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Every new news item about Trump's campaign reads like kicking a man when he's down.

What a disgrace.

I'm starting to feel bad for Trump, Jeb, Bernie, Cruz and everyone else who got btfo this election...

He is worth 10 billion dollars lol.

who said he was trying to raise money lol

Is worth does not equal has

He could raise more with his pocket change.

The media gives him free coverage kek.


>literally making up shit now

You do realize that Trump hasn't even held fundraisers until recently, right? You fucking desperate shills?

ITT Sup Forumstards who pretend they weren't slobbering all over Trump's cock last year and hate that he's popular now. Kek


Yes, goy. I'm worth six gorillion dollars - don't mind all those illiquid assets or contrary estimates by financial experts.



Is this "look goyim, he didn't raised any money from our elites :^)" the new strategy the jews have planned?


Good job making another thread because your last one is rotting dead carcass


Ya got any tweets from Schmuel Rosenkreuz yet?

some jock that i hate in highschool posts trump shit all over his fb and same goes for his douchy friends
he belongs to the normies now

Lots of increasingly nervous men in this thread. Just saiyan.

>Jews can't comprehend the concept of winning if money isn't involved

He paid like $500k of campaign cash to rent out his own Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach.

They do understand that all of his rallies are free to attend, and he hasn't held any fundraisers that didn't just give away the money they earned, right? The only few fundraisers he's held during the course of his campaign have been for others (Veterans, for example) and not for his own campaign.

Also, Trump runs his campaign at a very low cost, for a number of reasons. First of all, the media gives him a SHITLOAD of free publicity, and there's no such thing as bad publicity. Secondly, he's a businessman, and knows how to get a job done better than the other guys, and at a lower cost (seriously, just read The Art of the Deal).

Besides, everyone already knows he's a candidate, why does he need a ton of money? Is that really a necessity at this point? Is it really necessary that he raises billions of dollars so he can sing and dance for the public to 'earn those votes'. No, and why should he? Why should he suck up a bunch of people's money when he doesn't need to? And why should he spend any more than he needs to?

This is such a shitty attempt to slander someone who so obviously isn't harmed by this kind of thing. Sad!

I m waiting for SHLOMO SHEKELBERG tweet as well

wtf i'm hillary now?

let's see how fast this thread dies again... like
At least trump supporters didn't kill 49 people a gay club in Orlando.

The fact that the Orlando masacre was prepaturated by a radical islmaist clinton supporter makes you so upset?

I mean even the Washington Post runs the story.
>just search for the term Hillary for source of the pic
You guys need radical islamist control not gun control

Guess I'm a #ShillForHill now.

and yet he is all we are talking about, really makes you think

This would be funny if it wasnt for the fact that the presidential nominee is also supposed to raise hundreds of millions for senators and house rep elections.

Trump is singlehandedly going to give dems full control of congress, scotus, and white house.

Wait, was he even trying to raise money?

This is exactly what Corey Lewandowski said in his interview today.

Yes. Thats the sad part.

Part of the draw to Trump is the fact that he doesn't need to pander to degenerate groups and orgs just to float his campaign. I see no problem here, you fucking mong.

No he only started fundraising recently and it was because the party was urging him to. That is all the parties care about. This is why they make the congressmen spend more time in their fundraising call centers than they do on the floor of congress.






not the house, but definitely the senate and the presidency

why would kikes and muslims give him millions like they do for hillary? he isnt going to do what they want.

>it's all part of the plan
every time

I feel bad for anyone who got duped into supporting an obvious scam campaign

Or "scampaign," if you will

It would be funny if the party was actually ok with allowing Trump to be the nominee because he won it fair and square and they weren't trying to jew him out of it at all costs.

He didn't start doing fundraisers until June.

(((Doesn't understand that value of all the free coverage Trump gets by playing media outlets like a fiddle)))

>the huffington post

Hillary clinton has the entire MSM and the wealthiest corporate sponsors in the word constantly selling her and people barely like her.

These are journalists? There job is supposed to be reading through the lines and getting the the bottom of issues. Yet they can't even spot when they are being played.

It's almost like Trump's campaign doesn't need money to pay internet trolls...


Mark Cuban has a lot of cash m8

>hate on Trump for being rich
>hate on Trump for not having huge coffers for his campaign like Hillary or Bernie

I just don't get it.

Shouldn't you respect a man who runs a lean campaign and isn't blowing massive amounts of money?

Hillary will defeat Donald Trump. No one's going to vote for a chauvinist, sexist, and misogynist.

>Yet they can't even spot when they are being played.
They literally don't care

Their souls are bought by the ratings they bring

They would worship the devil and sacrifice children if the ratings spiked



Yeah, okay. Pick one.

