Hey /soc/
I've never posted here before, so please let me know if I'm breaking any rules or just being a huge fag;
but I'm extremely sad, the most depressed I've ever been, and I'm coming here a bit in despiration just in the hopes that someone can cheer me up.
Basically I'm way more upset over a girl than I should be. I'd rather not go into details because I'm trying to keep my mind off it, but I just feel empty inside over probably losing what I seriously thought was my perfect match.
The day of I just drank all day from sun rise to sun set because I was just feeling an unbelievable amount of emotion and couldn't deal with it. Yesterday I just took xanax all day. I'm usually the happiest person in the world. I don't have the best current life situation in general, but it's slowly getting better. I'm extremely charismatic and confident, I have an extremely outgoing personality, I'm super funny, and I think decently handsome. However right now I just hate myself.
I don't know if anyone cares enough or is interested enough to talk to me; if not just let me 404.
But I'd really enjoy just talking to some people right now. I can give my kik and social media information out too.
I'll take requests also if anyone has any.
Thank you guys.
Hey /soc/
What did he mean by this?
really makes you think...
>I'll take requests also if anyone has any.
vote for trump
You sound like a fucking fag. Go for a run and work off those man titties and take up a productive hobby. If you're getting held up over a girl then you deserve to kill yourself.
Oh shit.. I've made a grave mistake..
Just let this 404
Trump 2016
I'm pretty sure this is a troll thread...
But lets bash him anyway.
OP is a fucking faggot.
Go home Sup Forums.
I think it's about time you learn about the history of the Jewish peoples in world affairs.
I'm actually a cross country runner for my college lol, top 3 in my state, I've ran like 15 miles today just trying to get my mind off everything.
But yeah I am a fucking faggot. Just delete this plz mods
Get your fellow Sup Forumstards to vote Trump amd vote Trump yourself before you /an hero. Thanks.
You dun fucked up mate.
This is pol, literal nigger, deal with it. Eat the redpill and accept the sadness that consumes your soul.
Go to soc or r9k dumbass we already lost hope here
Also I've been a Sup Forumstard since Romney
I'm going to kill myself now though.
I'll try to get some meme magic going from the other side, love you guys.
Stop wallowing in self-pity OP, we've got a war to win.
you can delete it yourself goddam newfaggot.
Boards like /soc/ and /r9k/ are such an necessary evil
Turn off the computer. Start working out. Even a few pushups and stomach crunches a day would be a good start.
Read. Not comic books or smut, but read intellectual works. Nietzsche is a great starting point, and will help you put everything in perspective.
Acquire a hobby, preferably something productive. Learn an instrument, or a language.
Basically, keep yourself active physically and mentally and you will notice the sadness melt away as you better yourself every day
taking Xanax? Degenerate.
take the liberals with you
/r9k/ is based. normies are ruining Sup Forums
The thing is I was a 10/10 popular, social Chad until this happened. I mean I was fucking weird and a bit of an alcoholic, but still one of the happiest dudes in the world. I'm just amazed how one little thing has so uncontrollably fucked me over.
>hasn't cured his depression by dedicating himself to bringing about a new Reich
I'm saying without the smallest bit of irony.
>I'll take requests also if anyone has any.
Search the archive for the last NatSoc general, watch the videos, understand that you are a disgrace for your heritage and start acting like man!
Listen you fucking faggot, there are two things in life that count: Confidence and doubt, feed one, starve the other. It is that simple, now fuck off with your feel stories and go be a man and overcome whatever is troubling you.
Listen to this guy, OP.
and this guy too, OP.
I would like to know more
Kevin B. MacDonald's The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements
Get your life together punk.
No but seriously though women are parasites and aren't worth losing sleep over (he said trying to convince himself).
>5 posts by this ID
You're a pussy for hinging your personal happiness on another person.
OP, some females are monsters who wish to eat your soul and destroy you -- rob you of your masculinity. It's sad, but it's true. Don't compromise yourself over a woman, EVER. EVER. EVER.
Just move on man, go to the woods for a minute or something, collect yourself, and move on.