ITT: Things everyone on Sup Forums homogeneously agrees on

I see alot of people on Sup Forums say
>Sup Forums is not one person

It's true alot of people on Sup Forums disagree, but what are things everyone on Sup Forums will just homogeneously agree on?

pic related to get most of y'all's attention

>inb4 jews

Other urls found in this thread:

we hate mudslimes and niggers
also jews

We worship ernst zundel

that you're a faggot

this. and that muslim is the religion of peace

round earth is a meme

That we are doomed.


We all agree that Trump has no chance of winning.


Delete this.




We all hate liberals

Eat a dick


Reddit is a gay website



pedophiles need to die

If you've lurked here more than a couple months you're aware of the Jewish problem.

>Feminism, SJWs are insane
>hitler wasn't all that bad
>immigration needs to be minimized/completely banned

We're all #Cruzmissiles.

No, kek. I just see nationalism for what it is, a method of division.

We all agree that there is something wrong with the left and that it is spreading. We all agree that this form of thinking will at some point cause bad and uncalculated consequences.

niggers, mudslimes and jews must leave western civilization if it is to survive

jews are completely irrelevant now. they got memed to obscurity.
i dont feel the same amount of contempt at seeing the israel flag compared to last year

Then, what is the opposite? A nihilist cosmopolitan approach to civilization? The "individual without roots" meme?

Pay attention that i'm not talking about Civic Nationalism.

Whatever you believe. The core of Christian values helps societied function morally and effectively.

I'm glad you don't feel that way. How you feel is important. Please discuss what you feel is bad now.

No we like hitler we like muslims

I would say we all agree that everyone has the same starting line, not finish line. Everyone had the opportunity to strive for greatness but fuck it up, whether it be Drugs, Alcohol, negligence, etc. And majority of the time the people who do this are Blacks and Hispanics, unlike the people who live in a fairy tale, Pol sees the true problem is Blacks and Hispanics not caring enough for the incredible life they are given (not all blacks and hispanics tho)

liberals are a incredible disgrace to this country and made it into the America we see today, hell, any country for that matter. We would all be better without liberals

Islam isnt a safe religion and needs a reform. (Once again, not all muslims)

Unfortunately I have seen pedo shills here. We can't even fucking have that.

Free speech is a necessary evil.

If there is a consensus, it will be a very generic one.

Co-operation between people for the betterment of all. I'm not a nihilist. Am I a bit utopian and idealistic? Possibly, but I hope for a better world one day.

the values represented in the constitution , namely giving power to the individual , are important in preserving a free and prosperous country

Let's be honest, Guy Fieri the only worthwhile person alive currently.

That would require everyone under the same foot. To accomplish this, every form of identification must die. EXACTLY the same thing that liberals are trying today through the dismantle of tradition: "we're all one", "muh love".... Wake up dude.

Ultimate moral code is nature: We're tribalistic.

filipinos are the most powerful race in the world


>everyone has the same starting line
No they don't. Genes are real and people are born unequal. There's nothing anyone can do about that.

Jews are lucifers children

I can only think of one thing that Sup Forums on a whole agrees on.

Leftists are the absolute scourge of the modern world.



we can all agree that guns are bad

who is ben carson and allen west? The old blacks were based and didnt do nothing and kept to themselves. Its the blacks now that are awful

/r/The_Donald has better memes than Sup Forums

ireland please, this is low quality bait ma man


>who is ben carson and allen west?
Exceptional people. That only affirms what I said.

a fucking leaf

nice quads leaf

1+1 = 6.000.000

not really bud, its actually disproving it because you even admitted you were wrong by saying exceptional people. there is probably 50 smart black people out of every random 500. You cant just call those 50 people an exceptions

Nigger what? Some people are born exceptional hence they are unequal.

>50 smart black people out of every random 500
What's the cutoff for "smart" because this sounds like a really bad ratio to me.

>Jews are lucifers children

This is the ultimate red pill. The rest is just layers of the onion.


all hue-hues are monkeys. Everybody agrees about that.

Thats honestly because of affirmative action and because democrats are destroying their schooling. If a black kid and white kid were to both be raised in the same town, same atmosphere, same everything, they would be equal on every test,. Unless the black kid has ADD,OCD,ADHD they would both be equal. Its only because Blacks are being fucked by democrats and liberals by affirmative action and by making their schools shit. This video helps explain it

Social Justice and feminism are hypocritical bullshit
We are not all equal. Individuals, races, and cultures are different, and some are better than others.

Kek has already spoken.

They would be better off certainly, but they won't be equal.

All of them. Every single one.
Dont any of you fall for their lies
Also, thats an insult to monkeys.

can you explain your reasoning a little further? You make valid points, Im just curious


Nah I've met people from all those categories that I liked

but in groups, they're insufferable. it's like Americans

IQ is roughly 40-75% inheritable (i.e. genetic). African Americans have an average IQ of 85 while whites are at ~100. The races can never be equal.

There it is

due to evolutionary traits and environment correct? Do you its possible for the black community to ever achieve equality when it comes to IQ

>>Nah I've met people from all those categories that I liked

>muh feels

CHristian board.

Well sure, whites were in an environment that selected for intelligence; blacks not so much. It'd take something like eugenics or genetic engineering for them to be the same.

That Kek is a faggot along with anyone who worships him.

Singles confirm.

Turkey is not a part of Europe but it is enjoyable to say otherwise to Europeans.

That these gets are incredible

>rolls for singles
>gets dubs
Qek works in mysterious ways.

Kek. Fucking faggot.

Wait seriously, every single Jew?

What about Trump?

I think we can all agree that gay Jewish marxist lawyers should be able to adopt our Aryan children.

You should just kill yourself now before you anger KEK

Surely this politician is different. He is probably a "free"mason, and his jewish ties dont help at all. You can bet theyre influencing him if isnt involved himself.. I think you all should begin looking for more "esoteric" references around the donald. Such as that fucking pic of him sitting around egyptian pyramids and the Memphis with his daughter on his lap, hands on her hips..
Besides, do you really want to chance it that a jew isnt lying? Knowing what happens when jews lie?

It was just a test, I'm sorry

Says so in the bible. At least these false White jews

Wrong about the pyramids and memphis.. thought I remembered it that way. Regardles.. what are those birds doing..?

They believe you can steal youth from children by violating them sexually

Truth about pyramids is that they were used and built to worship the eye. Why do they pop up at different times and places? Could any of those cultures so many years ago have interacted?

Niggers of any kind are bad. Niggers are the worst of any race and culture, but some groups have larger amounts of them than others. Africans have the absolute most of niggers but some are ok. In general mixing races promotes niggadry