I posted a thread on /k/ asking them of what the think of us here on Sup Forums, they seem to overall hate us. so that said, what does Sup Forums think of /k/?
The /k/ Question
Other urls found in this thread:
who cares they are a bunch of faggots
It seems to me that political threads on /k/ are always started by noguns. But if they are started here they seem to be gun owners or they show up.
They like cum brownies.
holy trinity
Sup Forums /k/ /fit/
I only /pol and /k
I don't think they hate pol generally
Bad timing I guess
/K/ is a bit contrarian, and so arw we. Frankly, both boards are pretty similar and they like us just fine. Or maybe I should say we, since like many on /K/ and Sup Forums, I freaquent both boards.
As for me personally, I think they're great.
>asking one part of a anonymous image board do they like another part of a anonymous image board
>how retarded are you
>and why would you even care
They can hate us all they want but at the end of all this shitfuckery we're still the best friends each other will ever have.
/fit/ can come too, those faggots.
I dislike /k/ because they make fun of most guns that don't meet a strict criteria. I asked about getting an L85 on /k/ and they began whining about how back heavy it was and listing off other unnoticeable shit like nigger be happy you can get a gun its not like you live in fucking France or some shit. They are waay to anal. That being said they do bring up valid points like pic related
/k/ is cool with me, we all serve our part.
I bet 90% of /k/ is voting trump
Also, link to /k/ thread you deranged faggot.
Nah, Sup Forums /r9k/ Sup Forums
Knowledgeable on Rhodesia
>Sup Forums /k/ /fit/
What are boards for closet homos?
>+200 pts.
I'll take 'State the Obvious' for 400.
Most of /k/ browses Sup Forums and vice versa. You guys remember the /k/ fag that went to the BLM protest and ended up getting chased. He was carrying and kneecapped 3 of them if I remember correctly.
Just like every other board. Place has its autists. We have the mummy poster, they have the TRIGGER DISCIPLINE faggots
Found it
you don't need to be a ironically racist faggot to own a gun
but you DO need to be an ironically racist faggot to visit Sup Forums
Please dont mention him. The mummy faggot, that is.
What you have to remember is that there is a deceptively strong euro presence on /k/. This translates to more more socially liberal opinions than you would see on Sup Forums. You also have the "gun owning liberals" who want to vote for Clinton in the a sense of any sort of rational thought.
Additionally, there seems to be a strong fag/degenerate presence on the board, which I can't really explain but also makes them dislike pol.
Maybe /fit/ in its golden age. But modern /fit/ is absolute garbage. It's just the same old general threads (which are just tripfag circlejerks) and a gorillion threads dedicated to different athletic girl body type image dumping. It's just fucking /soc/+/s/ with the thin veneer of fitness.
make /fit/ great again
Bunch of old faggots who will get rekt when the happening comes and they will be the first to go with their abundance of 22lr
That's not what cum looks like in brownie mix.
Source: me.
The only ones that hate Sup Forums are the newfag and underage influx. /k/ is a beacon for children from /x/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums and they hate Sup Forums. Also, most people left /k/ when threads about silencers and other progun threads were being removed and posters banned by an anti-gun person.
Then reddit purged and they rushed into Sup Forums from the gun board there.
Too many traps and dragon dildos.
Otherwise, fine enough freedom loving people.
more like /sci/, Sup Forums, /fit/
*much more
muh britbro
Silly mummy fags.
pre2008 /k/ommando here.
kinder/k/ is a SJW shitplace now. I'd rather go to Opchan desu.
Wait till night time before you post there.
It's literally night and day.
Based Oppenheimer only comes on at night as well, before some dick doxxed him.
I don't think of /k/
You have to be 18 to post here kid.
I can tell your are not, because that was the last time I gave anything for others opinions of me.
Grow up, dumb ass.
There is plenty of crossover so maybe it's the noemie influx trying to sway demographics.
they have to hate pol. they are forced to be libertarian at the most because they can't express our views and still enjoy guns
Haven't checked out /sci/ in years, but it was full of holier-than-thou "I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE" reddit-tier libcucks last I checked.
I seriously doubt you can have an honest thread about human biodiversity, for example
What was the deal with that anyway? Someone post his info online or send him threatening letters?
I don't remember his posting much personal info, but considering his line of work it may not have been to difficult o piece everything together
Its just a vocal minority of faggots. At least half of /k/ posts here.
I have always considered /k/ to be our greatest ally.
Tons of happenings crossover plus they are the origin of innawoods. Them and /fit/ are the 2 most redpilled boards outside of Sup Forums
Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums
This. /k/ancer plebs stay off my board.
Yeah, he was a legit nuclear analyst or something like that.
Not sure exactly what happened, but I think they were fucking with his job.
He still posts occasionally though, god bless him.
Things have changed, there's rn a thread on IQ and Race, and majority agree that some races are just simply smarter than others
I think as far as firearms boards go /k/ is pretty lousy, but I have only found one or two decent ones ever. I have talked about them here and on /k/ but would never disclose the secret hideout to you degenerates.
I browse and contribute to both /k/ and Sup Forums. I'm hated by some /k/ users for the fact I post here. I've only been posting on Sup Forums for.... since year one?
Damn. Reminds me of what happened to Scooby.
this famalam
>in shape, armed and redpilled is the only way to live
there are no /k/oons up in here refuting OP's accusation therefore it must be true.
At least we still have boof.
>I need .380 glocks....
its a battleground. tons of antigun retards shit up /k/ constantly. when hiro mentioned new rules for each board and to clean things up, i wonder if that meant removing the Sup Forums threads from /k/. i havent been back there to check in awhile
I remember that.