You suck at this

Do you idiots still believe this? He's a con man.

nice try shillary campaign, we do it for free

>Trump running the most cost efficient campaign in modern history
>Has a personal net worth of 10 billion, 300-500 million cash/liquid assets on hand


democrats are so fucking dumb, they seriously think highlighting the fact that Trump is struggling to get bribes from special interests is bad for him

>real rich people just keep it all in gold coins in a swimming pool
>having a massive real estate empire doesn't count as wealth

Has he finally been stumped?


Tumblrina detected


>raised 3.1million
>self funded campaign


is this retard for real?

What's your point? I'd vote Cuban, he's one of the few liberals who isn't a pathetic loser.

How much has he raised in the past?

drumpfkins B.T.F.O

Cruz was right - he was fOOling you all


>he believes the self-funding meme

Shekelbergissteinencrantz thinks it's unfathomable to not spend 6 bajillion on advertisements. Trump spent less than all the republican candidates and got more votes than anyone else in history. That's called free market efficiency, getting more done with less.

Candidates do that to bribe the media because the media can destroy your campaign in one weekend of lies, except Trump, they can't touch him and he can skip the bribery game.

Explain how it would make logical sense for Marteen to be pro-Trump, or a Republican.

The two-party system is meant to put us on either side of one fence. What's surprising about a Muslim being a Democrat when the Republican candidate would hypothetically want to ban him from entering the country?

If he committed his actions in the name of the Democratic party then it might be worth mentioning.

Trump doesn't need more money than that for his campaign. He only has like 70 people working for his campaign and he runs it on a very tight budget.


>donald trump networth
>4.5 billion

>hillary clinton networth
>22~ million

>bernie sanders networth

Im p sure trump doesnt need a "trump presidential fund" when he could literally buy out the election

>doesn't take any jew money
>only down a few points in the polls


Should that be something negative, if that's true?

If anything it's something very positive, barely raised any money yet crush his paid and bought for opposition in the republicans.

Since when is it positive to take take bribes from corporations?

>Trump raised $50 million (including self funding)
Trump won the nomination 2 months early + got an estimate of $2 Billion in free media
>berncuck raised $200 million
Still lost by a landslide

Money isn't a factor in politics, you don't need to raise the most. You just have to win, turns out it doesn't have as much influence as people (cucks) think.

>1 post by this ID

Your ending digits confirm that MAGAfags have reached Bernout levels of delusion.

bernie and trump are both jews one gets us to donate our money and the other gets us to do it for free

>>hillary clinton networth>22~ million
Are you fucking retarded?

The Clinton Foundation takes in billions a year

This proves without a doubt that Trump is as brilliant as Einstein.

To be able to compete with almost unlimited money just by pretending to have it. To literally scare the establishment's wife. Wow.

Fucking amazing.

her personal networth is 22 mil

believe it or not, Bill was your president before and he's the one that makes the bread.
Ontop of that "the clinton foundation" is not an extension of the clintons networth

>being this fleeced...

Trump doesn't need campaign funds.
He's received the equivalent to $2 billion dollars in free media coverage alone. Trump is a genius when it comes to money management. Remember when Yeb spent something like $250 million on ads and couldn't even make it into the double digits, and Trump spent virtually pennies on the dollar.

>the clinton foundation is not an extension of the clintons net worth

the difference is we have a god on our side

> People like that he is an outsider
> "Look goyim, Drumpf is not an insider like us. #ImWithHer"

Is he retarded or is it just a tweet aimed at a Hillary Support circle jerk?

congrats sweden, you got the joke

>implying he needs money to win

If that's a standard charge there, then that is how you are supposed to do it.


Jeb! will surely win with all the money he was given. Trump BTFO?

I don't think most of Trump's wealth is easily liquidable, since a lot of his worth comes from his buildings and other such assets. He's already proven to be extremely resourceful in the primaries by manipulating the media; I'm sure he doesn't need a stupid amount of money like Hillary to get publicity.

Also fuck off Hillary shills.

>Oy vey Trump isn't taking 'donor money' like the rest of them!

Because the RNC hated Lewandowski and his (non-existent) general election campaign strategy.

When you're saying you don't need ads, data, internal polling, etc. no one is going to give you money.

no he isn't

barely over a billion, and that's vanishing fast


"bank account 'A' only has $1.2 million"

>disregards bank account 'B' has $10 billion

Bank account B is a hotel.

donald trump will be president


every time

>Trump sells one of his 200 million dollar properties.
>Trump funds his own general election campaign

seriously doubt you are privy to that type of information.