Sleep tight cucker
Pity he failed, we'll send better next time.
if doobs big bubba gonna have a new night time lover
>19 years old
Hopefully his asshole implodes in prison, fucking white cucks
>Big Bubba
>not Jerome
Thats a rapin unless he gets deported
Please do. We need him dead.
What is it about Trump that makes so many libfags want him dead?
impressionable libs are ideal manchurian candidates for the media to brainwash
>We need him dead.
do you know where you are nigger?
>British people
Nuke london, the limey fucks seem to think because we didn't beat them in 1812 they still own us
He's bigoted as fuck
Gib example
>not tyrone
people can't handle being corrected. when someone shatters their world view with truth instead of accepting it they try to shut it down.
We as a country need Donald Trump dead.
Even if this were to be true, does this mean he deserves to get killed? That's absurd
Hypothetically speaking, what would happen if Donald was assassinated?
He shakes their delusion apart with simple reality checks.
The liberal has nothing to lose after that, since they have no real country, no real family, no concept of love outside of themselves, and nothing else to go back to.
Also they take the term gun grabber too literally. folks
>implying Trump assassinated isn't what's best
Who actually BELIEVES in Democracy? The Libertarians? Nope. The Right Wing Death Squads? Nope. The Relgious Monchary Traditionalists? Nope.
Trump has always been our log for the growing fire.
shiet... i tough Jeb! finally snap
Why is it the liberals who say guns are bad mmmmk? are the ones being violent protesting faggots stealing law enforcement guns to kill a candidate?
And they think gun control is an issue? Maybe we just need Liberal Thought Control
Trump will be dead before the general election starts.
It only takes one skilled radical person
I smell shills
>The liberal has nothing to lose after that, since they have no real country, no real family, no concept of love outside of themselves, and nothing else to go back to.
This is accurate as fuck
Be gone shill
I'm just saying that when he's assassinated, and I have no doubt that some dumb shit will do it, it would be better if it's before he wins.
They want to keep seeing America take a shit bath in the toilet.
Did Obama get so many of these incidents?
Yes. All white bigots must hang
No, because that would have been RACIST
Teflon Don is impervious to stumping
What the fuck is with the pussy violence charge? Fucker should be accused of capitol conspiracy and attempted pre-meditated murder.
Fucker should get lethal injection with the wrong drug.
Kek. Run along nigger. Enjoy your time whole you have it
If he was American he could have brought his own gun.
Somebody will take a proper shot at Trump for their 15 minutes of fame.
Kek, britbongs don't know about retention holsters. Idiotic to try this.
I'm white, though
anyone who even implied threats were investigated immediately
Lol, so only the white bigots then? Black or Asian bigots are perfectly fine? Are you fucking retarded?
Can't bring guns at Trump rallies because he is protected by the Secret Service and they don't take any chances.
No. You're a cuck.
This little cuck will get all of the nigger cock he desires in prison.
< the cuck in 30 years
I don't if it gets any better from Britain.
That is why he is still alive. That is not an easy combination to find.
Nah, user. I'm for sexual liberation, unlike you, and I cheat on my submissive, introverted girlfriend all the time
I'd throw all my guns and ammo in the truck and drive around killing every non white person I saw
Fucking wiggers I swear, you guys are a plague on the White race in general.
You love the filthy animals so damn much go live with them in the ghettos or go live in fucking Africa.
Not so tough now are ya, pipsqueak? :^)
Is Trump going to be president now?
>try dumb shit at cusp of life
>go to prison for attempted assassinayion for 20 years
The dumb shit
Why Hillary is an actual criminal. Is the big mean man saying true things that yo don't want to hear?
They have nothing to gain from being reasonable and everything to gain from making trump out to be Hitler.
The worse they make him out to be the greater their virtue signalling gain from opposing him.
>one entire year of planning just to arrive at "i'll steal a cop's gun and go from there"
>gun grabbers are the ones trying to use guns to shut down political dissent
>literal gun grabbing
>implying he was never going to be President
This election is now a formality at this point, and the shitskins do nothing but shoot themselves in the foot trying to make Trump look bad. I'm ready to cast my vote for him in November, it's just the wait that kills me.
These libs and their gun grabbing antics are getting out of hand.
He thought the gun was portable BBC :^)
I don't care what they say about leafs, you're alright.
Before the day of the rope the traitors must be dealt with in the nigh of the long knives part 2.
Looks like a little faggot millennial, not a man.
Why are you assuming I want that cunt to win? I don't like either of them.
Obvious publicity stunt by Trump. A real killer would never attempt something so stupid
media makes him out to be hitler
your average joe thinks hitler and and anyone similar should be stopped at all costs
therefore the media is making it sociably acceptable to assassinate trump
NOTE TO BRITBONGS AND OTHER VISITORS FROM GUN-FREE KEK TERRITORIES: Many LEOs, perhaps the majority, use a holster that prevents you from stealing the gun like that.
He's lucky he's breathing.
>taking on america
did you not learn from the first time?
cuck detected
Britbongs are so noguns the dont even know how a fucking holster works
Even as ill thought out celebrity murder attempts go this was pathetic.
Kek will protect the Don, Kek save the reincarnation of the man of Dubs!
>Some british faggot who's never touched a gun
wew laddy
You guys are going to hang him right?
Praise Kek
No, we are going to send him back to you guys :^)
This guy basically confessed to attempted murder and they are only charging him with an "act of violence"? Getting sick of this PC shit. If he did this at a Hillary function, he would have been executed on the spot.
just to show you that only monsters would support shillary, just like the orlando mass shooter is also a shillary supporter and also went to shillary rally
Make note to use this one next time.
Kek be praised
He went to Battlefield Las Vegas.
So what's his meme name now?
That doesn't gain you any respect here you insecure beta.
>v& in 3 2 1
First of all, four days ago.
Second of all, if he was a britfag, than wouldn't he have British Citizenship? Personally, I think its just one of your liberals being genuinely stupid.
Bang Bang the Britbong
There's gonna be another wall apparently.
And Britain's gonna play for it.
You have to go back
SeeThis guy was paid by Trump.
Build wall in center of Atlantic going north and south.
Attempted killer was british citizen you dummy.
He had British citizenship and said he rented and shot a gun at Battlefield Range in Las Vegas on Thursday...
>check my local newspaper website about this
>everyone saying : bad luck that he failed!
I fucking hate this shithole of a country, we need to fix our shit fast or get nuked.
Not bloody likely Ahmed
No that's not him you moron
The bbc are saying he's been in America over a year. Also if he's a deluded liberal (which clearly he is) then he wouldn't be saying "nigger" would he?