You can feel it in the air can't you? Something is happening in a few weeks/days. War is getting closer.
We had some great discussions last night. Let's continue them.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Mouse Utopia experiment
>John B. Calhoun's Mouse Experiments
>John B. Calhoun
>Arithmetic, Population, and Energy
>Milgram Shock Experiment
>Stanford Prison Experiment
>The Second Coming Poem
>Precariat Definition
>((((Must Read, Goyim))))
>"Gaetan Delaforge, in Gnosis magazine 1987, defines an egregore as a kind of group mind which is created when people consciously come together for a common purpose."
>Looking for a new community for Zero Hour?
>Self-fulfilling Prophecy
>Staying Alive
>Modern Political Thought and Evolutionary Psychology
>(WIP, reply to contribute)
Favorite Thread of the night.
stobbit you feg
Trying to keep the thread alive burger.
Thanks mate. People are too scared of the truth.
Lately I've been unusually happy. Everything is so absurd, and no one knows what's going on. I'm golfing, going to birthday parties, drinking beer and shit. Enjoying it while I can. Wish I had more people to talk to about politics and The Situation though.
Has anyone read the north american guide to safe places?
Can you post it?
No I never found it, I just want to know if it's worth it.
Well I'd be interested in this as well.
also bumping to keep this thread alive because it's been helpful these past couple days.
I want in on this thread. so we just talk about how we feel the end of days is near?
Yes, but recently people on Sup Forums have been feeling it's all coming to a head, and the true happening is boiling right under our noses and we haven't been able to find the cause. Like we've been overlooking something.
it could be because it slaps me fucking retarded, but whenever I get high on dxm I just feel a global collapse coming. I just feel in my soul that things are changing in an evil tone. It could be my subconscious because of all the wretched things I read and see online(the dxm affects suppresses some parts of the brain so I figure the others might be more prevalent in my thinkings while high). all of which just makes me feel the world has gone past the point of salvation. I don't believe its a human happening...
100th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution is coming up. It's only natural that they will want to celebrate.
I know I sound like a tinfoil /x/eno but I legitimately just feel evil in the air
nobody will be safe
Sup Forums has been shilling about "muh habbening" for fucking years now.
That said, things will come to a head soon, but not until later summer/early fall I believe
FEMA camps are out
reddit general
You're retarded if you can't see how this time is different.
Does anyone else fantasize about a collapse in society all the time.
I think it would be fantastic. Without any form of media, society would go back to a completely conservative state very quickly I feel. I think liberalism can only be maintained with a heavy continuous influx of propaganda, because society's normal state is conservative.
I'm very strong, and I have reasonable skills in electronics, electrician skills, and gardening. I would love to work hard all day with a small community of people helping to rebuild our littl society.
Maybe we would all sit around a campfire and laugh and cry together at night. Maybe I'd meet a nice girl and eventually start a family together out in the new frontier.
Sup Forums person in a nutshell.
It's called GAD. It has no relation to anything that is actually "happening."
Honestly, it feels different this time.
Before it was just Sup Forums talk that got me all hot and bothered, but this time I feel it in my bones.
Happening high normally lasts about a week if not less, but ever since the Orlando shooting I have felt the happening high/anxiety constantly. I feel like it's all coming to a head. Something has to give now.
It feels like I'm watching a 2x4 with more and more weight being put on it, and it's been bending for ages now, and it finally looks ready to break.
I don't fantasize that far.
I fantasize mainly about dying in war desu.
I want to make my ancestors proud.
Do you guys think the ultimate happening, propagated in worldwide conflict both domestic and abroad, would call for a military draft? Or is our military just too swelled these days?
It depends on who you ask.
I'd probably enlist either way desu.
look at this video You're gonna be going to war with your government using it's own military against you
How do you think the war is going to end? I think it could easily result in Russia destroying us as the US become split into two.
I propose that if the US didn't exist today then Russia would have invaded Europe 10 years ago.
>I fantasize mainly about dying in war desu.
This. It would beat the hell out of growing old in this shithole world that is being created these days.
Thanks for starting this one up, OP. Some things got in the way, let me post the previous threads and wise words
/ZHG/ Important Threads Catalog
Post #: >First Ever
I can tell you this, the draft boards still exist. Every city, town and village in the US has people (almost all men) who meet once a month or so and go over who's registered and where. I once wrote to the Selective Service System (the SSS) and got an application to be on my local draft board. I never sent it back in, but it was very interesting. If there is a draft, they are ready.
Thread reminder to watch Threads
>If we want its quality to stay up, these threads need to be good nightly threads and not just a constant general inviting trumpposting and other le ebin memes.
