Smoking kills

Why such a big media push to end smoking? It's great to spread awareness but there is a huge focus on smoking, specifically at schools.

Why not drinking? Why not unhealthy eating? They can also be just as detrimental to your health as cigs, just in different ways.

Webm unrelated

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They want to harvest your organs, don't let them.

So lungs?

What about the kidneys ruined with alcohol?

Not sure what extra cholesterol does specially to organs but I think it damages your heart/bone marrow. Youre blood isn't usable if your don't maintain control of your diabetes.

>Why such a big media push to end smoking?
They believe on eugeny, they HEAVILY promote the problems like drugs, smoking and eating in a unhealthy way and also promote stuff like drugs being bad for health, exercising is good ...

The thing is that they (elite, not just tv station owners) want to reduce the population.
>reduce the population? Why?
This, I dont know.

While reducing the population those sociopaths, prefer that the ones they consider the strongest ones survive and so do "those tests"

But I also had the same question with smoking as you had, smoking ads are banned on my country, and they receive higher tax to make smoking more spensive and smoking is not allowed on closed places
The "smoking is bad" part of this thing is very agressive, compared to other stuff.

>>reduce the population

Then they'd keep smoking around and encourage it, wouldn't they?

I just want to know specifically why there's push to end smoking

because theres no benefit and it effectively causes massive amounts of people to die every year

sauce on dat ass senpai

found it on /gif/, ask them

Just found it
Her face is bretty bad imo

>yesstyle haul

lol she thinks she's korean

She autism


healthy eating is enforced way harder in schools than anti-smoking

and smoking is shitty and addicting
>eat one bag of doritos
>still reasonably healthy

>smoke one cigarette
>chance of cancer increases tremendously

Why the fuck do people smoke nowadays? Boggles my mind.

The war on drinking already happened. Drinking won.

Telling people to eat healthy won't work for most. It's necessary to eat something to sustain life. Healthy food cost more. It also usually performs poorer at delivering immediate gratifications people crave such as high levels of fats, simple carbohydrates, salt, unnaturally bright colors, etc. Add to that most aren't very good at long term planing and nothing short of not having these products on the shelf in the grocery store will work.

It's against evil capitalism generally. I'd ban smoking if I was dictator but idgaf if this country is 40% nonwhite. We know who's buying most of it per capita

>high heels
Ew, gross.
>Healthy food cost more
This is a lie pushed by poor people who stay poor because they're stupid and can't handle money.

Healthy food doesnt cost more.
Stop going to whole foods you cuck

>>smoke one cigarette
>>chance of cancer increases tremendously
ot true, takes years of constant smoking to begin seriously increasing your chances of cancer.

>Healthy food cost more.
>immediate gratifications people crave such as high levels of fats, simple carbohydrates, salt, unnaturally bright colors, etc
>It's against evil capitalism generally
Selling addictive substances against capitalism? How so?

Fast food and alcohol are known to be somewhat addictive

The C.E.R.N demons are coming. They need fresh organs from fresh high schoolers

She fucking sucks at dancing. I guarantee you all these views are from horny retards and people as autistic as her.

no it doesnt

>Why such a big media push to end smoking
Tobacco money has traditionally been a white trade that the Jews were never able to crack.

Hence, it's only costing Whites money. Attack cigarettes, not booze. Booze is run by Jews.

This is a trap isn't it

There's no such thing as second hand drinking

>she's korean
tits too big and too tall to be korean.

The Jews abandoned the smoking industry and are now backing nicotine patches because it has a far greater margin of profit-- they don't have to split the money the with tobacco growers. So smoking lobbyists don't get paid anymore and now no one is defending smoking.

Go to your local CVS and you will see them selling only nicotine patches but have candy and junk food everywhere.

You have to be 18 to post here, kid.

drunk drivers kill more innocents than second hand smoke.

The problem with smoking is that it's not half as detrimental to your health as advertised(note:it's still fucking bad, not it isn't good for you, yes, we get it you retard).

