Why are you voting for Trump?
Why are you voting for Trump?
Because I hate Clinton. She looks evil. Also, we don't need Obama 2.0. I would have prefered Rubio, but anyone is better than Clinton. Hopefully whites wake up, and he can flip a couple blue states.
build wall
bring back jobs
take care of vets
crush isis
enforce immigration laws
protect 2nd amendment
Because once the economy collapses in the next 4 years i want a republican to be in office so that the normies will blame the collapse on the republicans
Because he alone has proven that he is willing able to destroy that which is the biggest problem we face as a nation: political correctness.
because shillary actually will sell out the land of the burgers for her own money gain under the table
Hillary is a cunt.
They should've made that wall 40 years ago.
Trump can't actually do any of these. Not one.
I like guns
im not voting for trump
Nope on the second unfortunately, he is better than hillshill though
Because I really like most of his policies and he's not Hillary.
I want Republicans in the Supreme Court and a wall on our border.
See how much I don't matter in the course of history you fucking asshole.
This dumbass just triggered the NEETs for Trump
I don't think he can do the things he wants to but I hope he gets in political correctness has gone to far and his going to put a stop to.
Realpolitik. Now more than ever.
Because I shouldn't have been able to vote Obama
Because at this point in life, Trump is the only thing I have true divine faith in, not even Jesus gives me that feeling.
Because I'm not a fucking cuck shill.
Also, pic related.
The current trend of cultural regression is absolutely terrifying to me. Cultural marxism and all it's problems needs to end and I think getting a president like Trump in the whitehouse will be a move in the right direction.
I don't think he's the end to the problem, but I hope that with his election we will have a fighting chance at preserving our culture in the wake of this affliction.
Because we need a man in the white house. It's time for a man now.
to see the world burn
cuz i watched the debates and thought he was a boss
I like his policies.
I'll add to this.
To watch America rise up out of the ashes.
I align with him politically on some issues but what it really comes down to for me at least is voting for the best of whats left. I believe if you don't vote you have no right to judge or complain about the outcome and the effects of the outcome. Hillary has proven to me and anyone else with a brain that she is a corrupt pandering liar and I have no interest in seeing her run my country for 4 years on top of the fact I don't agree with most of her views. My vote is for Trump.
I hate where the world has been going and Hillary Clinton is probably the least transparent candidate in American history. His personality helps a bit, too.
Because of meme magic.
Thanks for the videos user. My mom is one of your biggest fans
Do you have a new volume in the works? What can we expect?
because he's a pragmatist first. his political affiliation means nothing to me. he points out the problems in my country quite well, and has a common sense approach on how to fix those problems. if elected, we won't become a utopia. we will be much better off in every regard. i don't even agree with him on everything. he is a true american patriot that will solve the most pressing issues though. its funny how people don't understand why he has so much support. its like his opponents can't grasp the idea that a lot of people want to see his proposals enacted.
>I would have prefered Rubio
He was one of the worst
Trump=Rand >Cruz>Huck>Carson>Rubio>Christie>Jeb>All else
>putting Carson that high
at least Trump's been an executive his entire life, Carson literally has no applicable experience and no foreign policy to speak of. Whenever he was asked a question, he would talk about some meme tier armageddon device that might come into ISIS' or N Korea's hands
I immediately regretted putting him that high. I just don't really like anyone after Cruz.
Just to be clear Carson's appeal was much less about policy and about his ability to build teams and to function as a leader of a team, but his campaign staff completely fell apart as he was peaking in the polls. So obviously he was a mess.
Also never really valued Trump's business acumen, I'm in it for his policy/vision and system breaking tb/h
I noticed that the Republicans were fighting him harder than they ever fought Obama.
Or Hillary.
Or ever tried to enforce the border.
im not
Because he told me he'd be the best president God ever made and why would someone lie like that?
Also he told me we'd win all the time and who doesn't like winning all the time?
I like Trump because he has a sensible immigration policy. Unchecked illegal immigration is bad for low-skilled workers and holds wages down, in addition to placing a huge burden on our social services.
He is willing to label fundamentalist Islam for the threat to western society that it is.
Even though he panders to mid-western corn voters, it's clear he isn't socially conservative.
He's willing to talk to any foreign leader instead of having a hissy fit and giving them the silent treatment.
No more nation building
He's not perfect, but he's the best Republican candidate I've been alive for.
Finally taking care of the illegal immigration problem
Killing PC culture hardcore and sticking it to millennials
Wanting the USA to stop fucking being world police is a huge one for me
Was angry at the shooter and ISIS not whites and AR-15s after the Orlando shooting
Wants America's interests first, not globalists that are love with refugees for some reason
Neither liberal or conservative, seems to be opened minded about certain issues
Oh yeah, I like how he has a few issues on his campaign site whereas Hillary wants to stick her and the government's ass in everything. Plus I love how stupid people are when they want a candidate that promises SOOOOO much but always delivers so small. It makes you look more like a failure when you couldn't fulfill most of your promises.