>Also this should be first and foremost about philosophy and psychology before it's about /x/ shit. I'm not saying weird stuff isn't welcome, hell, it's probably encouraged, but this is already good enough without being a [pointless] "spooky thread."
Anyone know what the frenchies are saying on 8892?
Nietzsche's Last Man seems very relevant today as we can see in chapter five of Zaratrusta's prologue.
Here are two extracts:
>The earth hath then become small, and on it there hoppeth the last man who maketh everything small. His species is ineradicable like that of the ground-flea; the last man liveth longest. "We have discovered happiness"—say the last men, and blink thereby.
>No shepherd, and one herd! Every one wanteth the same; every one is equal: he who hath other sentiments goeth voluntarily into the madhouse. "Formerly all the world was insane,"—say the subtlest of them, and blink thereby.
And here's a video about It that's alright for a general view of the concept, but deeply flawed. Anyways, worth a watch.
noice trips
I really don't know. Obviously as things are now, the west is the most powerful group on the planet, but we are also becoming lazy and divided.
It depends on the reactions of people in every country involved.
Everyone's feeling it now. I had coworkers start asking me about bugout bags today. Normies are even wondering what they can do to save themselves.
I think the answer is "it's too late if you're just asking now."
I haven't noticed a lot of normies noticing, but I also only interact with about 6 people.
>The answer is it's too late
Nah. Thing is, it's never too late to start taking measures to ensure your survival. Maybe it's too late to stop an event like this, but it's not too late to prepare for the storm. The only things that stop you are fear of being wrong, fear of being right, and pure laziness. You can do anything, ANYTHING! Sure you can't jump off a cliff tomorrow and expect to fly, but you can take steps to ensure you or others that surpass you can one day fly. YOU control your destiny, factors are only obstacles whether you choose to overcome or to keep as obstacles
Same famerino. That'd be a great journey.
Checked. Looking at the video now.
Damn, dude. I live in Pittsburgh. I'll have to look into that for my city.
I've had a looming feeling over me for awhile now, like there are very evil vibes in the world for the past 2-3 years now.
I feel we need to be vocal, fighting, vicious and urgent more than ever because if we don't then the west will collapse and the world will fall under an awful NWO regime.
I've had National Socialism, Nazism, Nazi Germany etc. on my mind constantly lately and
I'm not sure why, I've been fighting my thoughts constantly about these ideals I never would've dreamed of supporting or even being neutral to... I'm not sure if this has anything to do with anything though.
I think civil wars will happen soon across the west, in Europe it will be a civil war between natives and middle easterners. In the US, there will be civil wars motivated by ideals and race predominately in metropolitan areas. (such as San Francisco, NYC, Detroit, Chicago etc.) I think there won't be many (if any) wars in the rural areas such as the midwest, the south though due to a more conservative and traditional society, where race and gender relations it seems are stronger and are more composed.
Have a bump
This anxiety is your primal instincts telling you to do something. If you're doing nothing, you're interpreting your anxiety as being an absolute end, but it's SCREAMING AT YOU, begging "DAMN IT, DO SOMETHING! LIVE YOU FUCK!". But what are you doing now? Crack a joke, it'll make you "feel" better, won't it?
I walked into a meeting today, and a coworker said "oh here's the guy you should ask..." then turned to me and said "we were just talking about emergency bags and what to prepare."
The conversation ended with one saying "I don't know whether I should try to find you when it happens, or if I should stay as far away as possible." That's when I realized I'd gone too far.
I told them a couple of good tips.
If you finish a bottle of milk, juice, water, fill it up and put it away. If you buy canned foods, put one in a long term storage cupboard. If you have bags of rice or beans, put 1/4 of them in a sealed jar and store it away. Keep adding to your collection.
Even though it's impossible to find right now, get ammo. Get as much as you can.
This isn't going to be a 'happening' happening. I think it'll be slower and more insidious. But it's happening already. We just can't connect all the dots yet.
That's why I think it's too late for most 'casual' types.
Even for these people, it's not too late. It's only too late when they decide its too late. Them as individuals have decided whether or not they're done or they're just getting started.
Now your assumption that most of them will not go forth, is probably correct. All I'm saying is inspire them to live, don't just tell them how to get started.
>"I don't know whether I should try to find you when it happens, or if I should stay as far away as possible"
OPSEC user, because your co-worker there has the exact mentality of most normies out there. They'll take whatever you have because of their own lack of preparation.
Probably too late but I'd stay mum from here on out.
I was just thinking this
tell nobody of your preps
Yeah, once it happens you better kill the fucker yourself and eat his corpse for nutrients. Fucking leeches
zero hoots gang?
The digits are real in this thread. Kek is with us.