A bunch of "happening" LARPists that go on and on about how they can't wait to fight and for happening but won't enlist cause they're bitchmade pussies
I used to post on /k/ in the olden days. Back when you could actually get some semblance of an intelligent discussion going on the board. Or some great banter could be witnessed.
Nowadays though the people posting there just repeat the same old tired memes again and again. You would be hard pressed to actually learn something of value. Kind of like how outside of the OP on Trump general threads it is generally a massive circlejerk of memeposters. With only once in a while someone posting something gold.
Got one Swedish-American friend who even enjoyed /k/ right up into 2015, and even he stopped going there now.
That shit was legendary. I feel like we just passed the golden age of k tripfags. I miss McNig the most
That being said, There are some okay trips now (milsurpdude is pretty helpful) but most of them are cancer
ATG/CZ shoulder holster goy?
>year one
>He missed the happening threads when Alexander Crossed the Hellespont
>He missed the shitposting in the Athenian e-agora board
Newfags I swear.
Year one circa 1.3 million posts on Sup Forums
Sorry, don't know him
I never post pics or discuss my stuff in too much detail. There are some great people on this board, but also some real fuckers who won't hesitate to bring you down if they can
/k/'s pretty tsundere with us. Like most of Sup Forums, they hated Sup Forums for a while, then HAPPENINGs happened and they actually liked us after Zimmerman for some time. Now they think Sup Forums is full of a bunch of ignorant faggotty children, because at this point it pretty much is.
Some of the hate is also from paranoia when they see someone holding a Sup Forums type view, they think containment has been breached, instead of thinking that maybe, just maybe, someone came into that opinion on their own. To be fair, the paranoia does have some small degree of justification from redditors that came to Sup Forums before and tried getting Sup Forums shut down, who posed as Sup Forumslaks and shit all over the whole site after noticing an odd dislike despite the fact that from 2003 until around 2008 you'd hear racist shit on every board, regularly.
Personally, I think /k/'s alright, but like the rest of the site there's plenty of younger or newer people that don't fully understand chan sites that tend to make things a little shittier for all of us while they try to adapt and ultimately help shift the overall board personality away from how it originally was, which is aided by older users finding less time or motivation to browse or post on a site that they feel less and less attachment to over the years as they age and mature.
You don't happen to have the ramset squirrel/peanut butter cap?
Who else ready to harness their masculine energy to channel the power of our ancestors?
Post the link or fuck off
Sup Forums Sup Forums /s/ ftw
I can't stand /k/ anymore
The people who post there are just... dumb. Really, really dumb. If you see any thread regarding science or physics on /k/, stay the fuck away unless you want to see a trainwreck in action.
And the board has less "murrika fuck year" and more "Every military and military equipment from any country who isn't american is complete shit, especially if you're chinese or russian."
I honestly can't tell if they're just useful idiots or actual shills, but it makes it impossible to have any discussion that isn't sucking american dick 24/7.
Like I said before, strong euro presence. I also think the subject matter attracts a lot of underage/cod kiddies who post a lot of dumb shit
When ever something goes down /k/ comes to Sup Forums
They probably hate us in the same xenophobic fashion as we hate them. But that hate can also be seen with factions within Sup Forums itself.
I sort of think of /k/ as a Sup Forums ally in the same way that Stormfags and Libertarians coexist on Sup Forums
idk Sup Forums and /d/ are the only boards I use
it really is horrible. Granted I haven't browsed it in a couple of months but the guys(not name/tripfags I have them filtered) in the camo threads were cool
This pretty much. Theres not a lot to be learned from browsing/k/ these days. People generally dont know what theyre talking about, even on things as simple as bullet prices.
Whenever an F-35 thread shows up, make sure to post this with a snarky reaction image:
>Only one engine.
I mainly browse and lurk the forum that Tony Williams runs. It has industry professionals and people like Max Popenker (Guy who made world.guns.ru) post from time to time.
You need a physics degree to follow the ballistic discussions that go on there.
Best poster is a guy by the name of EmericD. He works for the French government as a ballistics expert.
He is great not just because he knows a lot of stuff. But because he can explain it to people whom aren't physics graduates. Which is a rare skill among knowledgeable people.
/k/ is anti-Sup Forums
here is the thread boards.Sup Forums.org/k/thread/30349662/
This was a hoax and people still fall for it.
FFS that's not even what cum looks like.
THis picture always gets me
>pol having black hair
Is /fit/ pro gun?
The holy trinity of progun boards would be /k/, Sup Forums, and /mlp/
Still a funny shot.
Hang yourself
That is the third rare I seen today, what is going on? Shills?
Not a horsefucker, just stating the facts
>Some people on /k/ actually believe this
Pic related
/k/ here. We literally fucking hate you guys, you guys try to shit up our threads all the time, and post garbage about guns and racism and bullshit like that. Stay the fuck off /k/, we don't want your kind.
>Sup Forums
Into the trash (You) go
Here come find out what /k/ thinks for yourself.
They seem to believe we don't know what we are talking about.
Top quality satire.
>compensation: the board
>using the small dick argument
Impressive cognitive dissonance
too bad get fucked commie
Communism has literally nothing to do whether you like and or own guns or not. You fuckers always just say "jews, JIDF, niggers, degeneracy", among other shit, stay off /k/ you're have never, and will never be our ally.
Nobody actually gives a fuck about who is their "ally" on an anonymous image board you spastic.
You spergs are the ones always saying "oh /k/ is really our ally, they secretly love us." No we don't, we don't associate with your kind, or at least we try not to.
Implying I wont be scalping every faggot I come across with one of those faggy /k/ badges.
Get back to your miscegenation worship.
>Sup Forums is one person
holy fuck I guess a lot of /mlp/ posters are /k/ as well your autism can not be contained
Please just try scalping /k/, we're the weapon experts after all, you guys are the tinfoil hat wearers.