>arrangist ( partnerships should be arranged )
my power level is literally off the damn charts
>arrangist ( partnerships should be arranged )
my power level is literally off the damn charts
Other urls found in this thread:
Mine is top-tier. That's all you need to know.
>>arrangist ( partnerships should be arranged )
D-does this mean I get a gf?
that i cant guarantee because i would base it upon certain criteria not just nepotism
but i havent worked them out yet it is certain however that the evolutionarily based criteria that govern "love" are unspeakably shitty
>agnostic but revere nature as sacred
>left leaning independent
>casual sex is great
>unfettered immigration is bad for a nation
>some degree of highly patriotic social democracy is the best type of social organization
>yet it is certain however that the evolutionarily based criteria that govern "love" are unspeakably shitty
Both autistic and incorrect. Love is a real human emotion with a functional purpose you miserable fuck lmao
>>casual sex is great
Fuck off normalshit REEEEEEEEEEEEE
Eh I might leave soon. This board is getting more fucked up and disturbing by the day.
Meme God
Demi God
[spoiler] BREXIT will happen since it's been prophesized in the book of revelations [/spoiler]
There really are people on this board, actual people who aren't aware that love exists. It would be sad if it wasn't so fucking funny
for what purpose?
>tribal anarchist
>huge weeaboo
>refuse to eat anything that isn't grown in my garden, or stuff I haven't hunted or fish
>live all alone in a rural fishing village that only consists of 4 houses
>constantly drop redpills on my innocent neighbours who are just clueless elderly couples who want nothing to do with me
>world war 2, wrestling, and moonrune cartoon memorabilia all over the inside and outside of my house
casual sex is disgusting
>Anti-theist (I hate institutions, not so much the doctrines. Doctrines are retarded still tho)
>"Vegan" (90-100% vegan depending on the day, haven't eaten meat since last year, accidentally have eaten dairy)
>Race realist (I acknowledge difference in races, but do not generalize. I will treat anyone with utmost until they show signs of being niggers)
>torn between AnCap, DemSoc and NatSoc. Socially very liberal, traditional values are still very important tho (DUDE LEGALIZE EVERYTHING LMAO). Economics wise I'm very illiterate, but I do know that freer markets are more successful
>Pro-eugenics (preferably voluntary)
>Anti-Globalist (no multi-culti)
>Actual feminist (women deserve equal rights and lefts, and a cunt-kick sometimes too)
>Some animal rights (looking at you, leafs. Stop fucking animals, you mongrels)
>white people deserve their own countries just like every other ethnicity (am full spic btw, currently finishing my trade in the U.S.)
>Religious institutions should have the right to deny marriage
>would love to see a Bernie/Trump ticket
That's all I can think of.
>unfettered immigration is bad for a nation
>some degree of highly patriotic social democracy is the best type of social organization
Stole it from a fellow user, this too desu
You deserve the Darwin award.
I don't mind senpai, I just hate people bringing up sex.
You cuck levels is off the charts, Hans.
Here are some of mine:
>there are inherited differences in intelligence between the races that explain just about every single observed sociological difference between them
>there is a Jewish/globalist conspiracy to weaken the west and make them more compliant
>anti-white racism is the foundation of modern liberalism
>democracy is an awful idea unless implemented with major restrictions for who actually gets suffrage in order to disenfranchise the low-IQ populations (or after you've fixed your demographics with eugenics)
>multiculturalism in a society is like alcohol for the individual. A little bit makes life so much better, but a lot will make you sick, and too much will kill you
>physical and cultural segregation between IQ groups and the socioeconomic classes they create is necessary in order to maintain societal cohesion
>Degeneracy in art is fine within the high-IQ classes, as they can appreciate it in the abstract and they actually know better than to base their lives off of it
>Casual and extramarital sex as well fall into this category
>Both are fucking fantastic
>White society needs to do what is best for itself, and not concern itself with the needs or whims of the lower races
>women's suffrage was utterly disastrous for western society
>Forklift Driver
>Gun Owner
>Lifetime Member of Top Golf
do i win? also
your power level is literally below zero
absurdist sWAAAgg
>>Degeneracy in art is fine within the high-IQ classes, as they can appreciate it in the abstract and they actually know better than to base their lives off of it
Holy shit, this to the nth degree. Don't get me wrong, I love to pretend I'm the ILLEST THRILLEST GUN SLANGING OG NIGGA WID DA TRIGGA when I listen to cheer kief, but I don't go around acting like a nigger, nor do I have any intention of joining a gang. Why can't people understand this?
>reads full post
Oh yeah, that whole difference in races thing.
>females that have sexual intercourse without the intention of creating a child are whores. (i.e. protected/recreational sex)
>males that have sexual intercourse without the intention of creating a child are just as bad if not worse
>closet anarchist
Brutal! The ham on the Halal. Well played.
you are a rose among leafy thorns
i kekd hard
/Black pill/ essentialls. You're still a fag though.
