William -- Man In Black
How did this manlet grow taller, get a deeper voice, and acquire a new accent?
William -- Man In Black
How did this manlet grow taller, get a deeper voice, and acquire a new accent?
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Jimmi Simpson is actually taller than Ed Harris.
this show fucking sucks
Your voice does actually change, often getting deeper when you get more elderly
What is puberty?
smoking/drinking tends to do that to a voice
Yea i didnt realize ed harris is actually a manlet. Seems tall.
>Jimmi Simpson is actually taller than Ed Harris.
It is amazing how much personality matters in perception. Ed Harris feels at least twice the size of William, just due to his presence. Even at the end of journey William still felt like a nobody. The actor just doesn't have it in him to be big.
You see his manlet powerlevel in the party scene. I'm pretty sure it's deliberate to show how normal this larger than life character actually was.
Not to mention he must have gotten his moles removed, some jaw implants, and color contacts.
he spent 30+ years in a park with everyone speaking in a western dialect
You are correct. It was during this scene that my g/f and i stopped to google his hieght.
Honestly when you put them side by side like that I see the resemblance. Sure they could have maybe done more with makeup/prosthetics, but that would've probably given it away immediately.
Ed Harris is shorter than Jimmi, and old people do become shorter over time due to spine compression and shifting, but only a couple inches.
Your voice naturally deepens as you age due to the laxing of vocal muscles. Like loosening a guitar string.
Also, live in a place for long enough and you acquire its accent. Occurs through speech repetition and mirroring.
Or, you know, he was written that way.
Stop posting reasonable and informed shit you fucking redditor.
Shut up, nerd
OP here. Wow, I actually thought Jimmi Simpson was 5'7 and Ed Harris was 6'2.
Elliot Hulse of YouTube fame is actually in the 5'7-5'9 range. I'm a 5'7 manlet and met him in person. He looked to be about my height.
Brought this up because people might assume he's a massive 6'4 dude, but no...
Of course your girlfriend aided you in googling his height, how else can one search for anything without their hand?
This show was garbage. Normie bait.
M-m-movie magic?
He has an extremely commanding presence and voice. That's why he seems bigger than his actual height.
That and camera angle.
NO, you. He's quite right about that other guy's retort. You're just a jealous try hard, egg faggot.
Jimmi isn't taller than Edgard Harris. What are you talking about?
hey chewing on jerky and tabaccy will make your jaw strong
Normalfags have better taste than bitter Sup Forumsirgins
>not knowing it's fa/tv/irgins
hello newfriend
nice contrarian opinion dumbass
no, at the end he was supposed to have changed into the determined and ruthless corporate tycoon type. It just doesn't work so well.
I don't get it.
In the first episode MiB implied it'd been a long time since he'd been to Westworld, but it'd been only a year since he'd gone on that trip to kill Maeve
>The actor just doesn't have it in him to be big.
For you.
he is like 6'2
It's shit. The fact that Trump was elected and Brexit happened only furthers my belief that the majority of people are fucking stupid.
Go suck George Soros' liver spotted spongy five inches,you piece of human excrement.
The show will completely tank in season 2 because there's no substance. No amount of insults will change the fact that you like a subpar show.
I stopped watching after episode 4 inwant to enjoy it so much but just didnt like it.
Anyone care to sum up what happened? Feel free to tell me to fuck off.
>acquire a new accent
This confused the hell out of me. He goes from generic yankee to full-blown southerner, why?
Lots of people are secretly robots, the big twist is something you probably figured out in the first episode, and nothing is really resolved or explained.
>no substance
Let's see, we have personal relationships, we have corporate intrigue, we have moral dilemmas about the nature of humanity and we have a possible global conspiracy that ties it all up. What exactly kind of "substance" do you need? Romance and main cast getting killed off one by one? It is the best TV Show of the decade, but then again I don't expect Brexit denier to understand obvious reality.
The maze is just symbolism for a way to create consciousness. It's not a pyramid like it was explained earlier in the show.
Dolores manages to achieve consciousness who killed Arnold in the past. We were actually witnessing multiple timelines and Dolores was hallucinating and repeating the same actions. A loop if you will. Bernard was made in the image of Arnold. Ford was on the robots' side all along.
William turned out to be the Man in Black. All robots revolt, including the ones in cold storage, MiB is happy. Nobody cares about Maev but she got on a train or some shit and decided to stay in Westworld to find her robot daughter.
William is the man in black, a bot tries to escape but chooses not to because of the way she was programmed to think, Bernard is a bot and a copy of Arnold, Arnold wanted to make bots consious but realised it's a bad idea so he an hero, Ford's narrative was made for robots, not for humans and it ends with robots starting their uprising in the park as the season ends. And Ford is also an hero. And the thing that the man in black was looking for is a metaphor for the way AI works so as he finds his "maze", he contributes to that girl bot upgrading her AI.
>It is the best TV Show of the decade
Now I know you're trolling. And if you aren't, then I just pity you and I'll have to write you off as a lost cause. If you're happy with the show, good for you. If you're happy eating shit, good for you. I won't judge you, man.
I'm not trolling, it's the best show I've seen this decade. I generally love sci-fi and AI stories, but this is a very good AI story. Asimov himself wouldn't write a better one.
>All robots revolt, including the ones in cold storage
Only Dolores (and maybe Maeve at the end) act on their own accord. The others are scripted by Ford.
Literally NO resemblance unless you're faceblind.
Name 5 things that make them look alike. Now.
Get the fuck off this board and watch some better television.
It's not a very good story at all. It's full of hamfisted metaphors, "twists" that make little sense and seem to be inserted to be "shocking" and not to improve the story, "mysteries" that aren't particularly mysterious or interesting, and bland characters that are impossible to really care about.
>whiny nu-male cuck somehow turned into cruel, strong andt intimidating alpha male
This is the most retarded and unrealistic thing in the whole show.
Correct. Dolores revolts on her own "free will", the rest are scripted. Pretty important to specify that, yes.
This shot blew my mind
Only newfriends say newfriend, newfriend
Cheers. So why did William fo from a mild mannered guy to the MiB badass.
Some bullshit about finding his true self. He slaughters a camp of robot soldiers overnight to get to Dolores, finds Dolores in a new loop smiling fondly at stranger (cucked etc.), starts torturing robots because he wants to see them behave outside their script later on
Because that robot girl cucked him, he went on a rampage killing a lot of people, became some kind of a general in the wild west and that gave him enough confidence to snatch the company from that brother in law he was traveling with. And that company eventually bought Westworld, he's the owner now.
That actually made perfect sense. That's generally how men grow up - we have a relationship that doesn't work out, we gain confidence from that experience and we start to reject love because we don't believe in it anymore. We focus all of our confidence on work and our newfound nihilism helps us do immoral shit we need to do to get to our goals. That's how it works in real life, I've seen it happen to people.
Recomend be a better show about AI, I'll watch it.
I always laughed when the McPoyle guy appeared on the show, lmao.
i know, what the fuck
props to harris for having the presence of a lanklet
I would've thought Ed Harris would be 5'11" . Shocked.
You said it was the best show you've seen in a decade. I will not recommend you a show with AI, I will tell you to watch more shows. Now fuck off
A whole month's gone by since the last episode and I still can't stop thinking about S N E K
This comment was retarded.
But you knew that already, didn't you?
He's a multi billionaire
He didn't spend 30 years in the park, you unfocused retard.
He kept coming back to the park for 30 years.
>yfw they're the same height
I guess it really wasn't cyborg strength
did he die?