Lorde’s always been a guilty pleasure of mine but i-is it true? Is she officially /ourgirl/ now?

Lorde’s always been a guilty pleasure of mine but i-is it true? Is she officially /ourgirl/ now?


>guilty pleasure
>critically acclaimed girl
I think you need to learn what's the real meaning of guilty pleasure kid

K cool but what are your thoughts on the article?

Looks like an article wrote by a Sup Forumstard who will never get laid

i stopped listening to music before this person came on the scene

is it worth listening to?

Why do I want to do lewd with her? :|

Because she is talented, cute AND /ourgirl/

Back to your containment board

1) no one cares about retarded Sup Forumsitics

2) rightfully opposing a racist settler state doesn't mean she's the white nationalist girl of your dreams who's going to fuck u

3) ur gey

4)Andrew Angling is 5'4 and fucks underage asian girls

"guilty pleasure" doesn't have to do with whether it's popular or critically acclaimed

guilty pleasure? are you nuts? if she's a guilty pleasure then what are artists like bieber and rihanna?

first time i've read an article from this website and it's hilarious to me that anyone takes this drivel seriously. laziest propaganda writing i think i've ever seen

This. Ffs can you imagine if Sup Forums didn’t have different boards? It would be one big incoherent mess, consisting of very different cultures clashing. Borders work.

i like lorde

>linking the dailystormer



This. She used to post on here.

is this shithole of a 13yo-demographic targeting, cumstain stinking, alt-right blog


gonna c*m to the thought of her solving 8 captchas just to post “this but unironically” later

I remember when it was like that.

daily stormer is basically an attempt to spread nazi propaganda to 12 year old kekistan minecraft memers

>I must say I’m quite surprised with this. Well, I’m not surprised that someone would hate the Jews, of course – that’s just common sense

that's like literally what it is
that's their actual goal
it doesnt work becaues nobody actually takes this site seriously since andrew anglin looks like an autistic child


Alt-normie reddit refugees can’t into ironic shitposting when “nahtzees” do it because “they don’t get it” or “it’s problematic so it’s auto not funny”

>implying it's ironic

Just like the holocaust?

Articles they write that are in the same vein as the one OP posted, yeah it is obviously ironic. Especially when they hail Pewdiepie or Jeremy Corbyn as the new “leaders of the Alt-Right.” Their articles on black crime, brown ppl’s IQs, and the “Jewish problem” are completely genuine though.

>Alt-normie reddit refugees
gas yourself retard

That defense stopped working after charlottesville big boi

israel was a mistake

was the track she posted the final mix or was the song still in progress?

she's so fucking cute bros
