Do you enjoy living with so much hate for other people just because they have a different physical trait than you? Racism is completely wrong because people don't choose their ethnicity. And why you freaks claim White Aryan people are superior when most inventions and greatest contribution to technology were either far easterner, north african and middle eastern? The only reason Europe, Oceania and Anglo-America have higher human standards than the rest of the world is because you people are living off from the continuous exploitation and oppression of people in the peripheric countries of Capitalism. And there's only one race, the human race, our physiological differences are simply too small to divide ourselves through petty XIX/XX centuries racist shenanigans like social darwinism who were only used to justify oppression, genocide and coloniasm of African and Asian people.
Why are you people so racist?
I'm sorry the Zika vaccine didn't get to you fast enough.
>Why are you people so racist?
found the nigger!
I'm sorry, are you so sheltered that you think the majority of the world isn't racist? We're not even the most racist thing on the internet, and you came HERE of all places to complain? Go back to your basement and chicken tendies, little richboy.
Was that supposed to be a joke about the microcephaly symptom from Zika? I'm sorry, but this symptom only happens to unborn infants.
niggers are proven to be dumber and are worse than whites in every way
Either the racism is ironic, or it's deserved.
For example, statistically, blacks commit 50% of crimes within the US, making it probably a good idea to profile.
While typically this is considered 'racism,' it is merely logical, and in many cases, necessary.
'Anti-Racism' laws only make it easier for criminals to get away with crimes.
The final reason we may hate someone of another race would be most likely because of their degenerate, shitty culture of breaking the law, not getting a job, or finishing highschool.
God damn shitty bait. Next time try making an argument not so fucking trite. Leave it to the australians.
>why so racist?
Racism is funny you brown skinned fuck. Stop being such a little bitch.
But you can't generalize all black people becauseof the actions of a few, and have you ever questioned why are they commiting most crimes? Have you ever tried to think the reason for it is because they have been the poorest people of American society because after slavery was abolished the government did not give any financial help to these people, they were simply thrown out after America found no more use for them, they don't commit crimes because of their race and culture, but because they are forced to so they can survive.
"File: 20060122_multiracialists_(...).jpg (25 KB, 600x405)
25 KB
niggers are proven to be dumber and are worse than whites in every way"
I'm sorry but the IQ tests have been discredited a long time ago, and even if on the average black folks are less intelligent is because when as children, most of them don't eat the necessary nutrients for Brain Development because of poverty.
you know my post were i show blacks on average have a lower iq's backed by a VERY CREDIBLE university i also have one showing how blacks and mexican areas are full of high crime and has nothing to do with being poor hold on a second it is a old file i need to find it
thers minute difference between the iq of browns and asians compared to whites though
the only good thing about whites is that they're more of a valuable target to kill.
It's only natural to be racist, OP. I guarantee you are as well, just that you hide your racism behind some sort of mental gymnastics shit that keeps you from acknowledging that you hate people who are different from you just like everyone else does.
Basically, go fuck off, Achmed, and blame someone else for why your life sucks and for why the failures of the world don't have more. I don't really give a shit.
>be Brazil
>omg u raycist
>ironically hate the Portuguese because they are brown or something
" Anonymous (ID: RvnWcyvA) 06/20/16(Mon)21:48:58 No.77975526 ▶
>be Brazil
>omg u raycist
>ironically hate the Portuguese because they are brown or something"
But most Brazilian folks don't hate the Portuguese, but there are resentment not because they are "brown", but because of the exploitation they did on the lands and the genocide of Natives who are very well regarded by Brazilian folks.
The poorest areas in America are overwhelmingly white and have almost zero crime, meanwhile blacks with the highest per-student spending in the state still can't manage to outperform mentally-mediocre whites.
But no, no difference in races. Even blacks brought up in rich white houses perform on the same level as poor white kids.
I'm pretty sure Neil deGrasse Tyson is much more intelligent than any sort of racist.
I'm looking after my own interests and the interests of my children. I don't want my children to live in a country where they're the minority and they're subject to genocidal rhetoric such as this
>The only reason Europe, Oceania and Anglo-America have higher human standards than the rest of the world is because you people are living off from the continuous exploitation and oppression of people in the peripheric countries of Capitalism.
Dehumanising people and blaming them for all your problems is the first step toward genocide. Do you think when minorities are the majority they're suddenly going to start being kind to white people? They're going to continue to blame whites for the problems in their life.
I'm going to advocate for white interests like minorities advocate for their own interests. If that makes me racist then so be it. The fact that you think that whites have no interests means that you think of whites as less than human.
The Bell Curve. I bet you haven't read it because some dindus sayd it wuz raycist.
Chink and honkies equal. chinks have us 1 point in math, but we have them one point in creative writing.
Porch monkeys are 4 points behind both. They cannot ever catch up.
Deutschland is about to find out how their scores will be affected. if you removed the nignog brain dead scores the American whitey is as smart as any Pacific rim country. Book written by Harvard graduates.
