Massacres and terrorist attacks regularly

>massacres and terrorist attacks regularly
>street gangs and armed militia groups running wild
>massive wealth discrepancy between the rich and the poor
>shamelessly corrupt politicians
>rigged elections
>contaminated water
>rampant rape

Remind me why America is considered a First World Country again?

It's not.

Because even after all that we're 100x better than the next dumb cunt-ry.

Strange, whenever I hover my mouse over your flag is keeps spelling "Lebanon" wrong.

>Massacres and Terrorist attacks regularly
>Armed militias running wild
No, and we're not giving up our guns, Kuntzman
>Corrupt politicians
That's unique to the U.S.?
>Rigged elections
Bernie lost because he's a lunatic, get over it
>Rampant Rape
Sweden and South Africa have us beat

because it's owned by one

two words:


We're on our way out. Nobody stays #1 forever.

>all of these things are true
>our neighboring 3rd world country citizens literally cut eachother up and stuff themselves in exhaust pipes to smuggle themselves into America

Shit man I dont know

I've been saying for a while that Obama has turned us into banana republic tier. I mean, we still have the best framework, it just requires a government that isn't doing everything in its power to fuck the country over forever.


Remind me of the definition of first world country again.

>massacres and terrorist attacks regularly
No. In fact if you take into consideration the amount of guns in the USA these are EXTREMELY uncommon

>street gangs and armed militia groups running wild
Street gangs? Yes
Armed militia groups? Name one.
>massive wealth discrepancy between the rich and the poor
So does EVERY country. If you think America is bad, look at India.
>shamelessly corrupt politicians
>rigged elections
No proof
>contaminated water
>rampant rape
America isn't Sweden

>massacres and terrorist attacks regularly

Uh, how "regularly" do you seem to hear about these things? A few times per year is not "regular", especially with 300+million population.

>street gangs and armed militia groups running wild

Street gangs, yep, and mostly in liberal cities where denial of the problem takes a backseat to pandering for muh struggle or some nonsense. Rampant militias? You mean like the one occasion every 5-10 years where a militia makes the news? Not exactly frequent.

>massive wealth discrepancy between the rich and the poor

Wow, just like in every nation, who'd have guessed that a meritocracy works that way?

>shamelessly corrupt politicians

Again, find me a nation that doesn't have corrupt politicians and I'll show you a fictional land.

>rigged elections

Where are they NOT rigged? I'm genuinely curious.

>contaminated water

Where? Flint? Democrats caused their problems, and they won't fix them and are just passing the buck as they tend to do. That's not a major problem, that's just leftism at work.

>rampant rape

Guessing you live where there are large amounts of African or Middle Eastern immigrants, eh? That'd be the one reason for rampant rape, since the white man tends to have better impulse control.

>in mass shootings
>IQ diminution
>war mongering

>everything besides the U.S.

Oathkeepers, Threepers, Bundy Bunch

All three of those are closer to street gangs than militias

What the fuck Australia, all of your bantz have been Canadian tier lately are all of you guys sick or something?

It's the first day of winter. The colder it gets in a country the worse their quality of posting becomes. This is why Sweden is full of cucks and Canada is full of turbo autists.

First World: NATO
Second World: Soviets & Friends
Third World: Everyone else

OP is an idiot and a faggot

>Using cold war definitions instead of socioeconomic development definitions

the terms in sociology and demography are "industrialized nations" and "developing nations"

fucking dumbass

i don't know why i said that sociology has nothing to do with this

i meant geography

>they're all want to immigrate to USA

And they bring their third world behavior with them.

So what's a second world nation nowadays?

Eastern Europe, Cuba, SE Asia besides Japan, Singapore, and SK.

Countries that have it together but aren't very powerful and behind the world's leaders for access to technology.

We've mostly gotten that because we have always been a nation of immigrants, which makes a country hard to stabilize. You can't become stable with new cultures (and languages) constantly coming in.

But don't worry.

Europe will soon find out about this joy, those that haven't already.

Check out CNN. There's a show on called "why they hate us". Cool insight (probably biased toward the left but I haven't noticed anything too overt) into Islam, Radical Islam, etc and why they hate America.

Success breeds jealousy

Stay mad rest of the world

> NBA playoffs.

That's enough to give you the seal.

America was an experiment.

In the end...white people will be right. Eternally.

Niggers/leafs and spics will continue living in mud huts.