Sup Forums why do you hate Islam? You do know that it's actually the last hope to fix our society right?
Sup Forums why do you hate Islam? You do know that it's actually the last hope to fix our society right?
>mfw Islam is the logical conclusion to Abrahimism
>mfw Islam is the bigger, better, faster, stronger version of Christianity
>mfw all of Sup Forums's beliefs line up perfectly with Islam
>b-b-but muh shitskins!
You fell for the Jew's tricks
Muslims hate them, in this assay all that they do is shitting on feminism and marxism.
Yes, clearly the answer for Europe/The West is to subscribe to a belief system started by 7th century Semite who married a 6 yr. old. We need to import tons of them to teach us their ways. Yeah, fuck that.
Why is it common practice for women in 2016 to protest with their shirts off? Is this supposed to shock us at this point? It looks so contrived.
As opposed to subscribing to a belief system started by a 1st century Semite who was essentially an SJW for his time...
there is no other way to control our women and put an end to degeneracy.
Christianity is dead an what's left of it is super cucked
Right. That's why the jews are pushing the shitkins on to us in droves.
desu as long as they arent fucking whales, im ok with it. im in it for them 3d tiddies famalam
Even just practically speaking it has worked out pretty well so far. We have achieved the highest level of culture (until the early 20th century) and technology in the world. What have they done? I'm sure even most non-retarded atheists would agree that they would rather live in a Christian country than a Muslim one. Also there seem to be some odd Evangelicals who think that Christ telling you to love your neighbor as yourself somehow equals import people to harm your nation and destroy your ethnic group and culture.
>Fix anything
Holy fuck, what did I just read?
They let the refugees use computers now?
By all means go to a Muslim country if you want, I'll stay right here. Not all of us Christians are ethnomasochists/burdened with white guilt.
who are the based degenerate waifu whores ?
excellent observation i think it's just part of bringing us back into the dark ages
I don't hate Islam... in Europe.
Your countries burning are the wake-up call to fix my country. Every mass rape over there knocks more women out of feminism here. Every shooting and beheading turns around another anti-gun faggot.
>sacrificing your entire nation to degenerates just because your savior is a lolicon-senpai that managed to officially wed his chocolate qt waifu
>Every shooting and beheading turns around another anti-gun faggot.
But I only see the scary black gun meme, dozens of outlets said that mudslime faggot killer had an AR-15 despite the fact that he didn't...
Why have there been such a large influx of muzzies and their cocksuckers recently?
Fuck off you muslim cocksucker, barbarianism is never the answer.
>if you kill your enemies they win
>Sup Forums why do you hate child fucking, anti-west, smelly mudskins?
Great question OP, really puzzling. I don't get it either
My beliefs don't include raping children and goats
> fix our society
Name one islamic country that isn't a shit hole. They're shitholes because they're full of shit people with a shit religion.
Yes, yes, leg hurts, cut leg.
Very sophisticated solution, user.
> UK
Because also against everything else that is good in our society: free speech, choice of faith and free religious thinking.
not much victory or conquest when the enemy within lets in the enemy without.
I know this is supposed to be a huge circle jerk and all but...technically Islam does allow all those those things.
>choice of faith
>free speech
>punishment for apostasy is death
>punishment for drawing prophet is death
Leave Achmed
Hate, no. Last hope, no. Its rise is merely a discomfort, a reminder to all the world free speech is about to meet its end. We at /pol spend our time laughing btw
Women always get in line when they sense their "comfy" is at stake.
Islam is a necessary evil . only through fear and terror will the great whore be tamed once again.
libs want islam takeover, they will use it to control the masses. their only enemy is the Christian, the dual satanic and godly power that will bring their extinction
Dude, multiple wives, pussy, prepubescent pussy, and killing infidels. Islam is bro-tier.
Sharia for those whores, death squads now
>dude, values inherently opposite to everything I was raised to be and this country was founded on
>dude, let's just throw everything away because I'm a lonely faggot
I agree. A civilization is only as strong as it's weakest link... and the west''s weakest link is as weak as wet tissue paper: nu-males
Islam is warmongering fucking trash. The only time they ever did anything was when they became secular and adopted Greek and Roman traditions. As soon as you go back to Islam it ends in a barbaric backwards, shit slinging society of monkeys.
Islam continues to exist through time/war regardless.
They keep their women in control and behead degeneracy. That isn't weak in my opinion. In fact, it deserves respect even of you hate them as your enemy.
I don't. It's just 90% of the people who follow it are nigger-tier, therefore, ---Muslims--- or ---Islamists--- are a problem.
It's like when you see a black guy. More often than not, he's a nigger.
>behead degeneracy
>implying they are not degeneracy
Back to mosque achmed, read up on your pedophile prophet before you taqqiya
pussy shits like you are the reason the west is going to collapse
Your only hope in Italy is to depose pope Francis as a heretic, and appoint a proper Christian to start a Crusade against all muslims in Europe.
Ottoman Empire, before the kike loving Anglos destroyed it
>vast majority of the religion's followers are sandniggers
>the religion is anti-nationalistic, thus we'd get flooded with them if we ever embrace that shit
No thanks, Mario.
If by fixing society you mean ruin civilization, you're right. Islam causes stagnation of all kinds wherever it becomes dominant.
Islam is a Christian heresy created by a lecherous and greedy madman. The real God is love (agape). Islam merely pays lip service to mercy while teaching many things contrary to it.
Your white women are spoiled whores. Notice how they gravitate towards strength? What does that say about you?
You Weak boy. Sissy faggot. Spineless.
>getting this triggered
Bow to your rock ahmed. Your pedo-prophet commended you to.
>getting this triggered
Bow to your rock ahmed. Your pedo-prophet commanded you to.
Why would I want to migrate from one error to a different flavor of error
found the sand nigger terrorist.
a game like spot the vegan
Found the sissy boy no one respects.
top kek.
following the good old shit tier prophet Muhammad.
so rich coming from a mudslim following an barbaric book.