Why don't you carry, Sup Forums?
Why don't you carry, Sup Forums?
Because I don't live in fear of being shot by some autist with an assault rifle when I go to the cinema.
No reason to / can't.
I have my ccw and I daily carry a LCP
I am also huge degenerate transfreak who wears a lot of pink.
Gun rights ARE gay rights.
I do every day
Sig p320
But I do carry
Is this how you cope with not having the choice to carry at all?
Because I'm still in college, so I won't be able to carry for about 3/4 of the year. I also live near Chicago, so there's that
Won't get a (((CCW))) and there's not much logic in open carrying.
Because I live in a liberal country that doesn't allow it, as well as carrying anything (even pepperspray) to defend onseself.
>so glad I dont live in fear of being shot by an autist in a cinema
>oh you go right ahead and kill my daughter and rape my wife ahmed, i apologize for white men everywhere
Not old enough to conceal, and open carry in public short of events is not a very wise thing to do.
Dito. No reason to carry guns since i'm not living in a dangerous hellhole.
I do :3
because i go to school and cant carry one there you CU CK. even if i do manage to stop a school shoooter by killing him i will be put in the slammer for bringing a gun
i live in commiefornia
I just got this off Google images. Search concealed carry.
Come from an Indian family, so my parents didn't think straight about personal defense aside from getting a big dog.
Working real hard currently and saving up cash to get guns for me and the rest of the family.
Just a couple hundred short of obtaining the American Dream.
Domestic violence charges, even low level misdemeanors, automatically preclude one from owning a gun for life.
>Western Sharia capital of the earth.
>Doesn't live in a dangerous hellhole
Who /Walther PPS/ here?
G19 all day bby
H&K p30sk
Crossbreed holster
Dis mine
probably wouldn't pass the permit process
I don't look particularly good on paper
You guys get concealed carry, right? Don't let the government infringe on your rights. If they make it a hassle to get it then get everyone you know to go for it as well. Push the system until it breaks or stalls then contact your congressman about it (IN PERSON) to talk about your hassle.
Shield 9 with 8+1 Underwood ExDefender +p.
Feels good that I can be responsible for my own safety.
it's a bitch to get a gun here, pretty much illegal
cause im a poorfag.
shit i need a job.
I own one.
Thought the tradition here revolves more around knives living in the rural area gives you freedom to carry almost any gun you want,
because I only live around other white people. unnecessary
get a cheapo makarov. good, reliable guns too.
For the best I suppose
What did you do that was felonious?
In Montana you have to be 21 to buy a pistol. You can be 18 to buy a rifle or shotgun, but I'm not carrying a Winchester around in my pocket anytime soon
But sadly i got no webcam
>Believing that old false flag
stop wanking to cartoons faggot
Open Carry is illegal in FL except very specific circumstances and I don't have my CC license yet.
Thinking of getting a Judge for my CC though because fuck everything around me should I have to pull.
There's cheap guns out there
Don't be afraid to buy used either
Get your shit together
Get a yob
Get paid
Save money
Buy a gun
Defend freedom
What is concealed carry?
You obviously don't live in Montana.
The Judge is the equivalent of the Scion Cube, in the gun community. The only people that buy them are hipsters who know literally nothing about the hobby, at all.
Get a Shield, Glock 26, Glock 19, M&P9 Compact, or a dozen other guns better-suited to carry.
getting tired of posting this 2-3 times a day
I recently turned 21 and I want to carry a handgun.
I live in Maryland though, so I don't know what the fuck to do.
I live in a super cucked state.
>saw this on fb yesterday
haven't left the house in 6 months
>Be British
>get stabbed and shot
I carry, but my license will expire soon and I can't renew it because California sucks and re-implemented their "good cause" requirement (i.e., they went back to being no issue).
I stole a car to pay for drugs when I was an idort
I don't have a gun yet.
Thinking about getting one of these though.
Yeah he's right
A judge might be a good snake gun if you go hiking, cause .410 shot
But past 2 feet in a self defense situation it's better to throw it than to try to pull that god damn 1000lb trigger and you still won't hit anything
Fair enough. Just seemed like an interesting pick that had a decent amount of power while still being relatively compact and "light weight".