Egoist Nihilist
Muh morals. Only sociopaths and psycohpaths are red pilled.
I have two sides
Nicest person you will ever met
Twisted fucking psychopath
>Race realist (niggers are unarguably dumber than everyone else, I deal with them in a daily basis I know what I'm talking about)
>Support race segregation (no interracial marriage, different races live in different cities, and the number of minorities should be heavily monitored by the government and never allowed to go over 5% of the country major ethnic group)
>Support death penalty (too many people in the world, its dumb to waste resource with problematic individuals)
>against women rights
>against LGBT rights
>against democracy (favorable to authoritarian technocracy)
>against abortion after the fetus has developed his central nervous system (and the father have to decide if the abortion should happen or not, women can't decide anything)
>Support the rights to have weapons in your house. Not sure about carrying them around.
>More favorable to a meritocratic free market system, where the government only role is to avoid monopolies (perhaps provide some limited welfare benefits for population).
muh face when you got triggered at being called a fag
muh face when im a sociopath who fucks mothers
muh face when i would fuck you till you loved me faggot
you wouldna got maaad if you were a real socio
hide, bitch
Fuckers in school telling me, always in the barber shop Chief Keef ain’t bout this, Chief Keef ain’t bout that My boy a BD on fucking Lamron and them He, he they say that nigga don’t be putting in no work SHUT THE FUCK UP! Y'all niggas ain’t know shit All ya motherfuckers talk about Chief Keef ain’t no hitta Chief Keef ain’t this Chief Keef a fake SHUT THE FUCK UP Y'all don’t live with that nigga Y'all know that nigga got caught with a ratchet Shootin' at the police and shit Nigga been on probation since fuckin, I don’t know when! Motherfuckers stop fuckin' playin' him like that Them niggas savages out there If I catch another motherfucker talking sweet about Chief Keef I’m fucking beating they ass! I’m not fucking playing no more You know those niggas role with Lil' Reese and them
>Anti-women's rights
>Race realist
>sex outside of marriage is degenerate
>recreational sex is degenerate
>drugs are degenerate
>lgbtqihtmlbbq is degenerate
>Religion : Nihilist-absurdist
The rest follows.
Politically, i'm for a libertarian protectionist feodalist technocracy by divine right.
I'm also a biracial genderfluid, reformed lesbiophilic pseudodyke heteromollusc.
i have forgotten to add something
>cheating on your spouse should be severly punished even by death in some cases
>also pro eugenics not just by deciding who is allowed to procreate but also direct genitical engineering applied to humans
now you cant even picture my magnificent powerlevel
im a faggot check your privelege dirt bag
Do it. Fucking leave, summerfag.
>>sex outside of marriage is degenerate
>>recreational sex is degenerate
What's it like to be a virgin? It's been so long I've forgotten.
What's with all the vegan cucks?
>"Lel veganism is gay af"
>a fucking leaf
You clearly don't know about plant-based diets. Not surprised, you eat meat at least 3 times per night if you catch my drift
Asking the wrong person my dude, happily married with a second kid on the way
>goes on Sup Forums
>Eastern Orthodox (I refuse to be a part of the failing Church led by a false Pope)
>Ethnic Nationalist
>Race Realist
I don't really like labels since most of my beliefs about government don't fit under a singular label. I believe in strong government, but I don't want a nanny state. I believe that the state should have no role in helping it's citizens from an economic standpoint, but I think certain organizations such as Churches shouldn't have to pay taxes. I believe in a free market for the most part, but things like usury or employee mistreatment (on an actual, physical level, not 'gender discrimination') should be illegal. I don't believe in women's or minority rights (especially Jews). I think we should go back to colonizing Africa and South America since those places don't have any real government or people. I think Democracy is a failure in it's current state, but if voting rights were limited to white, able-bodied, land-owning, white, Christian, men, then it could work. I don't think we should ban ideas or speech, but instead encourage a societal norm so that things like homosexuals would simply be too afraid or ashamed to come out of the closet.
Honestly, if we could just go back to the way things were in the late 1800's, but keep all the technology, that would be great. All the systems that were in place at that time worked, but WW1 fucked everything up.
Vegans are fags.
We're omnivores you little faggot.
Sure we are, Cletus. Now go and enjoy your steak, don't forget to cook it and season it to hell and back. Oh, and enjoy the cancer.
>we can eat it, therefore we should
>let's not look at the net benefit/net loss of consuming this item healthwise, let's just eat it 'cause we can
American """education"""
The amount of vegan cancer in this thread is absurd
>Crusades ftw
>trump train enthusiast
>anti-womens rights
>on the fence of mgtow or traditionalist
>iq 130
>nationalist capitalist
>politics=/= personal life, I wont treat anyone badly for being black unless they act like it
>racial realist
>virgin, 18
>idealistically, pre marriage sex is wrong. Dont know if id follow through with that idea
>will kill and eat animals, fuck vegans
>describe your power level
None of your buisness
Get out of this thread faggot
>look at me, I can kill small and innocent sentient beings with a long-range weapon! AM SO ALPHA HURR
Come back to me when you've killed a lion with little more than a knife.
