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/r&g/ - Rage and Disgust Thread
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>implying thee aren't white trans people
This is the fresh new meme on /k/
This one usually does the trick
>the top one
oh my god, they are retarded, never ceases to amaze me
I wish these people would meet an actual African.
He'd say the same thing we do.
Goddamn, I want to kill myself.
There are a few redpilled negros out there, tjsotomayor probably being the best, as he shits all over their stupidity with his crew.
Adults who are into this shit need to be euthanized
I just mean, actual Africans in Africa don't have time for this frivolous shit.
They have actual problems. Corrupt governments, disease out the wazoo, lack of education, Etc.
Maybe some of these educated blacks should move to Africa and make it better. It's their home.
ugh, i hate this meme
black people and niggers are the same
they must all go away from the western civilization so it can survive
posting a classic
>married with a 1 year old
inshallah brother
Europe did it
Germany did it twice, after WW I and II The wirtschaftswunder
Australia, America, New Zealand, all brought to decency. Fundamentally anyhow.
>what is fiscal responsibility
What are they teaching in college these days?
I think what the tumblrette is getting is is that different cultures have different conceptions of gender and sexuality to the ones that dominate white socieites.
For example Thai ladyboys or Native American two-spirit people
It shouldn't really make you angry that different cultures are different.
>what are they teaching in colleges today
But if you make trans not a medical condition then no doctor in the world is going to do the surgery on you. It would be akin to genital mutilation in the eyes of the law.
But most have the same ones.
Including most non-whites.
But they're also full of idiots. Some are smart, but tons are not.
They can't do it. Or have a really hard time doing it.
>full figured
Please tell me fat ass is talking about her dad's bank account
If you can read this without becoming upset
Not all colleges are as cucked as that, it rely depends what you major in. You can more or less avoid that shit by majoring in STEM
Good thing doctors don't make these decisions, therapists and psychiatrists do. People who would understand other cultures and appreciate that. Doctor's just do the surgery based on the psychiatrists recommendations.
>I'm not really picky about food.
>being this mad at meme science
>But most have the same ones.
Wow I hope you're like some anthropology professor to know what the majority of cultures around the world conceptualise gender and sex.
What is it like to feel completely secure in your knowledge? How do you have time to learn everything?
Lost on the first post
She better fulfill that promise or I'll fucking deport her ass myself
>sexist is racist is phobic is homo is gender is white
did I get that right?
It's like an historical mass insanity. It seems. In Africa they still genocide the shit out of everything. Could be reason for this madness.
Though I'm not sure how this works exactly. Could be relatively peaceful sometimes too. Still everything isn't very nice over there as far as I know.
>If I were an animal, I'd be a manatee
Is this bitch not self aware? At all? Also, whats up with all fat chicks these days being "belly dancers?" You actually have to be in shape and have muscle to do that. Jiggling is a not belly dancing.
That being said, as a shameless chubby chaser, I'd hit it.
>Native American two-spirit people
Much of the notion that Native Americans had a progressive attitude toward transgenderism comes from a book called "Hanta Yo," which was a literary sensation in the late 1970s. The problem is that the book was a hoax written by an elderly disciple of Ayn Rand rather than authentic study of Indian culture. Plains indians were among the most sexually conservative cultures ever studied. There are definitely divergent views but the whole notion that Indians were progressive, accepting PoCs who loved their fag sons and daughters is a myth.... created by white people.
There are TONS of examples of this. Another is the hippie notion of the "Rainbow Warrior," supposedly a "Hopi Prophecy" but in reality a story made up by white evangelicals intended to mock Indian beliefs. It became so popular though that even Greenpeace named their boats "Rainbow Warrior."
Pisses me off.
I just budget my time well.
Anyone can do it. But if you have too much trouble, get a banker to. They're as good with time as with money.
And then the actually smart ones move to America! Just a real fit over there.
This is is what I hate about the left/SJWs the most
They spend all day bitching about how hard done by they are and how privileged everyone is
Yet they go to bed with a full stomach (and judging by the size of some of them more than that)
Do they not realize? There are people starving to death and being shot by their governments right now across the world while they sit comfortably on their fat asses and yell at people for not using the exact right words because it maybe hurt somebody's feelings somewhere
By THEIR OWN FUCKING LOGIC they are actually the most privileged shit ever and flaunting their privilege everywhere
Use the exact logic and tell them how people starve to death and are actually killed for being different in some places. Every fucking time it either shuts them up or sends them into full rage mode
Leave troll
Who cares hawking hates trump
Ah yes, that dumb bitch.
>Who cares hawking hates trump
But he's right and smart about physics.
Kevin the bitch skid "lol maybe if I take her side I'll get some pussy!"
Anyone who diagrees with her and Kevin is a moron
His theories were proven wrong
Stfu bitch he was right
You are a dumb bitch kevin is smart
And meanwhile /pol shits on guys living with their parents and avoidng marriage.
You can't have both, sadly. Modern society promotes staying single and pushing off moving out in order to save money.