Why not? For both open carry and concealed.
because i don't have schizophrenia
22 here. Hood niggas know a .40 and run
>Gaston's wonder
I have discovered the idiot in this thread.
Shit guy
stay sober bro
Been thinking of getting a .308 or a glock 18, haven't decided on which
but I do carry. in commiefornia. every day.
Because my country is cucked beyond salvation
good look user
thank you.
>glock 18
You some kind of fatcat or just retarded?
Same bro, I also don't have insurance because only paranoid losers think something bad could possibly happen to them.
So like NFA glock 18 or did you fat finger and mean 19?
Compact 1911s are really not worth it. The the burst is too loud and the muzzleflip starts to hurt after a box of ammo. Get a Government size 1911 instead.
>the cinema
It's called 'the movies'.
Speak English ya cunt.
because the required license is really a gun registry.
I stay out of bad (black) areas at night. Always keep my head on a swivel when I'm out in public. I do not feel that the fabric of society has deteriorated to the point of needing to carry a gun everywhere I go, but if it comes to that I'll just leave Memphis and move to a whitetopia somewhere.
>Glock 18
The Glock 18 requires Class 3 licensing.
The 308 is a rifle round and therefore not a concealed carry related topic.
I do. I was doing it almost five years before we lifted the ban here in Chicago.
I do. I got an extremely lucky sentence, and the whole experience was a good wake up call.
I'm only 18, will be getting my permit and a glock when I turn 21.
Recommend me a good pistol (don't care about price. I only care if it's light, easily concealable, and doesn't break easily even if I wouldn't be allowed to have one in my workplace (hospital)
Is it hard to get a concealed carry there?
I do carry.
9mm Steyr M9-A1
Yeah, I'm still pretty new to guns. Been doing research on which to get. I'll probably just get a military/government size to start out.
Good man.
I like what I carry. It's a ruger lc9s pro. It doesn't have a magazine safety or switch safety and is a small 9 mm. Also, the m&p shield and the Walther PPs are good choices too.
No money and gf is a dem.
So is mine, but I don't let that bitch tell me what to do.
Because it's illegal to defend yourself here.
Money is a big part of it. But hate sex is best sex.
(((((((((CCW)))))))))'s are only used to create a defacto registry of gun owners, and collect biometric data. When they ban guns, the first people they'll come after are CCW holders. The idea is also unconstitutional, so I oppose it on ideological grounds.
With open carry, it not only puts you at risk (you lose any tactical advantage & criminals will target you first), but every single normie within 100' will harass you for being an evil gun owner.
Ruger LCRx
depends on the county. if your in a county that you need to carry, you probably can't get one.
based butt county though
>gf is a dem
My wife is a dem and she has a carry permit. Managed to convince her by saying if someone ever tried to mug her while walking our Corso the dog would probably do some real damage to the attacker and then we'd have to put him down. She's literally more willing to kill another person than to risk our puppy.
I love that woman.
Just picked up this bad boy last week
My negro, where are you at?
you mean "beacause I have no sense of self soverignty, ill just let the police, army and criminals have all the power over me, depending on who is meanest with their guns at the moment"
She's hot and I don't have money for a gun.
Sure, just growing old and bitter while your proud culture is slowly smothered out by shitskin extremists and being completely powerless against it.
You're right. I should, and I most certainly can.
Ah, the gun. What a glorious invention. It's there when some crazy autistic fuck threatens me and tries to kill me, or if a nigger is trying to rape and kill my family, and if I need to an hero if I'm in a bad situation or if I just hate my life, the gun would be right there in front of me.
Not having money is a legit excuse. Dating a dem? Not so much, you can always make an argument.
I don't like the idea of open carry, but it doesn't seem like there's any evidence that concealed carry is better 'tactically.' Either it makes you a target if they want to get rid of you first or get your gun, or makes them scared of you. And interviews of criminals point towards both being a factor. I don't like it for the attention though.
Win8 with a start bar :^)
Yeah its a little memey but it works.
My job has me on the road and in hotels quite a bit. Free HBO and emulators just don't cut it after a while.