What is happening, America?
What is happening, America?
Other urls found in this thread:
>people are less active
>people eat more because the quality of food has gone done
>portion sizes are often larger
>corn and soy in fucking everything, corn which fucks with your blood sugar and soy with fucks with your hormone levels
Mexicans. Mexicans are the fattest people on the planet and we're full of them.
Technology. You don't have to physically move if you don't want to anymore.
if you control for race - whites in america weigh about as much as british whites
this has been addressed many times
most of the weight gain is not from over eating but from eating the wrong things (sugars, soda pop, lots of grains, processed foods)
someone should be able to eat until they are satisfied and not be fat
>Mexicans in America are the reason why white Americans are obese
Whites and Asians in the US have the lowest obesity rates, around 20-30% iirc. Niggers and spics are up at like 70-80%
A. F. Leaf
Here's a fantastic read on the topic. but i would recommend the actual book and not just the notes
Oh how I relish in the fact that I was a former fat kid.
And why is that?
Because I know how much it fucking sucks to be a fatfuck and I use that memory as a constant reminder to not get hefty in my old age.
Been there, done that. Never again.
High fructose corn syrup and other processed garbage fake food. Seriously.
right now i'm kind of 2015 but I'm trying to get back to at least 1990. that'd be good
High fructose corn syrup but the real problem is fat acceptance.
in 1970 USA released a food pyramid which wasnt designed to make you fit but rather designed so you would buy more of a certain company's food
>food getting cheaper and cheaper
>people becoming less and less active
thought it was pretty obvious 2bh
>Be america
>have a shit ton of Corn plantations
>Discover it can be used for fucking everything
>use it on everything
Similar happens on my country but with processed food
If it uses concepts like "good calories" and "bad calories" it's bullshit. The only "empty calories" are those found in alcohol at 7c/G. Your body can use carbohydrates,lipids,and proteins for fuel. Preferably you want to get 35-45% of your energy from carbs though since converting protein to energy puts unneeded stress on your liver. The issue Americans have now is way to high consumption of added sugars. There's literally no reason to drink soda if you're no longer a child yet whenever you go out you see adults everywhere choking down 3 to 4 sodas a day which is already putting them at around 1.5x their RDA of sugar, not even factoring in any of the food they're eating.
That's the result of replacing animal fat with carbs and sugar.
mexicans, not factoring for age
This, but I'd say fat acceptance, but the real problem is HFCS. It is literally in everything.
come to LA man. they have mestizo genes, they are different people
This. They have higher obesity rates.
yeah everybody was ripped in the 50s
Shitty cheap snacks galore, nobody does physical stuff any longer, modern convenience, etc.
Pretty simple, OP - most people are content to be fat and lazy, nobody HAS to be that way, it's 100% choice, so no empathy for fatties since it's nothing more than a love of sloth that got them there.
me on the left
>what are averages
It's all greed. HFCS is cheap as fuck to make and it's addicting. They put that poison in everything at the cost of everyone's health.
btw im stealing that spurdo.. thanks amigo
Fattest country in the world: Mexico
Country with the most Mexicans: Mexico
Second fattest country in the world: America
Country with the second most Mexicans: America
And every year there's more of them and less of us.
I hear you man, being fat and actually managing to lose the weight is a fucking enlightening experience.
Never again.
Take a guess. Hint: Build the wall.
if you're not fat and do a basic minimum of physical activity you naturally look like that
I want to see obesity figures that contrast working people to those who collect welfare.
>falling for the high fructose corn syrup meme
For breakfast I had pancakes, bacon and maple syrup, lunch I had the Wendy's 4 for 4, and dinner I had eel sushi, and lo mein.
I'm only 5.5% body fat after being measured by the doctors.
It's probably mostly about being active, as I run for two hours a day, work simple construction 5 hours a day, and lift weights for an hour every day except the weekends. My phone tracks me at 25,000 steps a day usually.
you clearly never been in the south
>fat shaming
I hear ya, /fit/bro. Former fat kid here, was 210 lbs. and 5'6" in 5th grade, feels good to be a solid 200 at 6' in my 40s and watch the slobs envy and the ladies take a 2nd glance.