" Anonymous (ID: l/QzTb4Q) 06/20/16(Mon)21:59:24 No.77976430 ▶
I'm looking after my own interests and the interests of my children. I don't want my children to live in a country where they're the minority and they're subject to genocidal rhetoric such as this
>The only reason Europe, Oceania and Anglo-America have higher human standards than the rest of the world is because you people are living off from the continuous exploitation and oppression of people in the peripheric countries of Capitalism.
Dehumanising people and blaming them for all your problems is the first step toward genocide. Do you think when minorities are the majority they're suddenly going to start being kind to white people? They're going to continue to blame whites for the problems in their life.
I'm going to advocate for white interests like minorities advocate for their own interests. If that makes me racist then so be it. The fact that you think that whites have no interests means that you think of whites as less than human."
You're missing the point, in capitalism only these central countries are developed and only because of the inhumane condition he oppressed people of the 3rd world are subjugated, they have their natural resources espoliated, their people half-enslaved at factories constructed by central capitalistic countries for cheap labor and their people continuously massacred either by internal conflicts funded by first world weapon companies, or by direct assaults from the armies of these nations only to keep the belical industry spinning. I don't advocate for genocide of any group of people, genocide is actually happening in the peripheric countries and not in the rich capitalist nations where mass immigration to them is INEVITABLE to maintain capitalism. Oh, and FYI, not every central capitalistic country is manly white, Singapore, UAE, South Korea, Japan, etc, are also in this category. I only advocate for the end of global capitalism.
Why do you come to Sup Forums on its politically incorrect board and complain about racism?
Anonymous (ID: 18h4f0Fi) 06/20/16(Mon)22:13:51 No.77977693 ▶
Why do you come to Sup Forums on its politically incorrect board and complain about racism?
Because it's scary the amount of White Supremacist trolls on Tumblr and Twitter claiming to be from this board.
Have you noticed this is an anonymous board?
Literally one of the only last few internet sites where you can voice your opinion regardless of your geographical location? It's not like this place is a hivemind, but more of a divebar of sorts where anyone can speak.
It just happens to be that reality is stranger than fiction and this is the truth out in the world. Change the world if you must, not complain in this board
Then why would you trust them to tell truth, /pol is a board of peace (and shitposting)
Racist != hateful
get fucked faggot
>knows there trolls
> still worried
you have nothing better to do dont you
btw why dident you respond to this post
whoops i meant
because Whites face geNOcide
Get the fuck out of white countries if you're not white and we won't hate you.
because you're a nigger
There was no "exploitation"
Europeans brought the rule of law and civilization to people who were mostly savages. Failed former colonies have no one to blame but themselves and their inability to govern their own countries properly.
>but because of the exploitation they did on the lands and the genocide of Natives who are very well regarded by Brazilian folks.
Nice memes bro
You expected portuguese to just explore lands and fuck off?
Besides most natives were assimilated and intermarried with colonials, there weren't many portuguese women going to the colony and population growth was necessary to better protect the claim to those lands that's why most pardos today have portuguese descent too
" Anonymous (ID: Fjh5kq47) 06/20/16(Mon)23:03:59 No.77981823▶
Get the fuck out of white countries if you're not white and we won't hate you."
I don't live in a "white" country, and I don't want to.
>and have you ever questioned why are they commiting most crimes?
yes because in africa that type of risky behavior for short term benefits yielded favorable results. you could fuck over anyone as long as your group is bigger and badder. it's an instinctual trait for blacks to kill and steal, and that's exactly what they do worldwide.
" Anonymous (ID: YDjBGOKZ) 06/20/16(Mon)23:08:07 No.77982136 ▶
There was no "exploitation"
Europeans brought the rule of law and civilization to people who were mostly savages. Failed former colonies have no one to blame but themselves and their inability to govern their own countries properly."
Is burying infants alive leaving only their heads exposed and then kicking it until it was decapitated regarded as bring "civilization" to "savages", because this was common practice against aboriginal children in Austrialia during Colonia Age.
was he more intelligent than james watson? it's kind of funny that your goto pick for black exceptionalism is a clearly mixed race man.
>when most inventions and greatest contribution to technology were either far easterner, north african and middle eastern?
I agree with your sentiment but why do you people advertise it like that? Do you think it's effective to say it like that with the capitalized NO and the images to match? I'm not dissing the message, I'm just wondering if you think that's actually an effective method of changing people's minds about the death of the white race.
"Anonymous (ID: LsaQq9VS) 06/20/16(Mon)23:10:11 No.77982297 ▶
>but because of the exploitation they did on the lands and the genocide of Natives who are very well regarded by Brazilian folks.
Nice memes bro
You expected portuguese to just explore lands and fuck off?
Besides most natives were assimilated and intermarried with colonials, there weren't many portuguese women going to the colony and population growth was necessary to better protect the claim to those lands that's why most pardos today have portuguese descent too"
Brazil was just an exploit colony for Portugal during colonial age, they hunted brazilwood to near extinction and turned the Northeast in this huge proto-desert because of Sugarcane plantations, they only started to care about about Brazil when Napoleon conquered Iberia but I agree the Portuguese treated the natives much better than the Spaniards and Britons did.
Its an ugly thing. How do you make it palatable?
Do we enjoy living with hate? no
Is our hate truthful and justified? yes
>Why are you people so racist?
Because it's really really easy.