questions about race remarks he made.
>The crowd will be silent, Trump mostly only does well when he has crowds cheering him on.
>single digit lead
Literally who cares?
1 post by OP
Calls Trump 'Drumpf'
What the hell are you talking about? Trump was always leading in the polls. Anybody who was surprised that Trump won the nomination must have not been paying attention to the polls for the past year. But the fact that he's now getting his ass kicked by Hillary in the same polls should be a sign that he's got to turn his campaign around fast.
>He just announced, give the voters some time.
>Wait until September when people start focusing on the elections
>Wait until he wins his first primary , people will begin to think he's for real.
>Wait until he's won the nomination.
>Wait until he starts on Hillary.
Now it's wait until the debate.
It's fucking pathetic watch these people try to deny the reality that Trump is going to lose. Sad!
I agree. Trumpkins are getting REALLY desperate.
>Won't have any good responses to questions about race remarks he made
That's awfully presumptuous of you.
>The crowd will be silent, Trump mostly only does well when he has crowds cheering him on
imblying he can't get them to cheer him on with ease
You do realize Trump will win in a landslide, right? That's simply how it has worked and will continue to work.
>1 post by this ID
Not even sure I like Hillary, but reddit tears are always welcome.
thanks op i am now a #cruzmissile
Fuck off Canada, go whack off your dog
>they said we wouldn't win out of 12 candidates
>they said we couldn't beat 3 other opponents
>they said it would be a contested convention
>1237 delegates will never happen they say!
>we get 1600 delegates
btfo shill
If Trump can attack her without losing his shit then she's toast.
Summed it up perfectly. Election night is going to be delicious when reality comes crashing down on these pathetic racists.
America will never be all white again.
>(((bloomberg))) poll +12 points
wew lad
I knew he would win the nomination, like most people.
There are simply not enough white males in America to give him a victory.
Maybe 30 years ago he would win.
Hah made me look 7/10
I guess that makes me a #HillBilly now!
slash thread
his biggest advantage is that all the people that are against him are against him because they believe in narratives about him that are easy to dispel: primarily that he's racist, sexist, and crude.
Ha all professional pundits and presidential polls said it was possible. But we are saving America and her virtues!
They aren't allowed to cheer in the offical debates
IPSOS / Reuters, Rasmussen and bloomberg are all very inaccurate with -/+ 8 differences.
Remember when he flip flopped on abortion and faced a lot of criticism for saying women need to be punished? He received a lot of negative press and it looked like Cruz would get the nomination. That's the time I was talking about.
I think Trump can still turn it around before the debates. I'm surprised the poll numbers haven't increased since what happened in Orlando.
Don't you feel angry, Bernouts? Why shouldn't you?
The one candidate with a chance to beat Trump was cheated literally every step of the way. Its an open fact at this point really, but here it is again: Bernie never had a chance. He lost before he began the race because Hillary was given gold plated rocket boots.
That makes you angry, doesn't it? Yes, it does. You were cheated and now the DNC expects you to be good little soldiers and pull the lever for her. But are you good little soldiers, or are you good little rebels?
My my my, the convention in Philadelphia sure has a lot to answer for, doesn't it? I mean look at them, they're actually trying to nominate a very ill candidate who is only going to act out of her own interests.
Bernie wouldn't do that to you.
>all the analdevastated drumpfsters ITT
>even with TWO sub-750, LV, non-random polls that oversampled democrats and independents, liberals could only barely skew their poll to be Clinton-favored
>meanwhile, a 2000 (gravis) and 6000 (Morning Consult) person, RV, randomly-sampled poll came out with tie results
top kek
liberals are so silly
Kek n chek
Start speaking English you potato nigger
reminder that trump's loss will go down in the history books as the end of the white man's political supremacy
the only hope we'll have then is a military coup and an assad-style minority regime
How long is she going to live under the stress of ruining the world for the kikes? Huma is going to be running everything. Do you really want that?
>race remarks
What are these race remarks everyone keeps talking about?
stopped reading there, spic
Reminder these polls always oversample democrats.
Reminder what decides general elections is voter turnout.
Trump has more voter turnout for him than Obama had.
Think of it this way: 1000 random people are asked who they will vote for, and since there's more democrats than republicans in this group of 1000, Clinton has a slight edge.
Yet, Trump is still very close, despite the disadvantage.
Election day won't be just 1000 people, it will be EVERYBODY who decides to go out and vote.
Trump has a movement behind him, only rivaled by the surge in youth votes for Obama.