The iron solves many problems, if only people understood how much good some actual physical work of pushing weights around can do, but then again, they'd still probably choose 12-hour vidya sessions and Family Size Doritos bags instead, that's just where we're at, the modern American male is broken and may not be fixable now.
When you have the discipline it doesn't matter. It's just when you look at the sheer amount of calories corn syrup contributes to the American diet it becomes an issue.
this. the testosterone you get from just being active makes a huge difference.
Nice blog
Shit, in the real 2030 we'll be harvesting the blubber from their fat asses to run our oil lamps and basically sautee the rest for food.
Low-IQ Mexican piggu
Remember when corn actually had nutritional value?
Pic related is a good documentary to get redpilled on fatties
Nothing's wrong with it. Dad bod is in at the moment. It's just a fad.
i had to struggle to get enough calories to gain some sizable weight even with a good chunk of diet turned to junk just to get the extra calorie bonus.
I don't understand how you could possibly eat enough to gain so much weight godamn, how do you not get full >:^(
Fast and luxury food becoming so available. Most people I know don't put any thought into their daily intake, and the average person is just horribly ignorant when it comes to nutrition.
People are just incredibly fucking lazy too, many would rather wait 20 minutes for public transport than walk for 15 minutes.
pls lrn2science before you believe stupid shit like this
>tfw lost 75 pounds and put it back on 3 times already
I would suspect constant eating throughout the day instead of one large meal and a lot of liquid calories. Combined with next to no exercise of any kind.
In my case, I work a helpdesk job that has me sitting 24/7, usually too fucked with migranes after work to be active.
I'm a fat fuck but I do eat well, but without activity its pointless. I can only ever get to the gym on the weekends.
It's been speculated that anorexia exists because for some people not eating feels GOOD.
I think I'm that way.
I eat right, work out, I'm in the best shape of my life.
But if I bulk up with a little more fat than I'd like after going a little crazy with the peanut butter protein shakes, I do the '5-2' fasting diet. Eat normally 5 days a week. And then 2 non consecutive days eat 500 calories or less.
I tell you. On fasting days I feel amazing. It's liberating not having to eat. I actually feel more awake, vibrant, I'll often use those days to get shit done like mow the lawn, work on the berry patch, etc.
It blows my mind that some people CANNOT. CANNOT go without food for more than 6 hours. It's just mind boggling to me.
>be me
>Skinny as fuck
>Literally within the anorexic weight category
>58kg at 6'1"
>Can only stomach 1 meal a day maybe 2 if I'm really hungry
I cannot understand how people physically eat so much food and how people actually have the time to sit down and eat that food.
I usually space my meals right about 5-6 hours apart. It also takes the body 6-7 hours to complete digestion. Waiting any longer than that between meals usually makes me sluggish.
>5.5% body fat
No. Just fucking no. The only people in the world who get below 8% body fat are competitive body builders using a ton of cutting agents. Unless you have literally starved yourself, have a freak genetic condition or are on a pure ketogenic diet, there is no way you are 5.5% body fat. You would be able to see the actually strinews of muscle fibre.
If your doctor measured that, he's either a shit doctor or a negligent doctor. Because if a doctor saw that, he would immediately tell you to gain fat or else you're going to die since the human body can't function in the long term with such low body fat.
thank you for some clarity
it is, here's the map for hispanics
here's whites
Looks like a 20 year old guy who will be fat by the time he's 100. Why are you so confused?
>not posting the original
they're closer to blacks than they are to whites, this is blacks
>tfw never been fat
>don't even have a "fast metabolism"
>no friends and never a gf
I hate fat fuckers who lose weight and end being normies.
rotisserie chicken
Vegetables suck because people care more about the aesthetics of a vegetable than the quality.
Fast Food, honestly tastes better unless you seriously learn how to both cook and then on top of that learn how to cook healthier.
Portions are huge because we produce too much food.
I skip breakfast, eat a small lunch, medium dinner and I'm fine.
This is how empires crumble
>my personal anecdotes override your statistics
Kill yourself, nigger.
