Find a flaw
Find a flaw
Empire was the best movie out of the original trilogy.
So trump is the one most people love the most?
>imting Bernie will live that long
Bernie will be too old and won't run.
Bernie won't even make it past 2018
Bernie will be 96 years old in 2020.
>>Sup Forums
go to your containment board faggots.
Was I the only one that though Bernie was worse than trump and Hillary
>S-Socialism will work this time I swear, it's going to be democratic. L-l-look at Europe, it totally works
>Bernie looks like this at age 60
What went wrong
Bernie is a hack
This smells like Reddit
Bernie will have been born 400 hundred years ago in the highlands of Scotland by the time the next election rolls around.
>le s-s-stuttering meme
Trump is a strong candidate and you can make better arguments
I like Bernie because at least he's consistent with his political views. You can't say the same about Trump or Hillary.
more like return of the jebdi
True, Hillary is compulsive liar and warmongerer and trump probably won't even live up to his claims(just like Obama)
I unironically think Jeb bush would've made a decent president, anyone else with me
i fear a communist america, it would fuck the entire region , canada and mexico would be so fucked.
Trump seems like a strong candidate because he says simple things that sound good to idiots. i.e. "Make America Great Again".
Jeb is that you?
you are
you're also a faggot
Compared to what the choice came down to. Just that alone, yeah.
keked and checked
t. Wagecuck
he'd be alright. still beholden to special interests though.
>Jeb! posting on Sup Forums
Yeah, he was a good middle of the road candidate with some smart ideas. Too bad he decided to run in the same year republicans went full retard.
Agreed! He would have been great!
The flaw is that Obama was good. He was just a nigger democrat Bush. Same shit different toilet.
He was a complete joke to anyone not a socialist millennial that ate-up the OWS bullshit and have a boner for the idea of having your taxes increased so that welfare for non-workers was increased.
This idiot objectively did not understand how money works, or that white people could be poor.
What's Rogue One?
>at least he's consistent with his political views
...because his political views aren't impacted by reality