Are women getting manlier ?
Explain this body please
Are women getting manlier ?
Explain this body please
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You ever think about what's in your food?
Where's the cameltail?
she looks awful
No, that's how all of them look 6 months in to a serious relationship
If I ever become famous, I am never going on Sup Forums. Ill probably off myself after seeing a shopped image or 2 of me gargling on a girthy dick
I thought food was making people more feminine or some shit.
I think it's because she's a 19yo, she might evolve into something nicer.
>fruit in a water bottle
worst bit desu
In the west, yes.
This is why they used to wear those big fucking hoop skirts and gowns and shit.
Most women are not aesthetic, but they have more tools for fooling you.
And honestly I only really care about face so a torso like a bratwurst isn't really a problem for me.
That's not even a manly body. It's like a tube.
Men have a V-taper, or should.
Anyone remember that chloe fag on Sup Forums posting clhoe thread every fucking day for a over one year?
Yeah? so stop it. It's shopped anyway
I thought the food was just making people more fat and ugly.
that stubble and regulated brows make him look like one of those comic book faggots
A strip club filled with this body type
Lol it's not shopped, it's straight out of a dailymail article
Hey, Arnold!
She looks Canadian.
>daily mail
this is what happens from improper racial mixing.
>daily mail
Well that explains it
Absolutely. It's what happens when the central authority of society begins to crumble. Women have to take on renewed masculinity in the face of failing and corrupted masculine ideals. I find it fascinating to watch personally.
My girlfriend is like this. She's a very physical, athletic woman that plays rugby, and has a very direct and pragmatic personality.
She has broader shoulders than most men, and what is going on with her face? Why is it so bizarre looking
She's Fat.
Contrary to popular belief thicc girls be looking like this.
yes, masonic prophecy for a genderless race is being enforced
I like that body. Anybody else a huge Chloe Moretz fan?
Yeah man daily mail always shopps celebrity photos !
Retarded motherfuckers
Are you referring to the alchemical ascension of Rebis?
Id like to fuck Chlöe if you know what I'm saying.
>Explain this body please
She's short and has a stumpy torso.
She's Jewish. All Jews are disgusting inbred hobbits. There is no such thing as a pretty jew. They cut on themselves and install plastic to pass as human beings.
Triangle shape is for bodybuilding faggots. Rectangle is the best shape for a man, see Mike Tyson or Mark Coleman. Wide core to generate the power to smash your head into concrete.
>Explain this body please+ 0 post omitted.
lol its real
>this is a 10/10 in bongistan
Is that Gondola?
Back to loser.
She's a feminist. I'm starting to believe it's literally impossible to become a feminist and not get fat within 6 months
i-i don't u-understand
americans you can thank Monsanto for your hermafrodite children
Have you seen her lips OP? They have that bloated look, like they just received electric shock therapy or she's gonna have a massive herp outbreak or some shit. Why do women do it to themselves? Then they'll blame men.
She is a lost cause OP. The trendy feminist train has destroyed her.
Turners syndrome, look it up ya fucks
It's an unflattering picture, but its not wrong.
aka hermaphrodite
Hermes (consumerist goy) + Aphrodite (xenoestrogens)
how about now?
this is exactly why i want to be famous. having random people on the internet discussing my inadequacies and failures is a privilege that only a select few are allowed to endure. literally the highest honor one can attain in america
>tfw I started working out and it hurts to sleep on my side because of V shape
at least I'll never be fat I guess
No thank you
>Dat Face.
This is just your typical Hispanic goblin transforming into an adult diabetic troll. It is perfectly natural folks for their kind to die at the ripe age of 47.
It's doing whatever is bad in the context of the thread. Sup Forums conspiracy theorists are that stupid.
I have some news for you, you're a homosexual.
was she ever attractive?
Post the best picture of her.
I want Chlöe to lie on my bed on her belly and then I get up in too of her and rub my junk against her butt and then lean down and stick my tounge in her throat while continuing rubbing and then put it in and start thrusting and then climax while holding the back of her head down on the bed, and then she becomes pregnant as a result
You need to not so much...lower, but broaden you horizons. You'll thank me when you're 50 and looking back.
Girls with no tits really need to watch their fucking weight jfc
Has anyone ever seen a THICC Instagram model in real life? Big butt, small waist, big tits? I haven't desu familia. I only see those female body builders with somewhat big bootys but they look manly af so it doesn't count
meant to quote
Yeah I guess if I feel like bulldogin it that day
I hate women
817 bro reporting in
Yeah, you're gay, bruh.
Force yourself to sleep on your back. It's the best.
Dat ass was flat.
I wanna pork her. Also she has good taste to drive a Mercedes.
why is she wearing clothes like that?
is she desperate for cock?
this girl is always dressing like that, doesn't she have a mother or something?
You guys are faggots, I'd have a field day exploring the inner limits of her uterus.
She's built like a fridge
Cute face though, Chloe is adorable
>flat stomach
pic-related what you just posted
>Show off her figure
Yes, it's definitely a figure. The figure of a chunky 12 year-old boy.
too bad the only people who drive mercedes anymore are non whites. mostly camel fuckers.
Pwally's gonna be pissed
Me, I'd never get a bitch like that because mulatto but i love em.
Built like a fridge
>flat stomach
Better Dead than Overfed
I'm sure she's gynecologically interesting, but she's not good looking.
People don't like Chloe for her figure
Women like this make traps and sissy sluts look good
You don't know what real women are.
If it's neither her figure or face, then what is it?
>gynecologically interesting
Hahaha I like that
he's right you know.
Personally I blame oversized soda.
>what's her secret?
>Are women getting manlier ?
Actually staying in shape and eating healthy is not a secret you lazy fucks
casting couch and pedos
10/10 would smash
no homo
And men are becoming feminine
On the Subject of Fat Manly Blondes.
she's spurdo in the flesh
She has a short torso