Checkmate, Trumpfags
really makeS yA ThankGE
Really makes you ending Keene Jagger nick cud Kaiden logo Jaipur Lori Kevin's lieu laugh our by pilar
>harm to the LGBTQIA community
>entering unneeded wars
What are they intentionally trying to get me to vote for trump?
and what is the disadvantage of this?
what the fuck are yee bee talking about
I was just thinking about my favorite SAIGA shotgun that I use a lot when I play battlefield
Sounds good to me.
>Work as hard and you'll get paid the same
I don't see the problem here
>Never once said to ban people based on skin color, just illegal immigrants
I don't see the problem here
>Failed Economics
>Has 4 bankruptcies out of a large number of business
I don't see the problem here
>Horrible Foreign Policy
>Having a spine to other countries
I don't see the problem here
>Political Gridlock
>If Trump doesn't get his way nothing gets done at all
I don't see the problem here
I could continue, but I don't need to.
Literally the opposite
Don't even bother, this is just an autistic Sup Forumstard looking to get reactions.
Literally, or laterally?
If you put 'sexist' laterally, you get
It's like magic, right?
tbo though, OP this is some retard tier shitposting
"Failed economics"
"Horrible foreign policy"
"Increase in hate crimes"
"Entering unneeded wars"
"Weakened diplomacy"
Why are they pointing out all the things the democrats have been pulling the last eight years?
Voting for trump might mean those things.
Voting for Clinton DEFINITELY means those things.
I know you're Australian, but
>no source
>no evidence
>1 post by this ID
You're totally right, it is checkmate
And a vote against Trump means posting lists of gratuitous criticism directed at an individual will land you in jail.
Sounds good.
#CruzMissile launched
Deep down, everyone knows it's true.
liberal tears are delicious