I think Bill Maher is starting to hate lefties deep down.
I think Bill Maher is starting to hate lefties deep down
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I think you should stop watching subversive jews day in day out.
When is the last time you listened to a speech by George Lincoln Rockwell, or William Luther Pierce?
Learn something for once.
Praise be to KEK is this for real
He's some kind of weird neoliberal. He hates the progressive left but also rampantly hates the right. He's right along side with Obama and Hillary
Also he hates all religion
Nah, he's just a non-cucked liberal. He does have a hate boner for religion, hopefully he'll become more prominent with his talks against Islam.
I don't always agree with him.. but I think he's often pretty reasonable
>hopefully he'll become more prominent with his talks against Islam.
nah the liberals will reel him in, at least until after the election
holy fuck I want to slowly unzip that broads dress
He's been saying this shit for like a decade though. He's always shit on Islam, he just gets baited by other liberals to shit on christianity more, which he's also welcome to do.
But now with the liberals trying to pretend that all muslims are perfect, he's getting pissed off. Soon enough they'll distance themselves from him like they did Dave Rubin.
>even Bill Maher, one of the biggest leftists on TV, has stepped out of line of the liberal narrative
holy fucking shit, you have got to be kidding me
That bald cuck just won't stop cucking
Nope. The whole guise of this show is trying to pretend to have a "reasonable" debate but it's just a lot of idiots blabbing about their uninformed opinions and feelings. Maher will interject some leftist-opposing views but it's just a game to create debate otherwise the show would be a dramaless circlejerk.
It's because the liberal narrative has become so radicalized.
Look at them having a peaceful discussion 5 years ago. It takes me back to when there were actually liberals that didn't interrupt everything you say whenever you say it.
He's always hated Muslims.
you obviously didn't see the interview beforehand
>married white women are the problem
>women don't have to marry losers. It's a revolution!
>raise the bar on relationships, raise the bar on men's behavior
>women used to be hustled onto the highway of marriage!
>Janet Jackson jokes
Ahhhh that takes me back.
forgot the best part
>it IS government's job to support single women
This episode is worth watching. First. good old hook-nosed has a ((guest)) saying that married White wommenz are the problem.
Then he has on one of the architects of the Iraq War with Retired Colonel Syndrome trying to keep his job at William and Mary who doesn't realize the 2nd amendment is precisely to defend the country against men like HIM.
This retired colonel in his 70s sucks muslim dick so hard he still has a black pure caught in his teeth from 3 days ago.
It was because of Hitchens. Maher you used to be full on with "terrorism is our fault because we bullied the middle east" until Hitchens put him in his place.
Hes an old liberal. He should despise intersectionalists and progressives.
Liberal cognitive dissonance is exacerbated by being around progressives. He'll either have to toe the line or pull back from them.
>hates the progressive left
>right along side with Obama and Hillary
So, self-hating jew?
that guest was fucking disturbing
I honestly didn't think hardcore 3rd wave feminism was still a thing people advocated
She actually said it's governments job to take care of single women
>liberalism backfires on the Jews
>She actually said it's governments job to take care of single women
hahaha wow that's some hardcore daddy issues
fuckin rare
I love that woman.
The people who hate on Maher are fucking retarded in my opinion. Yeah he says a shitload of things I disagree with, but at least he has conviction and an independent mind, that is fucking rare as fuck on the left. Listening to him is wonderful, even when I disagree with him I know that at least he has considered his opinion and arrived at it through his own viewpoint, which is something we need more of in political discourse.
>The people who hate on Maher are fucking retarded in my opinion.
Yea, well, the feeling is mutual for all those who don't hate him.
I've never met a republican that watches his show. He is there for liberals to pretend like they aren't in an echo chamber and introduce zionism to them while acting like a smug unfunny douche.
> can can shit in the same street as me
I don't hate him but I don't really respect his attitude towards Christians. Its really childish and to use the word properly. Ignorant on the highest degree. He is the first meme poster.
He says anything he's paid to say you fucking idiot. Your post was very cringey, it sounds like you want to gargle his cum.
Bill Maher attacks White identity and Western Culture every show, you're probably a nigger if you can't pick up on that.
>You can pee next to me
And poo too
By the way, the female "conservative" guest in the whore dress is the former fiancee of Jack Abramoff.
If you have kikeflix, there's a movie on now called "Casino Jack" about her former fiancee and Abramoff and her.
First movie have ever seen that portrays Jews as a bunch of corrupt gangsters and con artists who run around in yarmulkes scamming and calling Injuns monkeys.
It's worth seeing. "Casino Jack."
* she was the fiancee of Abramoff's partner, also a little kike scam artist in the movie.
>at least he has conviction and an independent mind
He changed his fucking tune very quickly after ABC shit-canned him over his 9/11 remark.
If you think anyone who hosts a show like that is "independent," you're either naive or stupid.
I've seen casino jack and can confirm this. Good movie.
Reminds me of how the BLM niggers chimped-out in Chicago and protested mayor (((Rahm Emanuel))).