Clinton has jack shit.
Trump will win in a landslide.
Proves that Democrats are oversampled?
>Trump will win in a landslide.
i can't tell if people genuinely believe this, or only believe it because they mentally need to. i want a comfy white nationalist dictatorship as much as anyone but you're just going to turn this place into /r/sandersforpresident posting this shit.
why isn't anybody asking what trump can do to turn the polls around, instead of trying to prove the polls wrong?
>not waited for your opponent to run out of steam
>not firing back then, and laughing as they scramble for a responce
Guys my 1990's era Democrat family (Pre-Racewars/ islmo-trannyparty era) even thinks that Trump will win a landslide. As unsettling as these polls are, I still think they are way wrong based on the people that I have spoken to.
Trump won't have a teleprompter in the debates. The whole vulgar tough guy routine only works on 80 IQ hicks, and they're already voting for him, he'll be absolutely destroyed in the debates against Hillary.
That is all.
Well there was that time he didn't say that white people should let black people beat them up and kill them without resisting - because slavery 150 years ago.
Black protestors aren't going to like that
I love how imaginary "80" IQ hick is used as this big slam on trump when Hillary's core voting block that even gives her any CHANCE of winning (and also that elected Obama twice) is literally average IQ 85 and IQ 89 groups. Plus white welfare sluts... I mean "single mothers"
He never uses a teleprompter in debates... wtf are u smoking bro
Unlike bs bernie math this makes logical sense. The "shy conservative" effect is also a factor.
As far as what he's doing to improve his numbers, Trump is not backing down, he continues to go campaigning directly to the people even in cities where protestors might kill him. over half the United States supports his Muslim ban, and most Americans trust him with the economy over Clinton.
So he's doing what he does best, and also making changes. He fired Corey Lewandowski, which many people have been calling for for a long time now.
With Manafort in charge, I expect a positive change in poll numbers soon.
And yes, wait until the debates. That will be the ultimate decider.
good god
Keep making excuses.
You've been doing that since last year, as stated.
dubs of truth
kek wills it
why are leaves such tryhards? inferiority complex towards master shitposter aussies?
They're either voting Stein or Johnson at this point.
The shills are ignoring you, dont even bother.
i agree
lol you haven't seen anything yet
>in b4 obama wins election
dubs of truth
Lol this board has IDs you pathetic cuck shill. Fuck off now kiddo
stop taking the bait i'm fucking begging you
this worked out really well in 2008 and 2012
>realistic electoral map
you're no fun
>doesn't even know about IDs
literally a paid shill
dubs of truth
lord kek wills it
The only thing progressives and their media have against Trump is racism and sexism which is interesting given HIlary's 2008 and who she is maried to too: Bill
Trump needs to hit Crooked Hilary and the economy hard.
>all the ironic shilling going on ITT
I don't know who's jewing who anymore
i agree
It's the number of liberals that choose to blame it on guns over islam.
>Implying we won't be getting a racist president anyway with Hillary
How are people fucking stupid enough to vote for Hillary Clinton? Her crimes are fairly common knowledge.
If voting for Hillary because she is a woman is like eating a turd because it looks like a tootsie roll
Then voting for Trump is like eating a turd knowing full well it is a turd and claiming it is delicious
I'm voting for Trump because I like being alive and not in a poverty stricken hellhole.
He's been worse off
How is that an equivalency? Clinton IS a woman. A piece of shit isn't actually chocolate.
>a fucking leaf
Ben Carson overtook him slightly for a few weeks.
Someone find the reddit bernie pasta quick lol.
Trumpkins need it now
Stopped reading there
this is my wildcard map, mormons hate trump
Thank you for taking the time to come here and Correct The Record.
This map seems the most likely.
Trump has no shot in Florida.
image says 6, not 10
>trump losing meme
I don't buy it. He has til November and is within 10 points of Hillary.
Hillary is a well established globalist with an international backing.
Trump is a nationalist who is fighting for national security and economic prosperity.
The debates are the only thing that will matter and people are saying trump btfo, Hillary btfo.
It's all speculative and way out of evidence.
Wait and see. Trump doesn't pull punches and he has way more ammo on hillary than she has on him.
If the moderators fuck up, he'll call them out on it.
It's literally in his favor despite the polls. She'd have to refuse to debate all the way to the vote.
leaf found
There's a 50/50 chance that those guys are either,
>Non-white faggots imported by our Jewish overlords
>Trolling since they'll be greeted with 10 (you)s consisting of "a fucking leaf" no matter how shitty their post it