Does this warrant a call to the local PD?
Does this warrant a call to the local PD?
Animal cruelty if you're in the US.
Though technically it wouldn't even matter. If it was a rat and not a mouse bought from the store then it's no big deal. Just a crazy fuck with a leaf on his flag.
>not even Sup Forums related.
Reported for stupidity 1/10 for making me bother to reply.
How is asking a question about law not Sup Forums related retard?
Animal torture and mutilation is a sign of psychopathy taken very seriously in most first world countries. This guy better not commit any crimes in the future because shit like this WILL be brought up and will come back to haunt him severely.
No. stop being a faggot
Report it to Facebook. Animal cruelty will probably lead this assclown to killing someone down the road.
Yes, Stefoknee, better call daddy to come rescue your feefees.
Don't forget, you can call the police if Tim Hortons doesn't give you enough sugar packets, too.
Seems like the LARPy "dark-kin" type from high school.
Just ask for this chick's DeviantArt and call it a day.
>Does this warrant a call to the local PD?
yes its a red flag of a crazy person
>find dead mouse
>cut head off
>post it and revel in the REEEEEEEE
No cruelty implied
this thread is gay
No? For what? Killing a mouse?
Fuck, buddy, stop trying to live in a nanny state.
He made it very clear he mutilated the rat because it "stole" from him.
its well documented that people who commit cruelty upon animals are that much more likely to commit it against humans, a pretty huge red flag of a serial killer int he making / sociopath desu. Stay safe OP, even leafs deserve to live.
That's some psycho shit there
At least report it and let them decide if they give a shit. I personally would like to know this was recorded somewhere if this fucker lived near me or my family.
It had it's head cut off for "stealing" the cheese from a mouse trap. The trap snapped it's head off. You guys are fags.
No faggot it requires you to like it
Ban Assault Mousetraps
Mice are fucking annoying if you have ever had to deal with them invading your home, getting into your food, shitting up the place then dying and sticking up the place. It's the same thing with any pest. Believe me after dealing with any insects/rodents invading your home for months you'll be torturing them and enjoying it too
A mousetrap wont cut its head off, it can only snap it.
Need a safe space to hide in, faggot?
Some coloring books and a pacifier?
Yes, anyone who kills animals like that eventually move to people.
My theory is that if we just culled kids that did shit like that when the were 6-8, murder would drop to near 0 levels
>Mice are fucking annoying if you have ever had to deal with them invading your home, getting into your food, shitting up the place then dying and sticking up the place. It's the same thing with any pest. Believe me after dealing with any insects/rodents invading your home for months you'll be torturing them and enjoying it too
removing pest from your home=\=torturing them because you're angry
seek professional psychological help before you hurt yourself or others
>not letting it go for a swim in liquid nitrogen
Those things are fucking useless and do nothing useful for nature. All they do is spread disease. If anything he should be praised for it.
My city once has a bounty on rats and mice, you would get paid $5 for each corpse you brought in.
A rat trap will cut the head of all sorts of things here in America
so they finally caught Cruz...
killing != torturing. people who torture animals are much more likely to do fucked up things to people too.
You're right, it won't cut the head off.
It will rip the head off by ripping through the flesh, leaving uneven edges, like those in the picture.
no because it's a fucking mouse you faggot
Won't that just attract more pests?
I wouldn't get on that persons bad side. That's phase one on the road to serial killer
>Animal torture and mutilation is a sign of psychopathy
Did a bunch of hippies teach you that?
So why is hunting ok but this isn't?
that's all what's left from snippy...
R.I.P in pieces :(
in your country that warrants a call to brazzers
you should probably ask Sup Forums
There's a difference between shooting a deer and cleaning it or taking trophies and cutting up small animals and putting their heads on stakes.
I have had to deal with mice before. Even set up rat traps. The kind that snapped on their necks and rekt their shit. I tossed them immediately in the garbage after. I would never play around with their dead bodies. Not just for hygiene purposes, but because I like to think I have a littler more respect for God's creatures than to defile their physical forms.
Do mice caught in mousetraps count as homicide?
Because you are only allowed to hunt animals that are overpopulated or in need of thinning to control the fragile ecosystem. A hunting licence isn't just a free reign to go out and mutilate a bunch of deer in the forrest with your bowie knife.
You should also try to use as much of the animal as possible, Native American style. Either for food, clothing, arts / crafts, or bait for future hunting.
I don't know how anyone could kill an animal and not feel a little bit of remorse. Shit, I feel bad for the mosquitos I squash.
