THE best kino out there currently. So unique, odd, beautiful - it almost feels like a dream

THE best kino out there currently. So unique, odd, beautiful - it almost feels like a dream.

There's nothing quite like thus, Americans get it this month i think.

In don't know if its because its an Italian production but it really is unique from the pacing to the music choices (there are some hilarious choices at times).

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How much of it is "catholics are evil people putting their world view upon others"?

>Directed by Paolo Sorrentino, starring Jude Law

Oh baby, im in

does it show child rape?

Its not that kind of show really, it's about Pious and the people around him.

There's a part where naked FEMEN femanazis intrude into his garden and silently protest because pious hates abortion. He just stares at them passively.

Its honestly not big on Catholicism's print upon the world.

I need a version with the English dubs
The only torrents around are without and that makes it incomprehensible

Its a plot point at one point but for a single episode regarding a corrupt archbishop but even that is handled in a grey way and isn't hackneyed or so in your face.

Name 1 (one) more kino moment in all of TV

I'll wait

>Americans get it this month

There go the good threads

There's barely any threads on this show though