Blood Elves - Aryan
Human and Forsaken - Anglos
Orcs - Niggers
Goblins - Jews
Night Elves - Arabs
Pandarins - East Asians
Draenei- Slavs
Gnomes - Beaners
Trolls - Pacific Islanders
Tauren - American Indians
Alright, let's settle this
Other urls found in this thread:
what about dwarves?
>Blood elves
Fuck off
the dwarfs are jews so of course the jews would reveal themselves
Where do Southern Europeans fall in?
Does it make me a necrophiliac if I wanna fuck sylvanus?
Draenei are always Indians...
go back to vidya game nerd
>night elves
>Arabs ?
Wtf ?
I thought that we'd be orcs and trolls are niggers
Orcs are Turks
"Horde" comes from "Ordu" meaning "Army" in Old Turkish.
Deal with it, tiny dick whitey.
Orcs are Slavs you dumb shit, or did you miss the part where they are all named after Slavic and Nordic words?
The horde refers to multiple races
And the old horde had some ogres in it too
Nice bullshit fantasy slavshit untermensch diaspora.
Now go squat and be subhuman.
Slavs are draenei dumb leaf poster
Jealous much, roach?
You Turks are obviously the Forsaken since their racial pet is the cockroach.
fucking roach, an hero please
>jealous of leaf
Hows the bestiality law going Trudeu?
Slavs are nothing in popular culture.
Because very intelligent creative person realizes that you are just a vector for AIDS and sociopathy, as an ethnicity.
Thats about it.
>inspiration for ANYTHING other than HIV warnings to teens
Blood Elves are more like Chinamen. Supposed to be celestial and mystical, but ultimately sit around smoking their mana opium.
>night elves
>women run the shitshow
They do kill anything that looks at them funny or disagrees with them though
blood elves dont fit anything other than each others dicks
>all this butthurt
If you were any more jelly you'd be spread on toast :^)
So technically, in Canada, you can have sex with a turk and it's not illegal?
What is worgen's counterpart ?
would that mean that there women are slutty and lots r34 about there goat legs
On a side note there's a lot of red-pilling in the chat on my server.
Cockney Anglos
99% of porno models comes from Czech republic
So yeah
>goat legs
That's why they look like they are always squatting all the time
But they are actually just standing
>Orcs - Niggers
Orcs are Germanics
Tichondrius US is pretty laid back and aware.
>check out Asmongold for a based wow player
Humans are Anglos
Dwarves are pre pussified germanics.
Gnomes are Benevolent Jews
Night elves are Scandinavians
Worgens are south east Europe
Draenei are Indians
Blood elves are Japanese
Tauren are native Americans
Trolls are Caribbean niggers
Orcs are a fusion between the Chinese and niggers
Forsaken are Arabs
Goblins are intelligent gypsies
>nb4 intelligent gypsies
Pandarisns are xiaolin Chinese
Top bantz
How the fuck are night elves Arab. I'll slap you with my dick.
My main is on Thrall.
I just started back after a 3 year hiatus since I started working from home. I was surprised when I saw all the anti-left talk going on in trade chat.
No shit. Alliance or horde?
Human warrior here
Orcs have honor
Niggers do not
no the dwarves are germanic mountain tribes
>""""""""""""intelligent"""""""""""""" gypsies
Also goblins are Jews
I mean their huge pointy noses is enough
Orcs are way too organized and intelligent to be niggers.
>Blood Elves
They literally talk with a British accent
>Blood Elves - Aryan
>Human and Forsaken - Anglos
>Burgermutts in charge of ethnicity
I agree my Muslim brother
Allah save the Queen
>people that still play retail WoW
One of the biggest cancers to hit the gaming community.
Can Sup Forums think of a redpilled name for my new Draenei Shaman?
absolutely this
Whenever i play this game (it always keeps me coming back) its emerald dream or hellground until CC comes out. Retail is cancer
Worgen? Goblins? Ogres? Naga? It's like you don't even play the game.
>emerald dream
You mean feenix? Did you try Nostalrius before it got shut down?
Didnt get to play on nost.
Feenix always keeps me coming back because of muh population
worgen - mulattos/brazilians
goblins - mentioned in the OP
ogres - subsaharan niggers
naga - turkroaches
>you will never fuck Sylvanas
Orcs - Niggers
Undead - Sup Forumsacks
Goblins - Arabs
Trolls - Carribean Islanders
Taurens - Indians
Blood Elves - Aryans
Pandaren - Asians
Humans - Anglos
Dwarves - Slavs
Gnomes - Kikes
Draenei - Beaners
Night Elves - Liberals
Worgen - Brits
Nigger what? Dwarves are known to be extremely greedy and work only toward their own goals and amass wealth.
