What the fuck was his problem?

what the fuck was his problem?

Other urls found in this thread:


nigga stole his bike

david must have spoken to him incorrectly. called him a turkey or some shit i guess.

He's white.

Why does the new (((Alien))) not take place on the engineer home world?

A jive turkey.

Because at this point, producers went fuck Alien and everything surrounding it, lets make this David's wild ride instead.

>pictured, a white person shorty after taking off thier "human" disguise

He was a big guy

haha he looks like a BABY XD

>Subhuman race awakes you after thousand years of slumber
>An old man demands immortality because he is God just like them: they created life
>Engineer touches David and realises he is a soulless machine

Engineer had every right to hate humans.

In the deleted scenes he didn't seem to have any hatred toward Shaw. Only after she started swinging her axe toward his face.


is david supposed to be a good guy or a bad guy? why did he killed scottish axe girls husband?

>Constantly insult David for not being a human
>David despite not having emotions know when someone is hostile toward him

Why would you mock someone for not being a human when they created you tobe a replica of a human being? That's just ruthless and malevolent. David doesn't have feelings but he is smart enough to know when someone is being a hostile prick to him.

Quit jiiiiving me, turkey!

You've got to sass it!

Are we sure David doesn't have emotions? It's been a while since I saw it, but it seemed like he did.

The tl;dr version would be that, in Engineers eyes, humans automatically went to shit the moment they asked for immortality. To us it looks irrational that 'God' in person suddendly goes apeshit mad and starts killing but really, if you create something and consider it a failure, its no biggie to get rid of it, even more if one of your comrades gave his life for these niggers and they just went IMMORTALITY LOL.

the good guys in this movie are the coalition of the following characters:
assblasted jewish robot
black guy whos in charge but not really
bitchy girl who gets an abortion

in other words literally the democrat party. thats probably what the fuck the engineers problem was.

He does have emotions to a certain extend, he is a customized robot built to lean towards curiosity.

What was Engineers doing on that planet?

Ability to see the future, all Engineers have one per generation. His species created a race, who in turn created a sentient automatron, who will lay waste to his species (and nearly the other race) by using their own biological technology against them. He knew this day was coming and tried to stop it. Pause for a moment and ponder just how horrifying that is.

The real question is, who created the Engineers? God (which one) or something else?

That's some reddit-tier pseudo-science shit right here.Don't believe this faggot, don't reply to his posts, just let him leave the site.

I'm guessing you just saw the Sargon video?

it's the same reasoning used as in blade runner

>humans create robots
>robots kill humans ie their creators
>humans do not fucking take any of that shit and hunt their ass down

>engineers create humans
>engineers keep visiting Earth overseeing their evolution and leave them coordinates
>humans do *something bad* to at least one of the engineers
>engineers want to wipe them the fuck out, but they get BTFO because of the outbreak of their own weapon
>attempt to escape, but fail and fall into a deep slumber in crysleep
>humans become a starfaring civilisation
>figure out the coordinates which were left by the engineers - at that time, they were still on good terms
>humans visit the engineers' outpost and wake up the remaining survivor
>from his perspective he's still on his mission of vengeance, but he's disoriented from being asleep for nearly 3k years so he gives them a moment
>they ask for immortality
>these retarded fuckers who have fucked us have the gall to ask me about our advanced knowledge about life
>ok back to killing these fags

or something to that effect

You merely adopted Sup Forums. I was born in it, Moulded by it.

He was autistic.

lol no one cares about what you have to say.

>Create abomination engineer hybrid
>Be repulsed by its deformed likeness to you
>It's sentient, out if it's cafe, and addressing you as if it's an equal
>All this within the first few minutes of waking from decades of hibernation

David has gone full Nietzsche mode and doesn't give a fuck about human morals anymore.

>Ridley Scott said Jesus was an Engineer and cause the Jews killed him the Engineers were going to nuke us or something.

Tfw Sup Forums was right again, it's always the Jews

The something bad was the killing of jesus, who was an engineer

Quite. Black goo representing nihilism and it's effect on the """living""".

David intentionally called him a pale squid nigger to get weyland killed

yeah I read that too

but in the movie it's more obscure, or subtle

the dots connect to
1) the timeline
2) all the christian inclusions in the story

it doesn't need to be jebus per se, just that humanity killed or hurt at least one engineer during the dawn of the abrahamic religions

the engineers wanted to destroy humanity around that time, as was explained when the crew were researching the holographic logs. They also stopped visiting the Earth since that time (because of the outbreak).

Weyland by proxy (via psyche transfer) betrayed actual Weyland?

Wow, solid theory user. Symbolism of that is Ridley tier.

The king of Sup Forums based Sargon of Akkad recently made a video on this guy.


Explains literally everything wrong with the engineer.

At last I truly see

Prometheus was a kino film.

Humans aren't white enough, for the engineers were like niggerz.

someone post that creepy smiling gif

"that creepy smiling gif"

pissed the writers fucked up his lore

It does though

This is seriously the dumbest and most common misunderstanding of any philosopher of the 19th century

"This scene was just the most disappointing thing I have ever seen in practically any movie ever."
-Sargon of Akkad

Way to blow it out of proportion Sargon....there are plenty of much worse scenes in other movies.

Pls explain. Honest desire to know more intensifying

I think it's in the context of him loving the Alien series and perhaps him somewhat enjoying the movie until that scene.

Nietzsche didn't want to kill God just to kill God. He wanted the Man to replace God.

be careful. youre likely to attract sociopaths.

sociopaths have emotions

So Prometheus is connected to Mel Gibson Passion Of Christ?

Yeah, he was visibly pissed when Weyland said he didn't have a soul.

I didn't think that's what nihilism meant. I thought it was just about there being no objective morality?