Spread their shame, r9k!
Spread their shame, r9k!
So did the gungrabbers get btfo already?
going to send a thank-you letter to my senator. thanks for giving me their name
>based Jerry Moran
Why the fuck would they not put this in order by state?
It usually comes down to what they tried to sneak into the bill with it. Why don't they spread the contents of the rejected legislation?
Yup, background check bill failed. Though no one expected any of the bills to leave the senate by anyway other than a garbage can.
>2 dems
They will not hang on the day of the rope
There's at least 2 democrats on that list.
Can the party of retards be saved?
First thing that stands out is the distinct lack of echoing jewish names on that list. Hmm... really makes you think.
No due process. I'm glad this got shut down.
Oy v3y?
Based Jeff Flake.
No, all my senators are libcucks.
Not even the liberals?
I kinda want to watch tyt have a meltdown over this but I also don't want to give those cucks any views
>neither of my senators (MN) on the pro gun side
Gee what a shocker
Thank you based Paul and Turtleman
t. Kentuckian
>tfw both of mine are on this list
Feels good.
Who /Hoosier/ here?
Based Cory Gardner-CO
This was to be expected. Everything the gun-grabbers LARP about implementing is totally untenable. You can't just take away people's rights based only on being on a watchlist. I could literally call an FBI tip line and tell them John Doe is a terrorist with absolutely no proof, and he'd now be on a terrorist watchlist and have his 2A rights taken away. It violates dues process.
So yeah, they knew this was never going to go thrhough. But they still just pull bullshit like this to "stir the pot" and make people believe they're doing something while also feigning shock at how evil the GOP is for discarding it.
> "These people weighed in on the consequences of impulsive legislation that would have maybe prevented one incident that we're emotionally distressed about this week... PUNISH THEM!"
Does Occupy Democrats exist just to make liberals spread garbage and look stupid?
What if it were to get passed though? Would the supreme court 100% shut it down?
I mean if the democrats would have had a sizable majority in the senate, who knows what could have happened.
What fucking idiocy. Who gives a flying fuck if the crime would be classified as a hate crime? The shooter's fucking dead. And if he weren't he'd be on the hook for 50 MURDERS. I don't personally think it's a bigger tragedy that 50 gay people get murdered than 50 black people or 50 white people or 50 ANY fucking people. 50 Americans are 50 Americans and they shouldn't get a higher class of crime for offenses against them.
There are no elected Jewish Republicans
Tons of Democrats though
The most hilarious thing is they think someone dedicated to committing jihad is going to back down because he couldn't walk into a store and buy a gun directly.
These fucks don't think anything through whatsoever. Or rather, they know it wouldn't do shit, but are really only in it to deny rights from the american people because they know a civil war will break out in the next few decades if demographic replacement continues happening.
/Hoosier/ reporting, used to live in ohio the majority of y childhood, moved here later on, gotta say our laws here are fantastic my dude.
> Coats (R- IN)
> Donnelly (D- IN)
I love my state
How about the Democrats who voted down the Republicans' bills?
> Does Occupy Democrats exist just to make liberals spread garbage and look stupid?
Also Im scared as fuck to check my kikebook. I know its going to be full of liberals howling about how republicans are literally killing them.
Yeah, but it's especially pronounced when it comes to the gun debate. When you look at the list of senators backing a gun control bill, a MASSIVE proportion of them are always jewish. Even moreso than just the bias of more jews on the democrat side.
Just moved to IN, glad this state has some sense
yeah you can kill cops if they enter your home
>none of mine
>neither o the WA state senators voted against it
Fucking commie sluts.
Honest question: do Occupy Democrats meme pictures actually get posted around regularly? I've always just seen them as ironic shitposting, and I've only ever seen them on Sup Forums as satire.
The bill would have prevented nothing. The FBI was not allowed to do anything other than open a file on the gunman a few times as per the Obama administration's guidelines in the CVE (counter violent extremism, which prohibits labeling of Islam or violent muslim speech and belief from being considered a threat, while labeling Christians and American conservatives as a priority for investigation).
Not only was the gunman repeatedly on the FBI's radar, they repeatedly had to stop investigating him as per Obaboo orders. Beyond that, he was cleared by multiple politically correct background checks and was licensed to carry a gun, which he did as he passed a federal background check to work as a security guard for a private company that secures government buildings among other entities.
If our own federal government, despite his repeated inquiries by the FBI, deemed this muslim nutjob sane and capable, no amount of gun bans and background checks on white Christians and non-muslims would have prevented the shooting.
As far as I'm concerned, fuck the faggots who got shot, 50 less Bernie and Hillary supporters to vote for more gun bans on law abiding patriotic citizens. Inb4 a month from now, the gunman's cousin starts posting a bunch of anti-American hate on his social media accounts, gets admittance into the country anyway and a brisk walk to the head of the citizenship line, where he'll be cleared through multiple politically correct background checks and start working as a guard or TSA agent where he'll plot to harm Americans.
Thanks, Democrats.
I didnt pay a whole lot of attention but werent 2 bills proposed from each side for a total of 4, and were all of them not partisanly blocked by the opposing side?
wow my congressmen actually did something right for once
>Be NC fag
>Both my state senators on there
>Mfw I call to thank them
Yeah they're not really big fans of this place.
Fuck yes Indiana.
Be sure to write to Sen. Donnelly (email or Faceberg wall post) and thank him for standing up for gun rights. He's going to get murdered by Democrats for crossing party lines.