>playing retail
who /kronos/ here?
Dude, you should of jumped on the nost craze. I was there on day one and the population was absolutely insane at all hours. For the longest time it was always 5k-8k people on at a time, which is over populated, but at one point it jumped up to 10-15k. Instances, and pvp were always being done all the time. Shit was cash.
I started on warsong on feenix, but always wanted a blizzlike experience and switched to emerald dream, but that server just couldn't keep people around. It'd be 1.5k peak hours one day then it'd drop down to a consistent 800 peak hours, which always killed the experience for me. Nost was like a dream come true for me, and a lot of people.
Also, wtf is CC?
>fucking a dead body
Dwarves are Irish.
Draenei are Indian.
Goblins are Jews.
Orcs are objectively based on Japanese people.
Corecraft, the dream BC server we've all been waiting for.
CC Q4 2016! For really real this time guys!
Oh yeah. I was planning on trying that out, because I still like BC despite not liking arena.
Nostalrius team got a meeting with blizzard after they got shut down. Apparently blizzard was very interested in the ideal of classic servers, so we might get official servers. I'm assuming BC will be there too, because it's the only xpac that was any good.
After the nost shut down, I would play on Kronos. But, last I checked the population was extremely small, and I heard the Kronos people did a lot of things that weren't very blizzlike. These are deal breakers for me.
I'll probably check core craft out when it comes out finally. For now I have a Blas on warmanes wotlk server. Since they merged the 2, the 7x experience server hits 12k at Euro peak time and from 5 to 8k throughout the rest of the day. Their 1x server hots about the same but usually slightly less.
i haven't noticed anything unblizzlike, save for the character auction, which isn't a big deal since it keeps away spammers (and the twinstar people have done an EXCELLENT job keeping those annoying chinese faggots away)
on my 20 druid i ran deadmines twice in a row as healer the other night, and on my other characters i haven't had any trouble finding groups to quest and run dungeons with (highest is 35)
tried 10-19 wsg and it was shit tho desu
top bantz from Kangaland as always
Arabs are centaurs or quillboars
turks are qiraji
have you seen them dance???
they can be nothing but niggers
Orcs are Germans through and through
this 100%
Yeah i heard about that meeting they supposedly got. The money is definitely there. I hope blizzard give us some kind of legacy servers; They have everything to gain.
Ill have to check warmanes out
So Aryans and orcs on the same team?
Orcs are Mongols
dreadlords - superjews
plage - cultural marxism
>he's not a member of the undead master race
explain yourselves
Ah man feenix was fun, thanks for reminding me. The more I learn about what WoW is like these days the more I et depressed
How are trolls not Jamaicans/Hispanics?
Good backing too. The original lead dev, Mark Kern printed out every single petition signature aand took it to the blizz president himself.
but i main night elves though....why do they have to be sand niggers?
OP is retarded. None of his comparisons work except the most glaringly obvious ones
argent dawn is getting a pretty good peak in people now, leveling up my druid toon.
>Blood Elves - Aryan
>Night Elves - Arabs
>Draenei- Slavs
Ashkenazi Jews
>Orcs - Niggers
Mongolians/Central Asians
>Trolls - Pacific Islanders
Central American Natives
>Goblins - Jews
Sephardic Jews.
>Gnomes - Beaners
Icelandic scandinavians
Aryan and niggers***
Blood Elves - Swedes
Humans - Right Wing Life Squad
Forsaken - Right Wing Death Squad
Orcs - Browns
Night Elves - Celts
Goblins - Jews
Pandaren - Chinos
Draenei - Slavs
Dwarves - Little People Big World
Gnomes - Little People BIGGER WORLD
Trolls - Arabs
Tauren - Food
they aren't sand niggers, night elves are Amazons.
>female hunter society
>men fill the most important/generic roles
>queen rules in the stead of the king
>when war breaks out the men are called to action
Weren't the orcs based off the Mongols or something?
Yeah, WoW has been one bad mistake one after the other with bad features. It progressively got worse, and by the time it was in late wrath the game wasn't the same, it wasn't near as good as the original, and it quite frankly didn't feel like an MMO in the slightest.
I've mentioned this to the other guy, but you should of tried Nostalrius when it was up. It was so much more fun when you have plenty of people to do stuff with.
orcs are more similar to turks tbqh lad
>Blood Elves - faggots