This character's arc made absolutely no sense

This character's arc made absolutely no sense

Other urls found in this thread:

will go down as one of the best porn scenes ever

>It's another anonymous shitposter makes another shitty thread for (you)s on Sup Forums episode


it's kino tho

fuck I haven't fapped to that in ages. FA rarely gets a cute


you're right, forgive me


Where do I meat girls like this? How do you find girls that are down for this shit?

>tfw she's married now

I wanted her ;_;

Don't cry for her, she does art now.

Bee (You)rself



fuck you, nigger ..

don't spoon feed this cuck

>meet girl
>get her addicted to heroin
>cut off her heroin supply
>she will do anything you want for more

It's surprisingly easy.
you're welcome

You meat them right inside their meaty, warm hole you virgin.

>following porn stars

you are all cucks,ecspecially the guy who married her.

fucking kek

this whore is walking around like she didn't get literally fucking REKT by cocks haha .. spam her ig, lads

remind this whore she'll always be a filthy slut who loves to suck cock

please dont insult me, her son will take offense to your comments

says the nigger with the anime shota folder



>drugs are bad
>sex is sinful

most (poo)r people would do whatever job for a big enough sum. a blue collar work 85 hours per week with 3 hours commute per day is much more denigrating than that 15 minutes of fake abuse porn.

Not (You)r Personal Army


>who loves to suck cock

>men believe this shit

her art is complete shit btw. Unsuccessful!

Amelia Wang


>that part where she tries to redeem herself by making shit and calling it "art"

explain this one to me Sup Forums

God damn she is beautiful and looks so innocent.
Almost wish I was ignorant.

This doesn't look like her

>that projection

stfu you silly beta

I like her art.

The one where they made a chick relive an incest rape was better

Her arc was "Fuck you dad!"

she actually does though, her father is extremely rich its not like she needed the money to go on fucking facial abuse.

She did it cause she liked it

me too

>that deflection

And thats why girls like her and sasha eventually retire,huh?

her dads a chink too,i doubt he was going to give her shit without her having a degree.

glad youve done your research though,cuck.

Someone post the webm

Her parents disowned her for a while after she got kicked out of Uni for selling weed.

I just want to fap harder to her now...faggot.
Also i need to study art, life is waste anyway.

I like it

You have autismo face blindness. That's 100% her.

Mya Nichole had 2-3 amazing scenes with them, long before she became a heroin addict and fucked up her face and body.

>keeps replying

not everyones a weeb cuck like you and jacks off to cartoons

>wants to study art
>calls me a faggot

Her dad is white. Her mom is asian. Any self-respecting asian father would disown such a whore.

I ain't clickin that shit

>comparing her and Sasha

I don't think Sasha came from a millionaire family .

Maylis father hired a bunch of lawyers and shit to try to get the scene purged from the internet. Poor guy probably saw her sperm-filled smile

>Poor guy probably saw her sperm-filled smile
do you think he .... you know

agreed or cut them off.makes sense this was a product of WMAF


its a great scene

checked, you are still a le legium faggot.

>when she puked on her own face


Probably got her to blow him.

You are worse than a degenerate.

Someone needs to photoshop her a pic of her drenched in cum onto that canvas

Waiting on a reply


white knights are even lower,friend.

need more hints towards facial abuse though. The couch was good, but should have added a few more specifics

How many videos of her are out there? I only have 2.

>not pretending to be a jewish overlord interested in promoting her for a ''price''

my point was they both alledgedly enjoy it,yet retire eventually.


Enjoy all my negroes ITT

>it's an /r9k/ thread

>it's a cuck post

Source to that claim?

the saddest threads of all

>he doesn't hate women and like to seem them degraded

white knight faggot detected

>caring about porn star drama


Her paintings don't look bad actually.

I'm a bit of a painter myself and I'd love to paint her face.

>abusing women

low test detected.

That site is depraved. You have to hate women to get off to it. We aren't talking kink scenes, either. They are borderline rapists. Call me vanilla but give me a good dirty talker real life too. Fuck this shit.

I'd really hoped she'd done an actual porn scene but no luck there.


she only did a few scenes, like 2 or 3 before he family found out.

the shame was getting to her, probably got threatened with getting disowned and left out of the will if she didnt stop sucking dicks on camera

My gf loves to suck my cock. She got so overexcited the other day she took it too deep and threw up a little on my pen0r


r*ddit the post

She thinks she can just move on and live a normal life? Not on my watch. I'll let all her friends and family know about this.

she did said scenes cause she was kicked out off uni according to TT

also if she really was commited to sucking cock she wouldve became a full fledge porn star and made way more then her family would have given her

>cucklet denial
beating women is purely a high test thing.

>he doesn't incorporate violence into non-violent activities.

Spotted the numale

doubtful,aside from the little penor part at least.

literally red.dit: the post

Her "art" look like cumshots

yeah, i agree.

like any of you would ever get to touch a woman like that.

thats why you guys are talking about abusing a tiny happa,cause otherwise you'd be the bitches.

there's a difference between roid rage and being alpha

porn stars don't make that much money you idiot

they get paid like 700-1000$ a scene

her dad is worth millions

Ya got me

Not at all. I almost exclusively post here. The problem is that I've actually had relationships with women. So, I know that sex is about getting the other person off whereas most of the emotionally stunted here are just angry people vicariously living out their "never been laid" hate fantasies.

like any of us would want to touch a woman like that

there's nothing alpha about war machine

Pretty sure there's more than one, but are talking about the Spanish girl that they make say "thank you, papi" or w/e it was her relative made her say during the act?