I'll be honest, I have done 0 preparation, but I also live in a fairly small town. If the happening happens, I'll likely have some time to prep.
except the brain and organs, just flesh
I finally came to a realization that everything is as it should be. The spectrum of longing is the same spectrum that says don't move. There really is no difference. The feeling of anxiety is a breath away from inner peace. Even if you are an angry or hurt person, it is as it should be. Try taking a deep breath and looking at yourself as if you aren't even really you.
In the end the things we strive for are the things that least matter. The pain like depression itself is not anything but a greater symptom of something just slightly out of our mental grasp. I believe it to be menial in a sense of longing. It is really hard to desribe. It's as if you were playing a videogame and then doing the same thing in real life. It is simple stimulation of something smaller or bigger.
Even things such as destiny are clouds of words that someone cannot describe yet can scrape by experience. Books fail to teach this because they cannot. It is something that must be experienced.
Yeah, after I exposed as much as I did, I immediately started kicking myself. On one hand I was mad for showing my hand, and on the other I felt like I presented like some kind of weirdo 'prepper'.
Either way, I failed to shut up. I wish I had just talked in theoretical terms. Luckily none of them knows where I live, exactly.
until they get hungry, think about you and your preps, break into work and find your address
The Ambient Discord will manifest before long.
It won't stop...
9 off fuck me.
Don't throw away your life for a government that doesn't fight for you. That's being the ultimate cuck.
Firearm, basics like food and water. In my opinion, that's the best you're going to get at the moment.
Small town helps, take into account any mid size or legit metropolitan areas nearby - you're going to see 'refugees' from those areas depending on what kind of SHTF scenario we're talking about here.
I will give my life to a worthy cause. I will fight in WW3, granted I believe in one side. That's the reason I have not enlisted yet. I don't want to fight in the middle east for my current government.
Just of the opinion that if it was a world war the only governments around are specifically against you.
Just saying don't be like Grandpa and kill your kin so your grandchildren can get replaced by Mexicans.
great dump leaf, appreciate ya
what does that mean?
>I've had National Socialism, Nazism, Nazi Germany etc. on my mind constantly lately
It all oddly feels so familiar.
the intangible will become tangible
Read the fate of empires, at least thats what I think its called.
Some friends and I were talking about this literally yesterday, how grim things are looking these days and they all seem to agree some shit is going down soon. Maybe a refugee uprising in europe that could shift into a race or religious thing. Im sure isis would do their thing once the riots kick off.
Hitler and Mussolini were just ahead of their time. They knew that the battle of the future wouldn't be right vs left but marxism vs fascism/natsoc
The thought of superiority of the 21st century man over his predecessors is misplaced. People are the same as they've always been. Maybe the familiarity is due to Wiemar Germany being comparable to the modern day west. Maybe not.
Either way, I think this all may revolve around Trump. Should anything happen to his well being..Then everything will kick off. There is too much pent up hatred of class, race and ideals. Somethings gotta snap soon.
We defeated the wrong enemy, in worst scenario we still would've been better off with a Nazi Germany rather than a Soviet Union.
I'm honestly starting to think Marxism is a work of Satan, it has destroyed the very fabric of the west to a point where it may not be able to be restored. It would take a complete reversal of the subversion used by the Soviets, even if that includes facism/natsoc.
>I'm honestly starting to think Marxism is a work of Satan, it has destroyed the very fabric of the west to a point where it may not be able to be restored.
Wiemar Germany was as bad if not worse, yet look at what it gave birth too.
Darkest before the dawn blahblahblah.
post your face when Americucks get stomped by their government and are imprisoned in cucksheds.littl
Japan kind of forced our hand. Just another reason to never trust none whites.
>I'm honestly starting to think Marxism is a work of Satan
Marxism was completely founded and started by Jews, many of whom are servants of Satan(pic related). Funnily enough I just started this article right now, not sure if it's completely relevant to that thought, but it seems to be.
I believe that, maybe history is repeating itself with Brexit and Trump rising in popularity, with nationalism and right-wing ideology becoming popular and even counter-culture in the west again.
The US banking interests would never have let us fight against the Soviets. Capitalism and Communism are at their core, both materialist, globalist, empty philosophies. Our government was already compromised.
9mm or .45ACP?
Surely not all Jews are bad though, right?
I do have a Jewish friend in Australia, who is actually redpilled I'd say (conservative/nationalist, anti-globalist, anti-LGBT, I think Orthodox or Messianic Jew, pro-Trump)
This is the reddest pill I've ever swallowed, coming from a Protestant Christian household (and still am a Christian) which is positive of Jews and Israel etc. which is the norm.
get out of that basement already