>it's all because of the M-mexicans, w-we swear
LMAO, Americucks once again blaming somebody else for their problems,
but I'll reply anyway
Competitive body builders weigh 300 lbs at 8% body fat meaning 24 lbs of fat. Airlines define average male as weighing 170 lbs - which at 8% body fat is 14 lbs of fat.
Maybe now you can see how stupid your comparison is.
literally just posted data Alvarez, do you read before posting?
I feel yah. I grew up skinnyfat/chubby and now normies think I'm ripped. Jokes on them I have body dysmorphia.
This. It's annoying having to break the pace of your day to eat. I usually eat one big meal around noon and that's it.
leafy greens and meat. two slices of whole grain whole wheat on top of lunch. Eat whole unprocessed ingredients.
Do you actually enjoy weightlifting? Seems incredibly boring to me. I'd rather play sport, go running outside or do manual labour.
take a sunday or 2 in a row, clear it out, sit around and do diddly dick all day, get to go orders from local restaurants.
127 lbs is gnarly for 6'1, you'd pull more bitches 20 lbs heavier.
God loves America best.
He prepares us for the next flood.
Hypothermia resist +15.
We float easily.
Praise baby Jesus!
Colorado seems to be the slimmest state.
Lay off the refried beans Pablo or the wall will have to be made 100 feet wider
Id also like to add:
>poor people choose cheap food
>cheap food is cheap because it is made with unhealthy things
>healthy food is more expensive
This is also contributing to the obesity epidemic.
Influx of lower IQ populations
>percentages of people with BMI 30 or higher, from highest to lowest
>48% of blacks
>42% of hispanics
>33% of whites
>10% of asians
Oh would you look at that. They are also sorted from dumbest to smartest. It's almost like higher IQ gives one more impulse control.
ok, i realize people are going to say it's just the american being in denial, but do you not literally see the fat migrating around the chart?
weightlifting is a direct solution to a specific problem
>In the US, middle-aged white people are living shorter and unhealthier lives
>White men are also dying in midlife at unexpectedly high rates. But the most extreme changes in mortality have occurred among white women, who are far more likely than their grandmothers to be smokers, suffer from obesity or drink themselves to death.
>White women still outlive white men and African Americans of both sexes. But for the generations of white women who have come of age since the 1960s, that health advantage appears to be evaporating.
>This reversal may be fueling anger among white voters: The Post last month found a correlation between places with high white death rates and support for GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump.
I wonder what percentage of the obese whites that are Anglo.
im pretty sure a lot of black communities have problems because no one wants to stick around and father a kid if you are forced to have a wife thats 300 pounds.
it's not like they are going to stop fucking because the only people they can bang(eachother) are ugly, they just wont stick around.
Fuck Off Taco.
I've been getting in shape and taking in a combination of both whey and soy protein. Is soy consumption terribly counterproductive?
The short version is people are eating too much and not moving enough.
you forgot the turban
False, healthy is cheap
Mexicans are fat as fuck, dindus too. Then there are the extreme cases like the pacific islands, the Arab gulf nations are fat as fuck too.
Burgerstan will struggle to remain within top 5 of the fattest nations of the world.
It's many things. One of which is the high fructose corn syrup that changes the way the liver processes sugar. Started to be cheap in the 50s.
Only 60% White now
All Blacks and Hispanics are obese
Divide the obesity rates up by race and see what results you get
Genetics of course! Has nothing to do with people stuffing themselves with more food than they will ever need.
I do. It's like my meditation, my time to not worry about anything but getting as big and strong as I can even though my genetics aren't necessarily the best. I want to be the best version of myself.
Thing is I was told by doctors I have underdeveloped hand and eyes muscles, meaning that my hand/eye coordination is shit naturally. I was okay at basketball growing up, I loved playing rugby(forward so I just used my size to be effective), and I was always a good distance runner.
I stopped playing basketball when I stop growing(I'm 6'3"), stopped playing rugby after I fucked up my shoulder in a game(a big motherfucker picked me up and dropped me on my shoulder), and I want to be big now so I don't run anymore. And that's how I got into it.
Yes it's awful
Update your chart, Ahmed.
soy isolate as it is found in powder does not contain most of the estrogens
I know that feel man I was fat as fuck last year and then I started eating less and counting my calories I never want to go back.