Daily reminder the more body hair you have the less intelligent and evolved you are, there is literally no need for chest and/or facial hair
tell me, why haven't you gotten laser?
Daily reminder the more body hair you have the less intelligent and evolved you are, there is literally no need for chest and/or facial hair
tell me, why haven't you gotten laser?
>baby ass borderline tranny detected
>1 post by this ID
>a fucking leaf
Is that a real pic?
His eyelashes look like they were treated with whatever shit they use to thicken their eyelashes.
>not an arguement you subhuman apes
100% real my monkey friend
>oh no i cant stand the way my body is, I must go get stuff removed
Typical of the dickless tranny canadacuck. Grow some hair, nancy boy.
>implying those who come from colder climates are less intelligent
OP injects his gender neutral self with Estrogen that's why he looks like a baby man and gets laughed at by women, wht the fuck are you doing in canada with no hair you asain piece of shit
ok gorillas
Body hair is caused by this thing called testosterone. It's something you leafs never have to worry about
>posts picture contradicting original post
Nobody better reply after this. Sup Forums is going down the drain
oh look its this thread again
We get it, you're a gook who cant grow body hair
>tfw 6'3''
>tfw hairy everywhere
>tfw wide shoulders
stay nu-male pan-tran-sham-sexual
body hair is caused by high test. TOPKEK
thats why bald men have the highest test?
What it's like being an effeminate boy? /r9k/ would love your company, faggot
sorry you are a hairy ape dude
So you're a balding gook?
>because I'm not gay
stay hairy my friend
>implying that man didn't shave his body to highlight his figure
You should stop injecting yourself with estrogen.
How do you thicken your eyelashes pls
>body hair is caused by high test
>thats why bald men have the highest test?
Do you even know what the difference between the hair on your body and the hair on your head.
Yes sir!
Now fuck off, I've got work to do
>tfw hairy but manlet
Already told op to stop doing that
body and facial and headal hair is caused by estrogen. why do you think women have longer hair then men?
whats more masculine that a 0% hair men to women?
Who else /reverse hitler/ here?
Can't grow any hair in the center of my upper lip at all. Annoying as fuck.
you're evolving son
>body and facial hair is caused by estrogen
top b8 m8
fear not
for body hair is the kingdom of god
forever and ever
:( 99.5% European
I have no chest hair
no back hair
almost no arm hair (cuz its blonde)
barely any leg hair
dick hairs out the fucking wazoo
joe dirtee beard
Whats wrong with me :/ i got my testosterone checked and its above average
clearly western women love hairy guys amirite fellas
t. Li Wang
Stay mad gook.
I cannot grow a beard at all and have 0 hair on my chest or back. i'm 23 so I don't think I'm gonna be getting much hairier.
what site is this shit
I can guarantee China's average IQ is not 105. They have 1.2 billion people with 1 billion of them barely educated at all.
I am deeply sorry user
I grow this beard for you and all like you
classic prison island monkeys
That's a Caucasian and neanderthal feature to adapt to colder weather retard
So basically, you have so much estrogen that you can't even grow a fucking goatee.
You're so effeminate that you're two steps short of having a period.
You're so deprived of masculine stimulation that you pretend to get a headache when a woman wants to sleep with you.
I'm getting this right, am I not?
Fucking Canada...
Hey Yo! Chico! Mira! Mira! Look at me mang!
Where's your hair mang?
I still got mine mang.
You lost yours mang!
You LOST! your machismo chico...
and now, you want, to step, into the ring, with Razor Ramon?
El Hefe?!
You not just lose your belt mang...
You not just lose your machismo mang...
You want to fight Razor Ramon?
You lost your mind CHICO!
23 and me they got rid of the circles
>be mutt Europoor + American Indian
>be white beyond belief
>IQ of 125
all you have to do is buy the filters
So if a Canadacuck shaves all his moose hair off, would that be classified as artificial intelligence?
>doesn't have high enough test to produce chest hair
Cool story fagnadian.
I'm guessing you don't want me to speak to you or your girlfriends son ever again?
shit razor ramon's here, we don't stand a chance
white people have body hair because they lived in caves. look it up
>body and facial and headal hair is caused by estrogen
It sucks user I dream of growing a long luscious beard looking like my ancestors from 1000 years ago. But on the plus side for me it's nice not having to shave for work everyday
I bet you shave your pubic hair you flamboyant faggot.
Blacks have the lowest amount of body hair on the planet. Swedes and the Ainu (some weird japs) have the highest amounts of body hair.
If you have a beard and a jungle, it's no problem.
>(cuz its blonde)
You answered your own goddamn question!
That's genetics.
No matter how much testosterone you pump into an east Asian, that motherfucker ain't never gonna grow a full beard. That's just where hairs grow on various genetic makeups.
whats wrong with that? causes less friction
also girls dont like a hairy nutsack on the forehead
cmon bro you should know this monkeyboy
women love hairy guys amirite
I bet this faggot's beard looks like random patches of pubic hair on his cheeks and neck
i dont have any facial hair. i am not a hairy ape
>>why do you think women have longer hair then men?
