I've noticed a distinct lack of homegrown Sup Forums culture on Sup Forums recently what with the influx of normiefags. Let's get back to basics.
Refresh my memory: what caused Rome to fall?
I've noticed a distinct lack of homegrown Sup Forums culture on Sup Forums recently what with the influx of normiefags. Let's get back to basics.
Refresh my memory: what caused Rome to fall?
The Jews
>what caused Rome to fall?
Well that, and changing the capital didn't really help either.
(((they))) did
they debased their currency while spiraling down a road of moral degeneracy and overextending their military in the process.
basically the exact same things we are doing now.
drumpfkin did
adoption of a foriegn reigion
jews (obvs)
The Germans
>muh degeneracy destroyed rome
Please stop this meme
this guy gets it, there wasn't anything wrong with the people. Classic over-extension very hard to defend when your boarder stretches thousands of miles and the fastest mode of transport are horses.
Corrupt, decadent, disconnected ruling system
Religious Tension
Over expansion
Failed economy
Weak armies consisting more of foreign, non-roman "foederati" mercenaries rather than patriotic roman citizens
Failing to stop or combat the various Germanic Barbarian niggers that poured across Rome's borders
>Wow, can we like, chill with the Germanic-phobia? Not all germanics are bad mkay? They are just poor refugees looking to escape the Hun menace. Lets let ALL of them into our borders, what could go wrong?
Go buy this book and listen to it.
NO NO NO, rome was already dead when they changed the capitol and the then formed Byzantine empire lasted for around a thousand years. what caused rome to fall was this.
1. inflation of currency
2. political corruption
3. foreigners no longer had to serve to be citizens and the army was increasingly made up of non loyal foreigners (literally refugee crises except with barbarians)
4. Christianity caused many tensions within the empire and destroyed the cultural identity that Roman paganism created as well as introducing convert or die attitudes(no more greek, egyptian, etc. gods that supported the empire's diverse population.) seems familiar Islam?
5. MOST IMPORTANTLY due to all the things above people no longer cared about the empire and lost all sense of national identity.
so in conclusion, once nationalism is dead, your country is dead. RIP europe but you are a dead man walking at this point. mabye Britian can push on through like the Byzantines did but Europe's time is done. prepare for the dark ages 2 electricboogaloo except with Islam instead
By listen I mean the audiobook, or you could just buy the book and read it.
The Nordic Romans interbred with brown people.
If you have a theory explaining why/how Rome fell.
Please explain why the Byzantine Empire did not fall?
>except with barbarians
The modern refugees aren't barbarians?
barbarians are humans silly
>lost all sense of national identity.
>national identity
>ancient world
The army was just as loyal as it had always been but the Emperors were less worthy of the army's loyalty. Not to mention the Roman Empire would've collapsed in the Crisis of the Third Century if it didn't recruit from non-Italian populations.
It kept being saved in spite of itself whether it was the Bulgars saving them from the Arabs or the Crusaders taking aggro for 200 years.
what are you smoking, people in ancient times were incredibly patriotic and proud of their empires.
this feeling of nationalism has always been around until recently
Don't forget the Goths
Yea the Romans were incredibly patriotic.
Better take a history course. The Roman Legions toward the end of the empire didn't give a shit about their leadership. It was so bad they needed mercenaries (who would just take the money and run)
Oh yeah, they were so patriotic that they had constant rebellions, civil wars, desertions, and had to resort to giving citizenship for service just to get people into the army.
these are the most meme tier answers there could be.
no shit, I specifically talked about this in my post before
when the welfare state could no longer be kept and the emperors began to mismanage everything and the Barbarians were now part of the army that used to protect the peasants, all sense of national unity and pride was lost
Bust Bump
Ahh I see. Well regardless it's interesting to see the exact same thing play out in our 'empire'
>Army protecting peasants
They gave their slaves too much freedom
go read a book, Roman soldiers during the glory days were used as the police and would patrol the very dangerous roads to protect merchants and travelers.
>tfw todays european police will arrest people for racism but not refugees for commiting actual crimes
its deja vu