>Trump wants to deport this
Trump wants to deport this
Other urls found in this thread:
Hey whats up with t b h and f a m not working?
It's about damn time.
Sensible decision.
Blackposting is for skinny hipster wieners. You're a fucking white male, be proud.
I'm Hispanic. I don't know why people are calling Trump racist. He wants to deport people that break into our country illegally. Democrats want more illegals to get more voices, and Republicans want less illegals because that would mean less Democrats. There is nothing wrong with getting rid of people who don't belong in our country. I really hope white people wake up and vote this guy into office.
>not mudslime
Meh, whatever.
Hey what's up with newfags?
What a terrible loss
The SENPAITACHI can tell that you're a KEK summerfag. BAKA DESU SENPAI.
>muh dick
The argument.
So do I, OP, so do I.
A proper catholic Latina with family values is not going to have colored hair. Nothing of value will be lost.
>uno posto de el un ID
Not even mexican. Millenial jersey retard with "kony 2012" posts.
>warning hair
God-Emperor wants what's best
>crying over the deportation tumblr-tier bitches
>Pentagram and antifreeze colored hair
Get her the fuck out of my country
No stop. I am an "oldfag"" just like you guys!
>check it out
She can come back legally.
This is creepy but she's much better looking in her firefighter pic
I came here to post this,
but this guy also makes an excellent argument.
Could we get another thread of this girl again?
And nothing was lost
>blue hair
>hot topic necklace with questionable symbol
Illegal and degenerate? Deport.
How the fuck do you get hair on your forehead?
She's from new Jersey if she's deported nothing was lost.
Based. We need more people like you out there.