G-guys I think we've been tricked

G-guys I think we've been tricked

we already knew this
but cuck was a word in English already, well cuckold was, kuk wasn't.

Although the ironic frog worship is cancer anyway
but you faggots do whatever

>not praising Shu


>Different scholars and linguists have transcribed and romanized names from a language that used pictographs as writing differently.


no guy ancient egyptians used exactly the same vowels, with the same number of symbols for the different vowels, as we do now... baka

>worshiping dead idols
>donald trump is falling
>why isnt it working guys

>doesn't remember when Egypt got wrecked by God


Dubs please kek.

I am forsaken.

>taking memes seriously

Our meme magic stockpiles are being spent defending liberty.

>not taking memes seriously
To stop meme magic, you have to use meme magic.

I vaguely remember reading somewhere that they managed to decipher phonetics in ancient languages by using their pottery to get audio recordings.

No idea if they did this with the ancient Egyptians though, although, from what I was taught, they're god of the sun (it's been a long time, so correct me if I'm wrong), Ra, who has often been pronounced as "Rar" was actually pronounced as "Ray".

Could be mistaken, though.

>not taking kek seriously


Friendly reminder that Kuk is one of the 15 Swedish words for cock

I appreciate the condolences friend-brother.

Name them all.

I fear YHVH a whole lot more than some frog He could summon at will and destroy at will.

It actually works well with the mythology behind it, Kek being a representation of primordial chaos, creation and destruction at the same time.

That's why kek has so much power. In addition to us saying kek whenever we laugh, us saying cuck phonetically empowers Him. Why do you think His powers have been so strong in the past year?

but cuck's an insult, we don't say "shut up you dumb fucking God"

Where were you for the 7's event?
It was revealed that it is a trinity of sorts.

This. Kuk is a sign of masculinity and being alpha.

I fear Jews a lot more than your imaginated sky daddy, Mr. Goldstein.

I basically traded one kike from Nazareth against all of them.

Mythbusters did the audio from pottery thing, it's total shit.

Are people using the Q in QEK as an alternate K sound? I thought it was a CH sound: as in check; as in check these octs.


>swedes love cuckolding so much they literally define manhood with it

why am I even surprised


Is this what they're teaching in our schools

I have assumed it was a "K" with a slight inflection towards a "QU" sound.

Not very reliable

nothing surprises me anymore

this whole life feels like a shitty joke with the undertones of Poe's Law

It's obviously some nigger's school project, judging by the name on the side

>not praising KEK

lol what is this thread even about

You should know.




is this a sign?
what does this mean?

It means it only happens when it doesn't matter


they didn't have vowels so really any vowel-sound in between is valid, sorta


>this whole life feels like a shitty joke with the undertones of Poe's Law

that's what it is, exactly.




Kuk and Kek are the duel natures of the same being.

inhalation of paint is probably not that good for your physical wellbeing

It's ironic because you're worshipping a deity who wants to bring an end to the universe and plunge existence into chaotic nothingNess. That's what Kuk represents and somehow you think it's gonna end

shu shu

don't overdo it

Kuk is the dark side of Kek. Kek is the god force behind meme magic, but Kuk is the good force behind shit posting, baiting and trolling.

>Implying we worship kek ironically

Ah, kek, or some say Qek. Do you hear our memes? As you once did for the God Emperor, grant us dubs, grant us dubs. Plant memes on our brains, to cleanse our normie idiocy.

you're right, I wanted that one too much


shut it down



no digits


The godhead is a hermaphrodite you damned muggle.

I'm going to nuke Canada if i don't get digits

kek is cuck. no exception

What I'm trying to get at is that by saying his name, we make him stronger. Kuk is not phased by human insults

Kek confirmed for non-dual


>tfw addicted to dubs


Does YOBA magic exist? digits will confirm

wean yourself


no digits fuck you guys.

slavs confirmed for kek's chosen people

Good job Ivan