Why do white supremacists always look like this?

Why do white supremacists always look like this?

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It's a good question. I've noticed everyone crying for racial purity or white pride is incredibly ugly and with horrible genes.

Low iq people need to compensate somehow

Only low IQ peasants are dumb enough tol think openly LARPing as bydlo nazis is a good way to further the right wing agenda.

The intelligent white supremacists probably keep a low profile.

Because they're all white.

They don't, but kikes in the media focus on them to push a false narrative.

Only trash with nothing left to lose.

The same thing happened with the SA as Hitler was rising to power, he used disposable trash that was replaced by the SS the whole nazi thing caught on to the general public.

Because they're the polar opposite of "WE WUZ" niggers: same shit, different toilet, only difference is that at least they have some legitimacy over past generations' achievements.

They're scum and the white race would be better off if they just don't breed, their IQ is probably in the single digits

Hitler would've shoa'd these vermin desu senpai

antithesis and synthesis m8

>Why do white supremacists always look like this?
They don't.


What are they supposed to look like?

No really, I want to know what the ideal white supremacist looks like according to Sup Forums

Not an argument.

you won't notice them in public


Physically fit specimens of Humanity imo

look like what..oh god.. i cant see?? im blind!!!!

haha just kidding guys.

He looks like a pretty upstanding chap to me.
Would hire.

No. They look like this.

>i might be an overweight alcoholic but at least i'm white!
i've literally seen this in real life, i want to be angry but i also feel kind of sad that these people have so many problems that make them think acting this way is right

Little good comes out of supremacist ideology. Any brand of supremacism fosters arrogance, which is contrary to virtue.

it is really so hard to avoid looking like a slob ?


People obsessed with race typically have no redeeming personal qualities to take pride in

Look up black supremacists, same thing. funnily enough a lot of them are lightskins with clear white heritage.

>the one guy all the way to the left, vibrating onto a different front


Pic in op is the kind of guy who goes to thailand and fuck tiny thai pussy

Does anyone have the pic with a tatted greasy fat guy with his tinythai slave?

"White Supremacist". Just another Communist buzzphrase.

The term may have been invented by Karl Marx.

Looking into it...

They don't. The white supremacists that you see are usually the ones that can afford to be seen as a white supremacist or are FBI informants. Real white supremacists are all around but they can't reveal it or they'll be attacked,fired,etc etc. Trumps going to win because most whites deep down are supremacists to some degree including myself. Whites have built great countries and the hordes of immigrants from the second and third world are going to destroy it if we don't limit it. The politicians currently in control are traitors. Trump 2016, MAGA.

Eh, right?

It's like the dudes who are absolute gun nuts, all about "muh self defense," yet carrying around hundreds of pounds of debilitating fattiness. I love my firearms, too, but at least I eat a salad and do some cardio once in a blue moon.

>fears the possibility of home invasion
>ignores the certainty of heart disease & getting cow-tipped

Is this /pol or reddit?Lately ,I wonder.

like a wraith

Pol is always like this though



Did you join during the last few months?

It's shill and D&C central now that the elections are in full swing and Trump is (for all intents and purposes) nominated.

Is that a fucking MW2 map?

fat people do have better over all strength even without conditioning
but they fall back in other ways
there is also danger in being indiscriminate
like eating roaches and drinking bleach


Shills are out in full force today


I transitioned to pol around february

Came from Sup Forums Sup Forums /fit/ /fa/ /ck/

athletic ascetic



They don't

Fairly certain that most of these retards are paid actors.