>Shit, I feel bad for the mosquitos I squash
That's because you're an ultra fag.
Lay off the estrogen.
Do rats actually get scared by decapitated heads?
That doesn't answer anything.
what the fuck is the difference
what a pussy
There's nothing to get out of a rat except the ritual of doing it.
One is for survival and the sport of hunting. The other is mutilation you fucking psychopath
>There's a difference between shooting a deer and cleaning it or taking trophies
>cutting up small animals and putting their heads on stakes.
Do you see the difference in these words?
Hint: They're not the same. Hence difference meanings.
Now run along boy.
Idk let's show this pic to Ted Cruz and see if he scatters away.
Who cares? My cats do this 24/7. I find it funny to bag all the dead mice limbs and heads and find some dirty nigger homeless man and throw them all at him.
Nah, it's not like I shy away from doing it. I'm just admitting to the fact that I do have a thought about it.
Life is cruel and we have to do cruel things to survive, but I'm not going to pretend like it's something I don't feel good about. I still don't support pretending like we can change that though. Cruel things need to happen sometimes.
>Animal cruelty
is this what liberals actually believe?
Thanks for sharing your feelings, fag.
yes. subhumans should suffer.
Hunting implies mutilation, retard.
Announcing reports is against the rules retard.
Holy shit, Sup Forums is full of whiny peta fags. I routinely kill raccoons and decorate with their skulls, quit crying.
Hunters and farmers don't torcher animals, they give them clean painless kills.
>Announcing the reporting of reports
I never said I would report him though buddo ;) just told him it's against the rules.
I successfully hunted a squirrel with a knife. Then I ate it.
does this warrant a call to the local PD?
How's it taste? I can't imagine squirrel is all that great.
enjoy ur rabies faggot
let them stick to glue traps and dump em out in the desert to starve while stuck to the paper
It's like chicken if you were to bake it with no seasoning. There's only enough meat on it in spring/summer to keep you from starving, or to feet a 5 year old.
In hindsight, it's not worth taking a life for so little meat. But hey, it was worth the experience.
Yes, that level of sadism is alarming to say the least. Definitely a sociopathic serial killer in the making.
I shoot rats and ground nigglets from my back door with air rifles all weekend long.
Never thought to make effigies of them though.
Hang their skulls from the trees to ward off other little shitters.
digits confirm the efficacy of staked heads
How did you manage to hunt him down with your knife you trow it ??
There logically is no difference, a dead rat is a dead rat is a dead rat, playing with their guts doesn't change that, but it is antisocial behavior- it's an abnormal expression most people would avoid because of how it would affect other people's opinions of them.
We actually avoid most aberrant behavior out of fear for societal retribution, rather than the ethicality of the matter.
That's why antisocial actions are a flag for dangerous behavior.
>not selling it on ebay as 'art'
I was walking through the woods through low brush, and he was on a sapling. so I just shook the sapling until he fell off. Then he ran through the brush to another sapling, and I shook him off again and caught him with my knife.
Ya well their is a abuse of false flags in 21century
Thought OP pic was a severed dickhead and the post was some rape justice thing.
Do you honestly believe torturing, decapitating and sticking the head on fucking stick of an animal trying to survive bodes very well for your mental health?
I would lock you up now given the opportunity before you hurt someone who actually matters.
ok not bad..
>eating adjacent to untreated skin and a fucking head full of raw meatstuff
I know it's a cool "photo op" but for the sake of food safety you may want to avoid this practice.
I honestly thought it was a severed clitoris. It looked a lot like that pic of a woman's clit that got bit off.
Let me guess, you were the angsty, freak in school who liked to torture animals in school.
Sup Forums is politics, not law
RIP in Peace Rato
faggot would be dead with his own head on pike if the Overlords had any say in this.
I don't get it.
It's like ISIS beheaded some rats...
Makes sense
disease builds strong bones
>and enjoying it
I can understand laying out traps and killing them off, but come on. This is sadistic negroid behavior.
Sparrows eat my tomatoes, so when I kill one, I impale his whole body on a rod so the other sparrows are afraid. It works for a while but their hunger over comes them and they come for more.
there is zero evidence of any link between harming animals and harming humans. this has been debuncked by mental health professionals for decades
you oprah book club faggots will believe anything if its mentioned in a best seller
No you don't
Serial killer in the making
I had a rat in my house for months, I never even considered torturing it when I finally killed it. You're probably a sick fuck, dude.
do u Jeffrey Dahmer?