What happened to Dr. Melfi?

What happened to Dr. Melfi?

She aged like gabbagool

>white women age like milk

Sup Forums was right.

she is 62 and single

no love in her life to inspire her to be beautiful again

Jimmy pumped and dumped her.

Is she supposed to look old and unattractive in that photo?

Because I'd tap that any day.

All women do.

In 6th Grade Lorraine Bracco was "voted" the ugliest girl in her school

>“It wasn’t an official school vote, thank God, but it was the kids on the bus. I was about 10-11 years old, and I was voted the ugliest girl in the sixth grade. Thank you so much. That’s why I’ve been clinically depressed all these years. It was really hard. Kids are cruel, and I’ve always been grateful that my father was so good, because I came home crying. He very gently put me in his lap and I explained to him what happened, and he picked my chin up with all those tears rolling down my face and said, ‘Well, you’re the most beautiful girl in the world to me.’ So it helped. It wasn’t perfect, but that is a true story.”


When 62 years old you reach, look as good you will not.