Dear pedantic shits saying it's a Sig Sauer MCX, not an AR-15, and not an assault rifle: FUCK YOU

Dear pedantic shits saying it's a Sig Sauer MCX, not an AR-15, and not an assault rifle: FUCK YOU

Someone in another thread got preachy with me when I referred to the Orlando killer's weapon as an assault weapon. Apparently there are some technical specs that distinguish this high volume murder machine from the the high volume murder machines that earn the designation "assault rifle". But please let me point out, Fuck you, over 100 people were fucking assaulted by a guy using that weapon and half of them are....

Oh wait, it's the safest country in the world?
And the government gives every citizen a machine-gun?

Whew lad, good thing the media doesn't let this get out.

Actually, Iceland and Japan are the world's countries with the lowest homicide rate.

Switzerland is still pretty low though.

switzerland has very strict ammo regulations

>Apparently there are some technical specs that distinguish this high volume murder machine from the the high volume murder machines that earn the designation "assault rifle

Well the fact that what you call an "assault weapon" is virtually no different than majority of the hunting rifles people use

Does assault weapon just mean its painted black with scary add ons?

I think it's a white thing dude, we're not savages

Is this an assault weapon?

Austria, Bahrain, Indonesia, Kuwait, Iceland, Singapore, Japan, Monaco, San Marino, and Andorra all have lower homicide rates than Switzerland

or is this?

That's obvs a glock.

>World's lowest homicide rate

Well you just told the world's biggest lie throughout all history. Well done lad.

you also need to have completed your mandatory military service, right?

Assault weapons don't exist

He isn't wrong. Idiot.

What? Isn't that a famas?

>switzerland has very strict ammo regulations

A well-told lie sir. Well done. Do you have any more lies or damage control in general-- to obfuscate and hide the truth about Glorious Switzerland?

I have saved a lot of them, if you would like to see some of these other lies about Switzerland??

ebin ;)

If I go to Home Depot and start smacking cashiers with a hammer does it become an assault hammer, you fucking mongoloid?

>Switzerland gives you guns

Elaborate pls.


Maybe it's safe as in "a safe place to drop nuclear bombs."

If guns made things safer than a warzone should be the safest place on the planet

>you also need to have completed your mandatory military service, right?

To get the free machine-gun, technically you only have to have started your military service, since you get the gun on day two. As for the right to buy any weapon you want, that comes with just being a Swiss citizen, male or female, without regard to military service, done or not.

Cops here write off unsolvable murders as suicides and 'improper disposals of corpses'. Unsolvable essentially meaning they couldn't squeeze a confession out of a suspect.

I'm pretty sure I saw this exact same thread a few days ago. Same words and everything.

>Hi, I'm OP
>I'm here to move the goal post

Just a bit more sand for your vagina: Part of the ideas regarding law is that law must be very specific in its wordage to have any true effect or meaning. What you're doing is attempting to grey the line of what an assault weapon is and what one is not. As someone who is U.S. Army ret. bullet catcher and who has two uncles who are retired police officers, I can assure you that your opinion of what one is, is fucking retarded and you have no idea of what you're talking about.

The #1 and most obvious difference to distinguish between a civilian rifle and a military/police rifle is not the magazine capacity or whether the stock is foldable or collapsible or whether its painted nipple titty pink or flat fuck-yeah-bruh-mil-spec black. Does the firing mechanism allow for full auto or semi auto? That's all the ATF wants to know.

Also, you've never been to Switzerland, because you'd know that your memes you posted are fucking nonsense. I've been living there off and on for seven years, and you don't see two alternative chicks riding through the country side with their state-issue military rifles. Ammunition is regulated to the utmost extreme and can only be ACCESSED in times of national emergency. For privately owned firearms, ammunition is still regulated very heavily.

Fucking retard.

>>Switzerland gives you guns

you pretty much covered it, as far as I know, you have to actually be Swiss, and fulfill your military obligation, those are the only restrictions.

Whether or not its an AR-15 or a Sig Sauer or not is moot because assault weapon is a completely arbitrary term that doesn't mean anything. In many states for example, an assault weapon is anything with a magazine over a specific amount, including handguns, in others its just spooky scary looking rifles. It's a dumb term that is intended to confuse the issue.

>If guns made things safer then Switzerland should be the safest place on the planet.

Thanks for clearing that up

>Maybe it's safe as in "a safe place to drop nuclear bombs."
Well yeah, Americans are known to wipe of civilians so obviously its the safe spot to drop nukes

An armed society is a polite society

>babbies first day on Sup Forums

oh shit you also lied through your teeth about Swiss ammo too. Maybe it's not Schlomo's first day here.

You must be an idiot, their is more to the story than the media conveys. They say he shot over a 1000 rounds, that would mean 30+ full clips, you think he reloaded clips every time he emptied it, do you think he snuck in 30 clips?

its not unreasonable to feel that way. yeah it was fucked up, but on the other hand, the people that are adamant about not giving up guns, are not actually trying to shoot up clubs of gays. they feel a responsibly to retain the capacity to defend their friends and themselves. they honestly feel the same way about it all as you, but when they think about giving up their guns, they think about, "what if i give up my guns, and this all happens again, and i could have prevented it, but didn't, because i was too pussy to hold onto my guns?"

its a mess but most people really aren't out to get each other. they're mostly thinking about whats best for everyone involved.

>Dear pedantic shits saying it's a Sig Sauer MCX, not an AR-15, and not an assault rifle: FUCK YOU
>Someone in another thread got preachy with me when I referred to the Orlando killer's weapon as an assault weapon. Apparently there are some technical specs that distinguish this high volume murder machine from the the high volume murder machines that earn the designation "assault rifle". But please let me point out, Fuck you, over 100 people were fucking assaulted by a guy using that weapon and half of them are....
>Oh wait, it's the safest country in the world?
>And the government gives every citizen a machine-gun?
>Whew lad, good thing the media doesn't let this get out.


I bet if there were poor people in Switzerland, Switzerland with these laws would be a hell hole

Appalachia region is poor as fuck, practically no gun laws (similar to Switzerland, they all have guns) and low, white-levels of crime, besides a few extra meth labs. So perhaps you are wrong good sir.

japan has the lowest homocide rate because it has the highest suicide rate lol. japs too busy killing themselves to kill each other.

Exactly, if you include 'self murder' then Japan and Korea have the highest murder rate in the world.

switzerland have a pretty high suicide rate too.