Just searching on Reddit they're hardly mentioned as well
Why do I only start finding here pretty now? Have I been memed too much?
>>tfw you live in MA and have faggotcucklovers for senators, none of whom are pro America anything
how do you have access to the internet?
It wasn't even subtle, they wanted to base it on the terror watch list. Basically, you could have your rights taken away without warning and without ever having been charged with a crime.
My liberal Grandma spam posts them on normiebook but that's the it.
Best state.
you're giving burgers a bad name, idiot. That's WORST corea, not best korea.
No MA senators :((((
South Korea is a first world nation.
It's like Japan.
>>No MA senators
fuck this state, worse than west virginia and mississippi
mmmmm i wouldn't go that far.
California here
Fuck this state
At least you have nice weather and beach babes
Yes, fuck innocent until proven guilty, anyone who the state says is guilty shall lose all constitutional rights.
I have a few friends on FB who spam the occupy democrats shit.
The first time I saw it, I thought it was subtle satire by Sup Forums or some entity. Its mostly just terrible leftie memes though and yes people on kikebook share it unironically.
Does anyone have a link to the actual bill on like the senate.gov site or something? I'm a tard and can't seem to find it.
Kentucky would like a word with you.
>122 degrees
At least we have AC and pools
Fuck, even the AC is at 90 and I feel fine
Based Heller
>I'm starting to think this occupy democrats is run by some government brainwashing team in cahoots with Mark Zuckerjew
Thanks Grassley!
>Bob Porker and Lamar Alexander actually doing something
>Republicans have two bills in there
>these ones are dismissed by the Democrats
>these propaganda artists pretend as though they weren't
Gotta love it.
Based Daines making Montana proud
>would've prevented the orlando massacre
That's why there have been no mass shootings in places like Paris that have extreme gun control. Right? Right??
You welcome.
And we don't care. All they can do is shitpost the shitty images they make
It fucking pisses me off because why does it matter if someone kills a fag for his money or because he is a fag. He's dead anyways.
Maine wasn't on the list!?
We have so many Socialists here Sanders beat everyone by at least 30%.
Also the bill wouldn't have prevented it because it was pushed AFTER IT HAPPENED BECAUSE OF IT!
Stupid fucking liberals
I gotta write him an email and thank him.
Thank God none of them are from my state
Terrorist bill is being passed
Gun bill is being passed
>scan list
>2x Texas
All is right with the world
Get fucked reddt
Why the fuck don't you know your senators names?
List of American Heroes.
What, you want to join us?
Understandable, understandable. Our greatness will overshadow your mediocrity.
yeah let's remove people's rights without due process. That would go well, right?
I need to agree with what they said about /fit/ and Sup Forums.
Friendly reminder that explosives and airplanes are responsible for this country's worst tragedies.
>the turncoat cunt Collins was voting with the democrats
time for a new senator our of Maine I guess
Yes because the Dems wanted to gungrab and the GOP wanted to actually put due process in place before anyone lost their rights and that wasn't exactly totalitarian enough for the left
This is a flat out lie
Even if this bill was law the murder wouldn't have been denied because he was no longer on said list because the FBI took him off because they couldn't pin anything on him.
This isn't even a half truth or implication it is a flat out 100% lie
Ohhh, so NOW it's considered terrorism??
I thought just today, the white house confirmed that the shooter never said [OMITTED] during any of his phone calls?
But now they're okay with saying it was terrorism and not actually a hate crime?
Fucking liberals man
I don't understand the catch here.
Who the fuck wants to allow people suspected of terrorism to be able to get firearms? Who can be this mentally retarded?
Omar had already a history with the FBI, so why the fuck was he allowed to get a license? Man you Americans are so fucking retarded it astounds me. I'm not even against guns but I would never allow people with a criminal record or those suspected of having ties to terrorism to get guns, it's common fucking sense.
Link related for the uneducated in American history and the Constitution.
The biggest arguments against this legislation aren't even Second amendment related it is Fith amendment related
> Senators refused to violate the Constitution! We need to elect better people who WILL strip us of our rights!
Get the fuck out.
That's basically what the right wing bill was for but liberals couldn't let Republicans look good.
lol, now it's terrorism.
Fucking faggots.
>due process but only when I want it
Because we have laws. And one of them is that the government isn't allowed to take your rights away without a fair trial. Writing your name on an imaginary list is not a fair trial
Fastest internet in the world is here.
>Portman (R-OH)
Good on ya Rob. Fuck Sherod "Jew Fro" 'Brown.
>Wasn't convicted of any crime that would make him prohibited from owning firearms
>But we should take his rights
The fact that the Orlando masacre was prepaturated by a radical islmaist clinton supporter makes you so upset?
I mean even the Washington Post runs the story.
>just search for the term Hillary for source of the pic
You guys need radical islamist control not gun control
Maybe you can tweak those laws for maximum efficiency?
I understand that the Second Amendment is part of the Constitution and isn't meant to be changed, but circumstances require that in the ongoing fight against ISIL, more preventive measures should be taken against suspected terrorists, and one of those measures is to not allow anybody with ties to terrorism or criminal activity to bear arms.
I don't see why the right wing disagrees with this. You guys aren't bothered by the NSA constantly spying on you and invading your privacy, but stopping terrorists from getting firearms is too much? Damn...
>Capito (R-WV)
>Manchin (D-WV)
feels good