Hmmm. Try, not having it cut.
African tribes with the short haired apehoop neckring fang toothed women disprove you.
They was literal kangs.
black people have longer hair than white people, it is just curled so tight it appears shorter
how you dont know this being american i dont know
I just can't even imagine my daughter bringing home a nigger, it would be like my entire life ending 1000 times in the most horrible way in the span of like 10 seconds.
Tfw high test midget
>Talks about how humans who can grow a good amount of facial hair are less evolved and intelligent.
>Charles Darwin, a pioneer in the realm of evolutionary science, had a famous beard of great length.
>implying that having masculine features is bad
>implying that women are not instinctively attracted to male features
Spotted the fag
Time to hit the showers Abdul
You are disgustingly apeshit retarted.
I just so happen to be a Carson type educated nigger. You are dumber than any retarted african I've ever met.
Clearly Canada has not at all been fucked by refugees. Rather, you just decided to show your stupid once they came.
May god have mercy on your soul.
>is of greek origins
Besides, greek women share this kind of hairiness :>
Haha is that a rat? Keep being a tranny, OP!
>greek women share this kind of hairiness
Here's a deal, ill extract testosterone from my body for you and in return i want the cleansing of mudslimes in europe
How about you keep your demonic hair seed and we send you all some ham bombs to spread freedom to the muzzies
>who are we kidding, the west is far too cucked to remove kebab or any other shitskin
Send some bbq sauce aswel cuz dat american recipe for ribs is just godly
I Donny know how it's called, I think 'mascara'
It's some shit women use on their eyelashes, it's a common cosmetic product
>((citation needed))
I've got a hairy chest.
I shave off my facial hair though. It's thick too. I have to shave with the grain, which because of how thick my hair is makes it look like I still have stubble.
When I shave my face against the grain it looks like I shaved using a cheese grater. Red marks and cuts galore.
Are you a Bantu by chance?
>These hairless oestrogen filled fucks will never know the glorious feeling of a woman running her fingers through their chest hair.
I swear to God it's one of the best most comforting feelings ever.
There's no correlation you hairless chink
jesus christ, just admit you're into twinks you fucking raging faggot
canada you fucking suck on such a fundamental level holy shit that fire should have been left to burn
>Slippy Jimmy - the leaf ™
nice sucked in stomach HAHA
If body hair really was an indicator of intelligence, why would shaving it or lasering it off benefit you? It wouldn't.
>this faggot again
your genetic inadequacy must really piss you off m8, worst part about this is that it isnt bait, just an inferior beta projecting his anger on a Vietnamese crocheting website.
Again, women find facial hair attractive and its a genetic queue programmed in their brains to identify moderate to high testosterone levels aka a suitable mate.
Im of nordic descent and have virtually no body hair except for a small patch on my chest but can grow an even beard. These are both traits that add to my exceptional list of attractive traits.
Normally i would be offended about this shittier thread BUT the last one you posted, you provided pictures of women you found on google as proof that your shit tier beta genetics get you "laid".
I repeat, this same user posted pictures of random bitches he found on google in an attempt to prove that being a hairless troglodyte is attractive but forgot what reverse image search is apparently.
wew lad
>literally op
saged and reported
>Im of nordic descent and have virtually no body hair except for a small patch on my chest but can grow an even beard. These are both traits that add to my exceptional list of attractive traits.
>girls love my nordic traits
fukin LOL your a fagget
at least then you could look intelligent.
why do you think all office jobs require a clean shave
get real
Kek, it's the ladyboi chink again.
How's the three inches working out my friend?
Why would looking intelligent be a benefit? That's not the same as becoming intelligent, or having intelligent children.
i mean, youre about to be banned from Sup Forums for several days so thats a relief. Also learn how to greentext faggot.
Girls love my height, physique and charisma. More than anything that could be said about you faggot.
The fact that you actually have to steal photos off the internet in an attempt to claim they are people you have had sex with proves my point about you being an ugly troglodyte. That aside, you will soon be weeded from the gene pool because of your undesirable genes. Ugly manlets with a Napoleon complex will soon be a sad tale told by my offspring. I mean, youre clearly disillusioned about how ugly you are to kill yourself but nature will soon take its course and you will no longer have a chance at weakening the gene pool.
if you look smart then you will attract a smarter girl
how is that a con?
click that arrow beside his post and report this faggot. Im tired of his sad projecting threads being on Sup Forums
Societal norms have changed.
Plenty of intelligent bearded men out there even now.
And plenty of hairless gremlins like you with IQ in the double digits (about as many hairs as you have on your body).
>Girls love my height, physique and charisma. More than anything that could be said about you faggot.
so you're a piece of meat? and girls dont like you for any traits that are not biological
thats sad and pathetic
im not gonna bother reading the last rant i know you are projecting again
if you really get this upset about someone posting a quality thread on an image site i am sorry for you
no wonder girls love you for your physique. you must be a party pooper
You remind me of that Malaysian draw fag.
Is weakness something that runs in Asian bloodlines?
i literally had a wank and came back and you're still in my "shit thread"
re evaluate your life if you take this much pride is destroying "trolls"