Gender statistics for crimes:
>Homicide - 90.5% male
>Rape - 98% male
>Burglary - 85% male
>Arson - 83% male
>Vandalism - 81.7% male
>Car theft 81.5% male
Crimes are overwhelmingly committed by men.
What can be done to fix the male problem?
Gender statistics for crimes:
>Homicide - 90.5% male
>Rape - 98% male
>Burglary - 85% male
>Arson - 83% male
>Vandalism - 81.7% male
>Car theft 81.5% male
Crimes are overwhelmingly committed by men.
What can be done to fix the male problem?
Forget about racial or socio-economic disparities. We don't have a race problem in America, we have a MAN problem. From the disproportionate murder rate down to the rape culture on college campuses.
That is why we need feminism.
Turn Men into Women.
Yea that's right, men are fags.
Men simply do more in general
Women don't do anything, good or bad. For thousands and thousands of years they sat in caves, doing nothing. That's what they're evolved to do.
women giving easier vagine access to men
This is unacceptable, women need more representation in crime. Just throw some in jail to get the numbers up to or past male averages you shit lords.
It's because men do and women leech of their work.
have an extra shot of syrup leaf
Criminalize more fringe female actions. We need more female representation, this is unacceptable.
So men are better than women in crime too?
Women are fucking useless.
Men are leaders, women are followers
More genital mutalation
m8, the problem is quite obvious. You're looking at your own country's statistics. Try checking out places that haven't imported over twice their population in male refugees. I think you'll find the results are rather different.
We need to kill ourselves n let womenz rule so everyone will live happily ever after! Yay!
human extinction
+ majority of refuges are males who are more susceptible to 2000 year old murder cults
that's because women are so cowardly they just spread their legs to get men to do the crimes for them
Nope. False. They do heaps of unsavoury shit. Idiots just fall for the 'im just a dumb girl, tee hee' routine.
Women are manipulative. Men face their actions.
A lot of creative answers ITT, but the real answer is that the iq bell curves for men and women differ such that men have a flatter curve and are disproportionately represented on both the low and high end. Thus , there are more men than women in fields requiring high intellect, but there are also more male retards. It's the same reason niggers commit disproportionately more crime
>>Homicide - 90.5% male
85% black male
>>Rape - 98% male
95% black male
>>Burglary - 85% male
82% black male
>>Arson - 83% male
50% black male 30% Italian mafia
>>Vandalism - 81.7% male
78% black male
>>Car theft 81.5% male
80% black male
You see where the real problem is don't you. Black males
>False rape accusations - 99.99% female
00.01% margin of error
>number of false rape accusations is not even 1/1000000 the number of rapes
get back to me when its even half
Teach women to grow balls already.
men are violent, and should be. get over it you fucking pussy femme bitch
they used to provide most of the calories too not just from breast milk, but from simple foraging
maybe women need to step up their game. maybe its not a man problem maybe its a woman problem
this is all part of the cuck culture the liberals push on every one. survival of the fittest doesnt favor the weak. lots of arbitrary rules favor the weak
when shit goes down you want to be one of the ones going your not suppose to do that. they dont last long
You're the guy in the second, third, and fourth panel.
Now do niggers ;^)
I imagine these numbers will deflate in the next few years, with all the born again wo(men)
Shhh... your ruining the narrative
I told her not to fuck other men while I was at work affording a mortgage
Fuck this society and how it caters to women
I'm not making enough money to please her, where can I get more? I'm desperate.
I told that guy if he kept fucking my wife I would fuck his shit up
Fuck her boss for fucking my wife
>car theft
I need a ride right now, so I can get some ass
As you can see by an overwhelming majority, nearly all the crime committed by men involves a motive revolving around pleasing the opposite sex in our quest for optimal breeding and procreation. However, women fuck up everything.
how many of those are niggers?
Sup Forums isn't a safe space you angry nigger.
Do you know how time-consuming it was to make clothes before we could just buy a dozen t-shirts for $20 at Walmart? For 10,000 years, women sat inside making fucking shirts. All. Fucking. Day.
For 10,000 years.
This is pretty close to the truth. Women commit less crime solely based in the fact that they can manipulate men into committing the crime for them. Men are expendable, women are valuable. That's how society works.
Men commit the most crime because men have to actually fend for themselves in the world, unlike women.
>Do you know how time-consuming it was to make clothes before we could just buy a dozen t-shirts for $20 at Walmart? For 10,000 years, women sat inside making fucking shirts. All. Fucking. Day.
>For 10,000 years.
And somehow no one wore shirts for all those 9,999 years. Women fail again.
Remove kebab, remove spic, and remove nig.
the numbers go down but the percentages stay roughly the same
If I, as a man, own up to the "male problem," will black people own up to the black problem of their share of the crime?
I'm going to assume no if I do not get an answer and disregard OP's stats therein.
To allow for better moms so their children do not turn into criminals
Men have been the killers and fighters of humanity since the beginning. We have evolved to be aggressive, things used to be much more violent, darker, and dangerous -- a world where the best fit to fight and kill were the ones who passed on their genetics. Only recently have we settled down into the pussified Western society we live in now. Unfortunately, thousands of years of evolution doesn't go away overnight.
because most of them succeed
Not list the conviction rates since women always get off easy?
>rape culture
Tell women to step up their game
Kill all men, create perfect society. The obvious solution it's guaranteed to work
Stop being such a vagina weakling and accept that there is an uncontrollable portion of the population that no law can fix that you should be prepared to face.
>ohh noo the men are so bad look at this crime stat that ignores race wahh how do i even like omg why is there so much semen in my ass oh yea because im a faggot who takes 36 dicks per hour.
Traitor. You can pucker up for the other sexs assholes all you want but it will never make you desirable you lonely loser traitorous fake excuse for a man