How do we put a stop to Antichanism?

How do we put a stop to Antichanism?

>Occupy Democrats


b-but what about Sup Forums and Sup Forums?

why is the left so hateful of people who have hobbies or interests they don't approve of?

>tfw when horrible "human" being

>you go to Sup Forums if you are a racist, insecure poophead


what about /toy/?

>Non-japanese weirdo
Sounds about right, but pls no bully.

You go to /toy/ if you are a toddler

how many people came to Sup Forums not through Sup Forums like Sup Forums is most peoples intro into this dick site

>implying it isn't


>No mention of Sup Forums

Fucking retards can't into Sup Forums.

The #1 source of antichanism on the internet is Sup Forums.

So I suggest we shut down Sup Forums.

In fact, just today, I saw someone saying that we should shut down Sup Forums. And that person was FROM Sup Forums. Clearly we need to shut down Sup Forums so those anti-Sup Forums bigots are denied their voice.

Plus they're complete hypocrites and use logical fallacies too.

You should start calling it chansphobia.

Did they actually produce that pic? I doubt it but I wont put anything past them.


>aussie level shitposting
you're doing your country proud

I came to /e/, literally in both senses.

whoever made this obviously goes to Sup Forums

>deny their sexuality
OP plz /fit/ is openly gay as fuck

not a word

>You go to /lgbt/ if you want to betray/punish yourself
They even attack fags who stray from acceptable behavior and views.