I'm no fan of niggers and I intentionally picked a place where I wouldn't see any. It doesn't mean that there aren't niggers who rise head and shoulders above their peers to see the real problems. Outliers exist in every race my friend.
I don't know who's side to be on here
>guy is an obvious libtard
>mortgages foreclosure and interest lending are inventions of the Jew
>same as the state of the economy now where the average person can no longer afford a home without a loan like they could back in the 50/60s being a kike cash grab
Hmm help me on this one Sup Forums
>earth is not going to run out of natural resources
not until the sun vaporizes them all
>His theories were proven wrong
Who the fuck wants to run their fingers through some niggers nappy hair?
Small children who have never seen a black kid before and are naturally curious.
I'm sorry, I meant future racists who were obviously raised by racist parents and already have hate in their hearts at the age of 5.
>shit like this two spirit thing
This is what makes me wonder about faggotry. Every culture no matter how seperate or ancient has roles for or at least recognizes the existence of faggotry (even if it condemned it)
It makes me wonder how long has it gone on and what causes it
Sure he is, lad. Sure he is.
Leave troll
Go google gay lions
We sure as fuck didn't teach them that shit
Trust me
this guy is a complete fat loser but i do kinda feel bad for him, if he just wanted to see a movie. also his story sounds made up
Looks like she's a bit buttmad.
>trust me
what a great source
Yeah sure bud
The two-spirit being a distinct 3rd/4th gender is a meme. As the name implies, they just took on already existing gender roles of males and females. A few tribes excepted it, others thought they were freaks...no different than any other culture.
Yeah this is making me really mad on several levels.
>disrespect to hawking
>disrespect to science
>asking for validation
Pretty mad although
>4 stitches
Harden up mate.
Thats interesting to learn and might explain why it's a pan-Indian term that is favoured unlike tribal terms which are usually preferred. Still the Wikipedia article mentioned diaries of Spanish explorers who noted crossdressing so yeah... we definitely do use a modern, sanitised version of the idea I'll accept that.
>All the world's most serious problems need to be solved before we can tackle minor ones.
Noted, I'll end homelessness before I bandage my ankle after twisting it. Seems reasonable. Afterall, why should my ankle matter compared to all the suffering in the world?
>Trust me
You're not allowed to be proud about having huge breasts when they are the result of being enormously fat. That is a well established rule.
>those fucking idiots
I'd like to see how well they could survive without all the technology that these "useless book smarts" gave them. Like drop them in a forest naked and see how long they could survive with their "muh COMMON senze"
Low IQ people like this should be prevented from breeding
They're Aquaman now.
my sides
Plenty of camp jobs out there. Work hard, live minimally for your time at home. buy in cash something small and or rural in a couple years. That guys a loser. Fuck him and his bitch tits
Someone care to explain about
I can't understand how do you "check" or "consider" your privileges. How should it look in action?
Not a very good analogy though
Your ankle causes you real physical pain
The shit that SJWs complain and rage over is such a fake non issue that the fact that they make it one means they have ZERO else wrong with anything in their life
And I'm damn proud to be one
It's very simple. The other person will tell you that you are privileged. And once they do you need to not say or do whatever they told you not to ever again.
>Can't live without sex
I would say that she should be dead by now but I know that men have no standards when it comes to getting laid and I'm sure there's plenty of nu-males for her to choose from.
im ashamed that i have to breath the same air as these cunts
The fuck is this? Did they shack up refugees in a goddamn cemetary? Which country is this? Jesus christ.
>how should it look in action
Well my Russian friend I'll tell you how it looks;
Trigger the shits as often and as hard as you can. Bonus points if you get video of them and upload it to YouTube. Doubleplus bonus points if you can drive them to self harm
>std shaming
look i can sympathize i really can, i have raw dogged i few whores and it things went different i would have got the herp or something. but the reality is none of us want to get aids or whatever you have. sorry it's just the way it is, you made stupid decisions and you are paying the price, the end. if i got some nasty disease from being stupid i would take myself out of the dating pool as well, it would be no one's fault but my own
>can't afford a house like in the 50's
God fucking dammit when will this meme die?
You know what else faggots in the 50's didn't have?
100 dollar phone bill
100 dollar cable/internet
300-500 dollar car payment
200/wk grocery bill
All of these things were either zero, or a fraction of what it is now. Women cooked raw foods, which are WAY cheaper. Eating out was a REAL privilege, and a rare occurence. There was only one famly car usually, maybe two if you were richer. There was no internet, no cell phones (600 for the phone, upwards of 100+ for service now), etc...
>implying thee aren't white trans people
I think these racist assholes realize that white people like them exist, they just think that all whites are privileged/evil and therefore unworthy of any support or attention. The irony is astounding on several levels.
Did they show how she got in there in the first place?
I have people on these carts who are not crippled in some fashion. I got in a fight with a fat woman for one of these at the store when I had a broken leg. She ended up pushing me and riding off while I was wobbling.