Watch the video. Look at the channel, see some of his videos, verify the sources mentioned in the descriptions. Try to educate yourself for once, chicANO
>>Casual and extramarital sex as well fall into this category
>>Both are fucking fantastic
Nice bluepill you're taking there senpai
Im white
I could make the planet explode in a mere 5 minutes
your power level is already in the thousands bud-bud
>is at top of food chain
>expects me not to fly that flag around
>humans smart enough to make tools
>defining feature of humans
>asks me to hunt without tools
Im going to kill an extra deer in your honor
anyone who believes in eugenics or special privileges for "high IQ" is just a pseudo-intellectual with a superiority complex. I went to Stanford for university and all of my classmates had "high IQ" but most of them were completely fucking retarded when it came to anything other than math, they had no fluid intelligence and couldn't think for themselves, they just memorized bullshit and spouted it back. Some of the best people I know would be classified as "low IQ" truck drivers etc, but they are extremely inventive and have strong morals and family values and those are really the people that we need more of in this country
T. Nigger
You can kill all the deer you want, paco. I'm not an ethical vegan. Just don't come Crying when the health effects get to you.
>political rolemodel is caligula
>moderate hedonist
>personality type: innovator
>think niggers should be sen back to africa
Whoa you are one bluepilled fucker, the biggest redpill you have is arrangist which even then could very well be argued
>health effects
I guess 99% of the planets fucked too
I'm powerful enough to know when I'm being datamined, does that count?
>there are actual retards posting their prejudices in this thread, helping the very people who intend to keep them subjugated
You might die one day!
I guess I'm "controversial" here but I'm honestly describing my views and not baiting
>internationalist (the world's workers should work for causes transcending nationality, we should gradually dissolve borders)
>pro-LGBTQ/pro-womens rights
>masculinity should be deconstructed as an ideal
>political violence is sometimes necessary
>environmental issues should take priority over most other policy in a civilized society
Let me guess, refugee?
>political rolemodel is caligula
How's the STD's treating you mate?
Off the charts.
No. Most refugees would not agree with me on points 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 8 but I do think as a society we do have an obligation to take in refugees displaced by conflicts.
thanks leaf
>"We're gonna die eventually, goyim! Just accept the flesh Jew, stop denying yourself the pleasures in life!"
>inb4 YouTube video
I'm going to say this very slowly so you can understand.
I want to live a healthy life and I want to live an optimal life and plant-based diet have proven time and time again (if properly planned) to be better for health.
Seeing as how Mexico is now turning into the fattest country in the world, maybe you fuckers should stop eating so much fatty/processed garbage, drop the lengua tacos and maybe eat some broccoli for once.
Or not, and die out. Win-win really.
could have just said >faggot
yeah I remember college too
>Pentecostal Christian
>Sup Forumsack
I've been on Sup Forums since 2006.
I'm an unrepentant homosexual degenerate and you're a FAR bigger faggot than I could ever hope to be.
putting your ideologies in a honeypot thread
actually most of my classmates were asians and the salt of the earth people i was referring to are mostly white. Honestly achievements are all that matter, most people who brag about their IQ have never accomplished anything worthwhile in their lives and never will. Eugenics already exists somewhat, as more attractive and more intelligenct people are more successful and have an easier time finding partners to reproduce with. People who want state mandated eugenics just want a free pass through life based on something that they were born with, and want success without working for it. It's exactly the same as black people wanting the state to give them EBT. It's funny that you only ever find sweaty MLP fans advocating for eugenics, and not successful people.
thats a shitty argument because you just point out that there are biases which is obvious
of course the less successful people rather see the need for genetical compensation
of course the immigrants vote for immgrantfriendly parties
of course the rich tend to vote for parties that promise low taxes
that says absolutely nothing about the truth
>they want it without working for it
no they just want equal chances as you yorself described because some people are naturally more attractive and intelligent and therefore have to work less to achieve the same
obviously they dont see the deficit as clearly as the less successful
Labels are for pretentious faggots
Faggots like labels
Faggots need labels because of identity issues
Faggots are faggots because of faggy faggotry
>Get on my level
>Mind muh contradictions
>agnostic leaning heavily towards Christianity, if not just for the moral backbone it provides
>holocaust "happened" but the numbers are grosly inflated
>Jews control media
>the regressive left are their puppets
>remove kebab
>legalize all drugs
>Muh gunz
What is a Suicide apologist?
Kill yourself
Especially after
>my power level is literally off the damn charts
Do yourself a favor.
A faaggot
someone opposing the notion that suicide is " never a solution"
someone who thinks that suicide is not necessarily pathological
all my power level stems from being an an-cap, you should be able to marry five samesex dead dogs and fuck em all while on heroin but also be able to mow down refugees trying to walk across your property with mini-guns