Does Sup Forums still drink the carbonated jew?
Does Sup Forums still drink the carbonated jew?
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No, I'm not a teenager.
Just black coffee, water and appletinis.
Who the fuck would. That shit is literal poison. Water, and matcha tea. That is all.
no i quit that shit a while ago
i'm caffeine free
substituted coffee for high-energy
Coffee and sparkling water
No extra calories muh niggas and I can stuff my fat fucking face with more food because of it
can't give it up
I drink it really rarely, maybe a few times a year.
It's kind of fun if you do rarely, particularly if you drink fountain soda. The sugar content is so high compared to what you normally have that it's like cocaine liquid.
Just cut back if you can then, if you drink it a lot
Yes but I have a cultural exemption to do so.
I drink hundreds of ounces of water a day to match and I've achieved definite ottermode.
No, Coffee, Juice and Water.
Nah, literally all I drink is water.
I'm addicted to it. Send help.
I try to limit to once a week.
Ever since I reduced my intake it just doesn't taste as good.
Every once in a while though, it feels really nice to have an almost frozen carbonated liquid burning down your throat.
Only tap water, goy, uh, guy.
If you really want to drink less start with limiting to 1 can per day, then reduce to every other day and so one.
That's what I did.
Coke Zero master race
Kikes only drink Nestle bottled water.
I stopped drinking soda 10 years ago with minor exceptions. Lost 20 pounds within a few months and I wasn't particularly fat.
I will once in awhile have soda, but only if its made with cane sugar. There have been a few times where I've gotten a drink of liquor mixed with HFCS soda in bars however. But I don't drink that shit every day, usually don't even have it every week or month.
This. I enjoy the feeling of some cold Dr. Pepper going down my throat on a hot day.
Haven't had a soda in years
I stick to beer, coffee and water
tips fedora
I quit three weeks ago
Used to pick up a coke for work every day, sucks with how hot it's getting.
I drink mostly water, Black Coffee, Tea and some juice here and there.
>tfw hate alcohol and coffee
Such normie drinks
>Lost 20 pounds within a few months and I wasn't particularly fat
Didn't lose that much but yeah, it definitely helps staying in good shape, The taste makes me feel sick now.
I don't see anything wrong drinking a couple of sodas (0,33ml) every week.
Although I agree this is a drink you cannot drink in """moderation""", either keep it really low like me or cut it completely off your diet.
>tfw emotional dependence on diet jew
>tfw aspartame will give me a heart attack by the time I hit thirty
Pretty much.
I don't even like the taste that much any more, but that burning sensation is great.
Can't drink it, it's too sugary and leaves nasty aftertaste in mouth.
>Drinking the liquid jew
milk is my favorite drink.
Drinking it right now
Is it cold?
Water, scotch and black coffee should be the only liquids to ever enter an Aryan mans mouth
Had some with dinner lmao. At least my dinner was healthy.
That's what she said
room temperature
I only drink it at parties in between shots
Is it true that coke is less toxic on your stomach if you're drinking it while eating? I heard the acid actually helps digest the food
I only drink it about once a month if that. But I eat like absolute shit anyway so it really doesn't make a difference.
Not coke. This was their commercial during the superbowl 2 and a half years ago:
1 minute:
>Official Coca-Cola "Big Game" Commercial 2014 - America Is Beautiful
Way to ruin a cola
yes.there is no end!
>black coffee
What if I like just a little milk in it?
But user, this study from the nineties says ninety-seven percent of public hydration scientists agree that water is perfectly safe. Only a bigoted redneck christian republican idiot would ever disagree with my cherrypicked scientific findings! You aren't a bigot, are you?
take a pic of it fagget
>pic is my liquid jew
>no love for superior pepsi
you seriously had to CUT DOWN on cola to quit?
What the fuck is wrong with people
>implying pepsi is not a cola
Water, milk, coffee, beer, and a little whiskey
>Drinking the pulpjew
I used to drink it everyday, but I didn't want diabetus so now I only drink it every now and then when I go out.
If I fully cut out coke I won't have be drinking any 'fun' drinks, only water and some juice.
One glass of the wine of my village each lunch makes me feel a man. My ancestors did it and they were strong and proud
If Pepsi wasn't so shit with its medicine taste maybe I would've liked it
Only things liker Perrier, but even that isn't good for you.
Sometimes it's just so nice to have an ice cold Coke. I probably have a can a day with lunch or supper. I'm pretty active though, so I like to think I can get away with it. (It's obviously still bad)
But did they tell you that it contains more than trace quantities of dihydrogen monoxide?
Water, milk, tea, fruit juice.
If you haven't tried lychee juice, you haven't lived.
I drink one a day pretty much
pepsi sucks
good rootbeer is the best
>tfw addicted to cola
I don't drink or do drugs, but once in a while there is just nothing better than an ice cold Coke! Fucking refreshing, man
using those calorie-free things like mio and crystal light helped wean me off of soda (you can even use them with flavorless seltzer!) but after a while of drinking them i mostly just drink water plain now, about a gallon a day or so
switching to that and having a few bananas a day where i would have eaten candy or something comparably shitty (80% of my meals are still complete garbage) have been the only lifestyle changes i've made and i'm down >15lbs after around 2 months
occasionally i'll get a coke or sprite in a glass bottle for a treat but it just wasn't as enjoyable as i remember it being now that i'm in the habit of drinking a fuck ton of water all the time
you can do it user!
enjoy your diabetes
>like the carbonated jew
>want to buy a sodastream
>it's "Made in Israel"
No. I don't really like that popping sensation in the first place. And even the diet version tastes weird-sweet.
Look, I found a relevant picture.
>all the people posting juice ITT
You guys realise juice has just as much sugar in it as soda unless you make the juice yourself, right? Go check the sugar content on the side of the bottle if you don't believe me, brand juice is just sugarwater as much as soda is
might as well take it up the ass, faggot
>There are species that have to drink posting right now
Get out
Don't think you can get beedus from diet coke. But it's still extremely bad for you in those quantities
Soda is garbage. I only drink water, coffee, liquor, and tea.
But Black Coffee is so bitter.
I will never understand the masochism of black coffee drinkers...
I'll have one every once in a while. It tastes pretty good.
>literally hue drink
I hate coffee, I don't understand how you people drink it
>sugarfree drinks
>drink soda all my life
>stop like 5 years ago cold turkey
>it was easy as fuck
I don't see how it's hard to stop unless you're some obese addict
have you had good coffee?
Yeah, I just don't like the taste. It dries me out. I prefer tea.
This is the shit I drink. It's literally the equivalent of walmart brand coffee.
I drink mostly water but that's because I'm a poorfag.
enjoy your cancer
that shit is delicious oh my god.
what why?
Enjoy your obesity from the Aspartame
coffee isn't supposed to be bitter. it's naturally sweet. if it tastes bitter you're either brewing it wrong or buying shit coffee.
enjoy your ugliness
Coffee makes you look like shit, tea is better for your complexion, hence why Asians drink buckets of that shit
>sweet coffee
Not surprised.
mostly water and black tea. sometimes black coffee
I can't even finish a 12 oz soda, it just gets gross about half way through.
90% of Sup Forums still does everything a normalfag does because they are cancer
for like a year i drank 6 liters of diet mountain dew in the past. I'm not even unhealthy and work out vigorously every day so aside from the back of my teeth having to be plated it wasn't that bad.
6 liters of diet mountain dew a day*
Got any sources for this?