And in combination to that, it has a very powerful effect on the human brain. It's not an intoxicant or a drug but more like the OPPOSITE of those. It reduces certain brain chemicals and stabilizes others, causing a long term shift in your mentality.

You stop being excitable, you stop being happy about little things, it reduces violent tendencies and gives you a small dopamine rush when you light up.

But most frighteningly, every few hours or so, it forces you to stop what you're doing, sit your ass down and do nothing while you smoke.
This gives you 5 uninterrupted minutes to THINK about what the fuck you're doing with your life and weather what you're doing has any higher meaning or you're just a fucking cog in some purposeless machine.

That is extremely dangerous to a country that bases its society on turning people into fucking cogs in some purposeless machine.

it's a legit question, I don't think he's underage. Unless you look into it, you don't know the Jews were never really involved in tobacco, so it has no protection from lobbyists.

Why not mind your own business on all fronts you preachy fucking cocksuckers?

Because drinking has health benfits duh! WINE HAS ANTIOXIDANTS SO IT'S ALL GOOD.

Just kidding. Alcohol is literally poison and alcoholic drinks are essentially diluted poison drinks.

because people that smoke fucking stink and stink up the places they go
smoking is for the sub class of humans

Why do you care if OP sucks cocks then? You gay?

man I remember when you were rare as fuck.

>no dick

fuck you

because smoking is the only thing that causes people to have independent thought?


one thing at a time, man

Smoking damages your lungs no matter what. It's why everyone coughs their first time, and most of the time afterwards.

Drinking alcohol in moderation isn't really damaging. There are physical fitness tests in schools, but you can't just say "fat people are unhealthy now everyone look and point at the fat kids".

Smoking is pretty much bad in every instance, whereas drinking and eating aren't.

I'm in my twenties. I grew up in Canada and was into the anti smoking stuff when I was in middle school. In reflection this stuff was rammed down our throats pretty hard but not so much for underage sex/drinking/fastfood.

Anti0-drug campaigns wer big in the schools but there were no anti-drug clubs. Only anti-smoking clubs.

I was in that (pretty lame but I was 13, was mindless&wanted to do right)

Absolute faggot, fix yourself.

>Why such a big media push to end smoking? It's great to spread awareness but there is a huge focus on smoking, specifically at schools.

Because the tobacco companies are forced to fund the campaigns due to a settlement they made with the government back in the 90s.

>You sniveling little shit.

Mankind has been drinking that poison since we had fire; probably well before it. It has been with us, gave us inspiration, provided for us comfort and courage and lies at the foundation of society itself.
This is a fucking beverage that's been responsible for entire wars, making men out of boys and heroes out of men; it was responsible for the birth of nations and the revolutions that burned them down! It killed countless humans and helped make countless others(especially you).

How dare you spit your filthy serf-like insults in the direction of the wine glass; the cradle of the Gods?!

Nonsense. Heather is love.

Definitely not.
Many people are capable of independent thought.
Tobacco just offers that competence to the people who don't think straight, and it refines it in the people who already do.
Forgot to mention that it makes you more apathetic and makes it harder to get angry at pointless things that just take up thinking space. It makes you less emotional.

wouldn't the governement want mellowed out, emotionless people? If anything tobacco makes the threat of revolution much smaller.

fucking Sup Forums

the whole time i was watching this i was afraid to see a fucking penis pop out of the skirt

because smoking is pointless and is essentially suicide? You go broke buying them and then you die.

I have family members with no teeth and oxygen tanks because of this shit

The quit smoking ads are being funded by the vape (mouth fedoras) companies cause it's so safe guise.

I eat healthy, have never been to whole foods in my life, and yes it does cost more. The perception that it doesn't comes from comparing unhealthy preprepared meals to healthy meals made from more basic ingredients. Compare the cheap end of healthy preprepared meals to it's unhealthy equivalent next time you're in the grocery store.

PS this comparison is going to require reading nutrition labels and ingredient lists.