Maher never liked lefties. He has only been kissing their collective ass for a decade so he could stay on television after his 9/11 comments. He's only now realizing he sold his soul to the devil and become part of the problem.
He's just like Dave Rubin. He was a liberal and still wants to be but has become completely disenchanted with modern leftism.
>"steve from ATT tech support" says he's not from isis, crowd goes insane
>the 911 transcript shows him pledging to isis
Do these fuckers not think?
>butthurt Christmas
>butthurt white genocide fag
He got shitcanned for saying the terrorists that flew themselves into the WTC were not cowards like people were saying, I've never heard him change that position
Maher strikes me as one of those lefties who half woke up and is still in "what the fuck" mode over the bat shit insane lefties that pass for leftwing these days.
Tell him to drop some info bombs on the money printers if he want all the creepy degenerate shit defunded.
He's about 2 debates with a liberal from going Catholic and voting Trump.
The West has decided on a Permanent Peace after our most recent attempt at causing the Apocalypse. So we sit idly and let caustic reality wear away at us until the structure collapses. Then we get to Apocalypse again, followed by peace.
Is this the eternal cycle of the white man?
>being woke
pick one
the conservative woman even points that out and he's just like "no no, it doesn't count, he's a lone wolf! he's a lone wolf and he's lonely and he's reaching for attention from these groups! oh my god you guys you're so racist!"
It might surprise you but a lot of us lefties are more Bill Maher less John Oliver. We just don't get that many voices in the media or the Democratic party. Despite disagreeing with them on Islam etc though I still share much more beliefs in common with them than the Republicans though. I think Libertarians are pretty cool until they get to their favorite subject, economic policy...
He's half white. There's still 50% of hope left in him.
Yeah, you could tell that it shifted from being light hearted comedy to tooth and nail defending beliefs there.
I hope the lefties learned something
he your typical shape-shifting jew
>I think Libertarians are pretty cool until they get to their favorite subject, economic policy...
bitcoin will never be worth under a dollar ever again
>I've seen casino jack and can confirm this. Good movie.
Do you know it cost 12 million and only made 1 million? The Jews would not promote it because it shows them as they really are-- corrupt gangsters who use their religion to scam the rest of the world.
Actually might watch that again now if still on kikeflix.
I like Real Time because more often than not he has guests from both sides of the political spectrum that aren't afraid to call him out on his bullshit (or vice versa).
I also appreciate how he goes against Islam and its apologists, he's one of the few liberals who I've seen do that. Him doubletagging Ben Affleck with Sam Harris was really satisfying.
But on the other hand, he's an anti-vaccer kook who believes in idiotic homeopathy and alternative medicine, acts like a 14 year-old who tried weed for the first time, and is a hardcore fedora when it comes to religion.
Can't have it all, l guess. Regardless, l'm glad he kept talking about the Orlando shooter's ties to Islamic radicalism and why that problem needs to be addressed while everone else (even Conan ;_;) talked about nothing but gun control.
Waiting for this to be worth $32 so I can renew my illegal iptv subscription for another 3 months. I bought like $15 worth last month.
I dont know what race that piece of shit on the far right is but I hate anyone that has ever shared a country of origin with him.
Also, I've always despised Maher's leftist political views, but his arguments against religion have always been spot on, and he's the only prominent pundit I've seen who shits on both Judaism and Islam.
I think this episode is indicative of where the left currently stands in general. We just saw Bill fucking Maher agree with Donald Trump on one of his campaign's core issues. The Islam issue is driving a hard wedge between the left. The hypocrisy of supposed liberals supporting an ideology that is violently anti women and anti human rights is proving to be the tipping point for a lot of people.
"Radicalized Christians aren't trying to acquire a nuclear bomb" is such a great argument to shut up a muzzie defender.
Really? This I didn't know. Hell, Kevin spacey was the lead it could have made bank
Only because they annoy normies, making his jewish plans of instating full-on communism and kill all ugh problematic CIS white males harder.
>Radicalized Christians aren't trying to acquire a nuclear bomb
He can get away with saying that bc he's a liberal kike with his own show and he controls it.
If a White guy said that, they'd laugh at it.
>he's the only prominent pundit I've seen who shits on both Judaism and Islam
You're just not educated, then. Sam Harris and Chris Hitchens both discounted religion wholesale. Or, do you think Maher is for Christianity?
Liberalism is a mental disorder bro.
I'm not even kidding.
I still can't believe they even made this movie and it took the Jews so long to shud it down by not promoting it.
It's the first time I've ever seen a real kike's kike in a movie. In "wolf of Wallstreet" they try to hide he was a Jew.
This movie reminds the audience every 2 minutes. My favorite scene is when the Greek stabs Jon Lovitz with the pen and calls him a "dirty Jew cocksucker."
That's a nice bumper sticker you got there buddy.
Maher is a dirty centrist who refuses to take the red or blue pill. I hate people like him more than full left liberals. he plays it safe to have as many friends as he can.
Why do leftists speculate so goddamn much? It's a form of delusion. They just can't find any way to accept the fact that Islam is far from peaceful. They convince themselves that he was a closeted homosexual.
