Really makes you think huh?

Really makes you think huh?

I don't understand why they don't just kill themselves.

i get these fellas are short, but the women are wearing things to make them taller. Maybe men should also do the same.

really makes you think

Some people are short. Who woulda thunk?


I hate these heel wearing bitches. You can't increase your height by 5 inches and then exclude people based on that. God women are a fucking meme

At least Seth Green isn't insecure about his manlet status. He's just embraced it and has a hot wife because he's not held up on his height.

What and wear those pumps that RDJ use?

>Height doesn't matter bro! Just have a good personality and remember, be yourself!

I am unironically considering leg lengthening surgery

RDJ's shoes never fail to crack me up

no, men should also wear stiletto

>6'3" female
>better wear heels
Someone please explain this train of thought to me.
That's like a manlet purposely doing something to make him even shorter.

RDJ is like 5'9. That isn't short.

Height definitely does matter, but unless you're like 5 feet tall, there's no justification for acting like a victim.

But RDJ JR is the man.


yeah, 5'9 isnt short at all.

Heels make women look sexy
>t. 5'4" guy who uses feminine body language

Jeremy Renner doesn't give a fuck. Why is RDJ so insecure?

It's funny because you can tell that Liam is wearing lifts

I'm pretty sure the weight of knowing you are a manlet is what drives a lot of these guys to succeed. One of tghe most charismatic and successful guys I know is like 5'3

he's not 5'9

>blazer and dress shirt
>jeans that he has rolled up
>those dorky escalation pumps

What the fuck?

/fit/ memes aside, it's pretty short in Hollywood where everyone is a 6'2" chiseled model.

That being said, people are laughing at his ridicilous insecurity more than anything.

the middle one in the lower row is photoshopped. He's actually about the same height as her. The chad still towers over him.

There's a weird trend in Hollywood of short dudes and tall girls. Not sure what's up with that.

If he's 5'9" then I'm 6'3 and Shaq is 8 feet tall.

Then wear one you manlet, it's invented by men anyway

Hey lady, wanna /ss


Not shopped. He's wearing near-flat shoes and she's wearing 4" heels.

Confidence + roasties learn to understand sexiness.

It's the RDJ signature gradual fit.
He NEEDS his goofy shoes for height, but at the same time his upper body needs to look presentable.

The jeans are an attempt to fuse these two styles and make the contrast less obvious.

It doesn't work

Just don't date women of your height range, pretty basic

>wear pumps in my shoes to add 3 inches
>purposely stand next to manlets


Yeah, people should really take advice from a virgin like yourself.

Just don't date women less than 5 inches shorter than you then.

Guessed I mixed it up with someone else.

>wear normal shoes
>purposely stand next to 6'5" manlets and watch their body language change

>forced to exclude 80%+ of women because of something out of my control


> tfw 5'9 manlet with a fetish for taller women
It's so hot. I feel like I'm one of the dwarf fighting against Smaug for his gold each time I try to reach her pussy from behind.


Nigger, 55% of women are taller than me barefoot

but the women are on tip toes as well

>tfw 5'6 king of manlets with the same fetish
>hitting on a girl who's a foot taller than me at work
>mfw she digs me and wants to go to the movies and hang out the next time we get a day off together
Even my shittiest, corniest jokes and autism make her laugh and smile all the time.
Its even hotter because she's super shy and really 'girly', i've never seen her wearing anything but a dress at work.
Its almost too good to be true. I'll keep you guys updated.

Please do. I'm 5'4 with same fetish and my current gf is 5'9. She's sweet and nice but dumb as a stump. If it wasn't for her height I probably woyldnt be dating her desu

>tfw below average height (180cm)

What are the best methods of suicide?

Those autism shoes are the dankest. Imagine me with those, my flame socks, cargo shorts and fedora.

>6'0" exactly
It's not bad, lads.

In your case? A jump into the woodchipper.

Remember who got the girl in the end?

That's right.

No one cares about this shit except Sup Forums senpai

Not sure which Hemsworth that is, but he is extremely fucking good looking. There's no way the manlet would walk away with that ass. I'm not even gay, just jelly as fuck.

Romper stomper

Notice anything?


Why does he keep doing this?

RDJ needs a better shrink to get him to accept that he is a dwarf, this is just pathetic.


even at the highest point he does it

>Hollywood where everyone is a 6'2" chiseled model.

Are you confusing Hollywood with your superhero movies?

Someone post the webm of the manlet by the pool with semi.

I'm a manlet and dated women that much taller than me. The reason I will never kill myself is because of the massive fucking power trip I get when I walk in a room with my arm around a girl that much taller than me. The look of genuine look of being impressed is something lanklets will never know. It's like I've driven up in a solid gold P100D.

stay triggered roasty


>be manlet movie star
>don't include clause in every promo gig you do that no woman in high heels stands next to you
They don't even try to learn.


Some people are self conscious and try to compensate and end up looking ridiculous, others are confident and don't give a shit how tall or short they are

why is this allowed

>tfw 5'9 and have no trouble getting girls

Confidence matters above all. Did date one girl who was 5'11 once, didnt really bother us much.

Apple boxes have been a staple in hollywood since the dawn of cinema, they are used to make short people seem taller, to get a perfect shot that would otherwise be impossible without it

Do you bring up height when you meet them?


gotta appreciate his confidence

it's their way of signalling to the world: "must be 6'0 or taller to ride"

>mfw lanklets will never experience the feeling of having a tall amazon beauty lift you in the air to give you a blowjob

Why are Jews so short, Sup Forums?

Life isn't fair. Don't you realise how much of a faggot you sound?

>She's sweet and nice but dumb as a stump. If it wasn't for her height I probably woyldnt be dating her desu
Dear god please let me stay away from women.

Kit seems pretty accepting of it.

Hutchinson just looks funny standing next to anybody though.

That fucking hurt to watch

I'm 5'9" should i kill myself?

I've never measured myself. How do I do it without a measure tape?

you just know she pegged him later that night

it's because Kit can fuck any girl shorter than him and he knows it.

wtf how are you reaching cabinets

5'6 here and don't have problems getting with girls


Why the fuck is Heightism allowed?

You can't mock a fat chick or a libertarian but they can change their faults

But Short people get mocked for something they have 0 control over

When are short guys going to rise the fuck up and stop taking this bs all the time

I'm not even short by the way

>When are short guys going to rise the fuck up and stop taking this bs all the time
When the stepladders go on sale.

>those stubby ass arms

cant fool me


Because when guys try to bring up an issue about something like this they get called a loser, a virgin, a faggot or whatever and the issue gets disregarded.

The fact that women's height doesn't REALLY mean anything in the dating world just enforces how any attempt at pointing it out will end up.

The petrified look on his face.... it's like looking into a mirror.

>I'm 5'9" should i kill myself?
wait wtf? this is a board for ghosts FUCK OFF

>when you get rejected by a disgusting ghetto landwhale


lol i bet he wanted to knock that hot snu snu out like his wife

>tfw 6'5" and would love a big girl dom my dick

feels bad.....

>RDJ's lift sneakers

Kills me every time.

I wanna fuck that tall chick from GoT.

>tfw they literally pursue fame and success out of sheer Napoleon Syndrome

That's awesome user :) I'd say good luck, but sounds like you don't need it!