American public schools discourage smoking, yet promote homosexuality, which takes an average of 20 years off of your life. I guess the Satanic agenda trumps their healthy living agenda.

I didn't even click on it because I assumed that was the endgame

[you wanted to see it]

You know you spend too much time on Sup Forums when...

So Smoking = Cancer. Now tobacco stinks, is evil, and we despise all that use it.

Tomorrow the CDC comes out with a report that cell-phones 100% give you brain tumors. Are you all going to throw your devices in the garbage? Is the simple pleasure of shitposting here worth a brain tumor?

Unhealthy food for thought, gents.

Why not post a webm where i can see panties?


They tried. Prohibition was a thing. Now instead of pushing all of the legislation at once they're attempting it incrementally.

>YFW Moderate smoking is no more likely to kill you than anything else in moderation

Just do not do the degenerate behavior at all.

Pipes are one of the comfiest things a human can experience, next to reading a good book while rain trickles down on the roof, or drinking hot cocoa by a fire while snow gently caresses the foggy windows.

No shame, shilling or statistics will sway me.

Do not fear penis user. The penis is proof there is a God and he wants us to be happy.

Are you in charge of categorizing degeneracy?

I'm sure you do things that would disgust me.

ITT this is a SJW level categorization of behavior. I think that tattoos are disgusting, and I don't want to see them in public. Should we ban them?

BTW smoking sucks right now, but was it as degenerate in the 1950's?

>wouldn't the governement want mellowed out, emotionless people?
Quite the contrary. People who can't stop thinking about the next Iphone, people who always worry about how their health is doing or wether they're too fat, too skinny, too red, too blue, etc., people who get angry at scratch tickets and car salesmen, people who don't have time to think about anything except their own little world and how that guy at work was so fucking annoying;

these people don't know shit; they don't even look for shit to know, their meaningless little lives are already full of mundane bullshit that they don't need any other form of stimulation!

Sure, there's people who naturally see through this shit from the start, you see a lot of these fags right here on Sup Forums, but the vast majority still need a little help to calm the fuck down.

Tobacco calms you the fuck down. You stop caring about bullshit and start noticing what's going on around you.

>Are you all going to throw your devices in the garbage? Is the simple pleasure of shitposting here worth a brain tumor?
People would probably demand an improvement in technology so that it no longer causes tumors.

Just like how people are wanting to vape instead of smoke because it's supposed to be healthier.

True, but imagine the non-tumor equivalent will only take you to default bookmarks in a bland ad-enabled browser.

Would Yahoo News comments satisfy you as your only outlet. It's close, but not quite.

For the record, I smoke, I hate it, I wish I didn't, and I want to kick 17 year old me in the ass and ask him what the fuck he is thinking.

I really enjoy it though. It's my moment of zen when I have peace and can be alone.

Just take 3-6 huge ass puff's from a cigar in the morning, afternoon, and night.
Motherfuckers either smoke too much or don't take care of themselves, I can still run a 6 minute mile and I break it regulary on a weekly basis sometimes.

There is literally nothing wrong with smoking, all those bad side efects happen because weak willed motherfuckers smoke through 1 entire pack a day, like anything in life moderation is the key, smoke 3-6 times a day on a cigar and you won't get any side effcts at all.

The surgeon general was loathe to admit that pipe smokers live longer than non-smokers. Stress kills.

Because weed will be 10X the money maker tobacco ever was, hence the distinction drawn between smoking (tobacco) and drugs (marijuana).

But weed kills user, its been a know fact for over 1000 years already that weed makes you a FUCKING RETARD

>Phillip Morris cares about its customers health, not profits
As long as you're smoking their product, they couldn't be happier.

dude weed lmao

it's the current year

lighting up a blunt is harmless dude

i voted for trudeau dude he said he was going to give us weed

Chronic Marijuana use and Alcoholism are indistinguishable.

Tobacco just fucking kills you while providing moments of pleasurable escape without disabling your mental faculties.

As a smoker I've paid in to Social Security, but won't ever collect. You're welcome!