So I've been thinking, does anyone here wish they could become the leader their country needs? I mean sometimes I day dream about giving fiery patriotic speeches to a crowd of a hundred thousand or more. With sparred words full of passion and a grizzled driven tone not just telling my country that we can be better and stronger and more, but telling them that we WILL BE, that our voices and actions will echo through time as a glimmer in the darkest, rising up front the despair of degenerate depravity as a nation reborn and reaffirmed it's will to not just survive, to not just live, but to flourish and prosper as one people and one nation. A nation not built for us but for our children and theirs and every generation that Iives, breaths, and declares "Long lIve the Republic, and God bless America." Of course this usually happens in my mind after a long and brutal race war which ethnically cleanses America, or at least the part that I lead, of all non-whites. I then got grow in despair as I realize even the most vibrant or convincing orator, the most skillful debater, or the most wealthy single man could never effect change like this in the modern era, let alone the US. I also realize that all the stupid shit Ive said and done would come back to me and that my ghosts would be my only audience. Anyone else feel me?
So I've been thinking, does anyone here wish they could become the leader their country needs...
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That wasn't the gif I wanted
not in this shit culture
no. Why not do it? I always shake my head at what literal retards get the job kust because no one better wamts it. At local and state level dedication probably already puts you in te upper percentile. Just be warned. Sup Forums is satire and in reality people don't react like they do in your head
I feel the same op.
We could be hitler reincarnation and we don't know it yet.
When i listen to music and think about giving great speeches as a leader i get chills. Anyone else?
>not in this shit culture
I'm not proposing in this shit culture, in fact I states quite the opposite. We do need a leader or group of people in our respective countries to fix this shit.
>Sup Forums is satire
There is a degree of satire but it's not just satire. There is a bit of satire with the Jews and a lot of other things but only a moron would think that literally everything on this board is pure satire.
>and in reality people don't react like they do in your head
No shit. You're assuming that I'm some turbo autistic, stop projecting Germany.
>wanting to be hitler and not your own man
No, because that is turbo autism
>writes autistic post
>calls others autistic
Pls tell me you have cancer
You realize we have ID's right?
Oh shit
>in this day and age
Would you rather have cancer like this, which is at least original cancer? Or just regular cancer? Oh wait, a fucking leaf.
Im not the autistic austist or wait you are A Fucking BURGER
>I'm not the autistic autist
>Canadian shitposter
I'd be too much of a tyrant.
Allowing the murder of criminals, no special gimme dats to minorities etc.
I'd also ban Abrahamic religions
You sound edgy
I'm so tired of seeing this bitch on the board.
She's tired of seeing you, KYS
If you allow it its not murder and why would you kill criminals?
I hope u have cancer
I want to lead a takeover of Venezuela.
Then establish a temporary dictatorship while hiring Economists and political theorists to help me write a 21st Century Constitution.
Hard part: stepping down from power. Failing that, just establish a constitutional monarchy with the Royal family as the Supreme Court.
>does anyone else wish they were hitler
>wanting to be hitler and not your own man
this pretty much. you're like a musician trying to be kurt cobain. you're not hitler. stop trying to find an identity with hitler, find your own identity and be a better person. hitler was mentally ill and battle-scarred.
If you morons think she's anything but a femnazi SJW, you're fucking stupid.
>>does anyone else wish they were Hitler
I never said that I wanted to. Hell you quoted my other post where I specified it.
Literally no one actually thinks she's secretly a national socialist or "far right" or whatever. It's just ironic shitposting. Also
>implying there is anything wrong with tall chick.
>does anyone here wish they could become the leader their country needs?
Yeah. A few times I wished I could become Trump.
I've seen that a bunch, it's kinda meh
if anything iron guard had a better idea,but yes,be fresh and new
Iron guard was weird in the way it handled the religion stuff
I do. But first I need to become a voice people will listen to. I plan on becoming a physician. Then the redpilling will begin and I will bring the shitty culture of today to its knees.
You must be part of the movement to change it, user.
Personally I'd go the celeb route or military route specifically becoming and officer and making a career out of it. The former gets you a lot of attention while the latter gets you sway and some respect and influence in the military.
>what America needs
America needs a civil war before anything meaningful can change