>Irish father
>Hungarian mother
>was literally a Catholic altar boy
>not white
The 'ethnic jews aren't white' meme needs to die.
I've read their books and am well aware of them both. I'm talking about pundits, aka the people that normies get their news and info from. Neither of them has a talk show watched by millions of people every week.
Maher can actually make a sizeable dent in the left's Muslim Defense armor.
The kike is getting BTFO by his own audience how long before he ditches the live studio audience?
Oh god jon lovitz. I think he's great in any scene of every movie. He's just got that natural sleazy annoying demeanor and he hams it up so much
What are some of the core reasons why you identify as a modern liberal?
I seriously though bill was going to snap when the panelist asked him if he wants to wage war on Islam.
Bill Maher is a uncucked liberal. He rabidly hates religion with a passion and gives them no quarter.
I know the left's constant defense of Islam pisses him off to no end.
>as many friends as possible
>while pissing off both camps
The same thing can be applied to extremists, pathetic losers who throw logic and reason out the window so they can feel like they belong to something because they are afraid to stand on their own.
That's not a bad way to be. I think both sides have pros and cons. Don't you ever get sick of being divided and conquered? My political identity didn't form by following a political party or ideology like it's an orthodox religion, it came from what I decided was best for myself. I respect other people's beliefs even when I find them retarded, and sometimes I might find some good in what I hear out of them. I wish I could type this out every time I identify myself as a liberal and someone asks "why are you even on Sup Forums?"
I'm a rabid Bernie Sanders supporter. I agree with most of what he says. Not all of it. I'm sick of the war being waged on my class, poor whites, and I want to turn the tide. Doesn't look like that's going to happen though. I could never vote for Trump though, I'll probably end up voting Hillary just to vote against him. Both are terrible options, I'm just picking what I think is the lesser of two evils at this point.
More like, "how long before he ditches the pro-Democrat narrative in order to capture the massive right of center audience that nobody is pandering to?"
The noisy leftist minority is starting to lose its grip on the masses. The Daily Show's viewership is in the toilet, The Late Show with Colbert is a complete ratings failure, and every forced SJW movie in Hollywood is bombing spectacularly. There's an opening for someone to swoop in and mop up a massive audience.
I won't be surprised if Milo is the first one. I guarantee he'll have his own show on a major network within the year and become the Jon Stewart of the right, and many more will follow suit.
Theres an obvious split in the left regarding pc culture and foreign religions like Islam.
>The 'ethnic jews aren't white' meme needs to die.
It's not a meme. See the 1979 book "The Genetics of the Jew."
also, ever see his movie? He's in Israel. He spends the entire time shitting on Christians, he never dares go near the orthodox kikes.
Any guess why?
but i see a harmful trend here because he won't just look at the evidence for racial differences.
I was reading Hitchens' (who i enjoy reading) bio of Jefferson and he just makes the assumption that Jeffersons thoughts on race were pseudo-science babble and that him saying anything about the differences in racial intelligence and accomplishments were foolish. It's sad to see otherwise smart people be so blind.
>war being waged on my class, poor whites
you are White, you don't know what it is to be poor, remember?
>sick of war being waged on poor whites
You can't be serious about passionately supporting Bernie Sanders. He wants to push for WW3 with Russia by overthrowing Assad in Syria. His economic policies would be a disaster because most Americans are extremely divided and will not pay taxes for each other. How do you stop people from working less, hiring machines, and moving to other countries?
Maher is literally becoming Hitchens.
in the latest episode his conservative guest was on his side more than the others. and the audience seemed to be more with with others than Bill. strange times.
>sanders supporter
>hate war on poor whites
top goyim
>His economic policies would be a disaster because most Americans are extremely divided and will not pay taxes for each other.
How does our current system work then? Americans pay for other Americans while the corporations that employ them deduct and dodge. They're job creators though. They are bestowing upon you the privilege of being a minimum wage slave. God forbid anybody that makes more than a million a year has to pay anything more though.
I have seen the movie. He shits on the absurdity of the orthodox jews and the overarching theme of the entire movie is the self fulfilling prophecy of armageddon being staged over a shitty patch of dirt in Israel.
He's Jewish and he only gives a shit because Muslims think Hitler was too tolerant on the Jews.
Yeah his audience would hoot and holler at any lefty bullocks or pro-Islam statement spouted. Bill looked like he was getting pissed. Even he is starting to realize that Islam is a literal cancer and comparing Christianity or any religion to it is nonsense.
Not really so much as a split as those of us that point out the truth about Islam and Trannies get chased out by pink haired hambeasts with pitchforks and torches. I used to identify myself as a leftist but I can't anymore.
most of the left realizes that SOCJUS is doing fatal damage to its ability to push economic progress via acting like idiot children tea partiers on behalf of the economic elite who control them, and is why there's a legitimate chance of the west going fascist en masse
this is, incidentally, why i help push social justice memes
anyway, the social justice movement is rooted so deeply in leftism that it's impossible to remove except for via force, and the lefties can't do that
>Sam Harris
Who? I've heard of him but don't know shit about the guy. Normalfags never heard of him.
>Chris Hitchens
He's dead, Jim.