Finally the BBC is reporting on the real issues

Finally the BBC is reporting on the real issues...

omg xD
wtf these people are weird i mean i like anime too but like god damn XD

a broken clock is right twice a day

>Bad goy stop watching the eternal jap instead of my jewish propaganda

Thats all I got from this video.

Competing with CNN or Alex Jones?

lucy gives me a boner

desu i think its kind of cute :3
I'd love to work at a anime store in cosplay all day :p

>the exhibitionism of the staff may scare away the autistic people

I'm sure it won't.

As long as they vote for Trump I don't care if they're autistic, fags, niggers, beaners, kikes, spergs, neets, whatever...

Just MAGA!

And I just dingled a fab tab

They're Scottish you idiot! XD

Another anime thread?

>Another anime thread?
No. And those ribbons are ugly.

Fucking Rothschild mang.

>Hidickey NewGen
I love and hate how Brits just refuse to pronounce foreign names and words correctly.

Yuyushiki is truly the ironpill of Anime.

What about this color palette?

The Jews fear the samurai

In America, there is businesses that cater to autism.

Is that dance from Haruhi really still that popular?

color reminds me of watashi

>every third line uses the word 'autistic'.
They sure hate the anime.


>Here, we visit a quaint shop in Glasgow that specializes in manga and manga-related merchandise that has attracted a large and highly-varied following over the years
>As we continued to investigate, it became clear that the shop was full of fucking autists, and so we have decided to make them the focus of this report


Japan is not in America you tit.

Was Watashi a jew? Asking the real questions.

>Yes good goiym keep fapping to your 3D waifus instead of getting a girlfriend and having white children

Wait, I don't get this episode. Is it saying manga/anime causes autism, or just attracts autists?

Sup Forums here, are they just bitter they can't fill anime and manga with SJW messages like they have with virtually every other medium?

>meanwhile in Singapore

Jesus Christ this reminds me of my university days.

In the video yes, but Sup Forums is full of autists spamming anime. Idiot!

No she was a [spoiler]fairy[/spoiler]

>People Like Things: THE VIDEO!

Next they will be telling us that people enjoy.....

Oh, GOD..... I c-can't even say it....

.... that people enjoy.... SPORTS!

People stand around for HOURS just to shake the hand of some "ball handler" they fancy! They pay hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars to just watch people PLAY SPORTS!



Holy shit wasted 3 mins for BBC to tell me this? Years on Sup Forums already established this.

They always have.

But they will never crush their NIPPONDAMASHI

>Hideki Nugen'

Legit autists don't usually like overly energetic and in your face people or loud noises. It puts them on edge and can make them shut down.

No, she was literally (you).

You needed years to realize this?


>a broken clock is right twice a day

You sure about that?

hi i come here from china because i love this

>brits pay taxes to fund a broadcasting channel to tell them that people that like anime and manga have autism

are you fucking stupid? It attracts autists.

Most neo-anime is Jewgeneracy

Anime used to be about hotblooded men saving their planet in giant robots, now it's all about fuccbois turning into traps and slice of life all female protagonist feminist cartoons. Reddit loves most neo-anime, especially slice of life shit.

>Makes beautiful as fuck documentaries and Top Gear
>Suddenly cucks Top Gear, circlejerks over diversity and now bullshit most people already know
BBC got fucked

Meme magic strikes again

Never come to Sup Forums, please.

Shut up Char, don't you have a colony or two to drop instead?


This is a little too deep for me.

What was the significance of the banana? Did it symbolize cuckolding?

Goddamn this show is confusing.


Don't you dare imply Japan gives a solitary fuck about feminism.

Why are Scots so ugly though?

>appear to be female

Kill yourself newfag, I've been here since 2005, that board went to shit in 2007 after all the newfags started coming. Go watch your feminist SoL shit, nu-weeb.

Have you seen a modern japanese anime? It's all cultural propaganda. All it tells kids is to "never give up, always fight on, even if it seems pointless"

Japan just wants their economy to stop failing, and their kids take too many long walks in aokigahara forest.

Gurren Lagann is a pretty bad offender in this regard.

Sup Forumsermin pls go


Never said the eternal jap was good. Just that the jews are mad they have competition

Tell me what was Sup Forums's 1 million GET. Go ahead newfaggot, I'm waiting.

Turns out anime is actually preeeeety goooood


different user but likely kirino. She has like 8 good gets.

God. The BBC can't even be bothered to use the correct spelling of Pikachu? This is journalism 101 stuff.

I don't see how that's really a bad thing. What's wrong with persevering in the face of adversity? Seems like you are trying too hard to find a bone to pick.

Your faggot jewgeneracy incest anime didn't even exist back then you fucking newfaggot.

Yuyushiki is the thinking man's anime.

you know you can just google this right? doesn't prove shit, faggot


I don't go to cancer weeb boards unless they spill over boards I go which is not weeb related at all.

>What's wrong with persevering in the face of adversity?

Knowing when to quit is just as important. They're just trying to brainwash kids into being more mindless salarymen that waste their entire lives plugging holes in japan's worthless economy.

>implying the millhouse meme was ever good


Don't you mean LotGH

She couldn't find an anime store in China?


Go look at the million of NTR(cuckolding) dojinshi on Sadpanda
You can find it on the old LurkMore wiki, but not what the mods did to the thread after it was posted

Just admit you're a fucking newfag, then kill yourself. I've been watching anime since before you were ever born kid, it's faggot nu-males like you that ruined anime. Newfaggot.

>Muh adult anime/light novel for muh adult mind.

As a japanese, I like anime, and watching it is pretty much a normie thing here. Though watching these people making poses and overall trying to act like the characters is just cringe worthy and beta as fuck. As long as you watch it and don't release your power level in the public, then it is totally fine.

Yeah, but in Gurren Lagann it was literally fight or die. If anything I would think it encourages them to do something bigger than become a mindless salaryman.

I thought he converted to Islam.

When was the OVA announced?
To be honest I stopped watching anime back in early 2015. Tried to watch YrYr s3 and Non Non Biyori s2 but it lost its flair with me. Hopefully YYS's ova will be good.

I love reddit. its better than this place. :3

Welcome to pol. Come to make fun, stay to play, leave to disbelieve.

>he thinks the weeb and not weeb boards are at all different

Cancer is cancer, user. 2nd season never.

I found that far funnier than I should have.

Uhh sometime soon. I forgot. Heck, it might be out now. Actually, no it probably isn't.

Thanks for paying your Telly licences, britlads.
It brings us great entertainment and clear answers to intellectual debates, such as if weebs are really autism or not.

>2nd season never



i fucking love mango

pretty much
can't have goy enjoying non-jewish controlled mediums


>Kill me baby will never get a second season
>Nichijou will never get a second season
>Watamote will never get a second season
>Lucky Star will never get a second season
>K-On! will never get another season

>FLCL will get a second season


All Japanese are autistic, that's why they live in a homogeneous country.

Right in dem feels

>oh vey anime degeneracy got out of hand
>the goyim stop caring about the holocaust and start cheering to nationalism, male dominant societies, white beauty and lack of niggers all over the place
>you sure are watching you daily does of history revisionist holocaust remebrance and nigger "culture" movies like "healthy adults" you dont want to be labeled an autist right?

K-On and NNB are the only SOLs that deserve another season.

Honestly, it fits the scene just as much as the lines have. Oberstein could have waited a few minutes to declare the issue, but no gotta interrupt an important event because it's Oberstein. Either way, may he and his excellency rest in space valhalla.

>thinking NTR porn is for cuckolds

It's for people who want to steal another man's woman. It's the most primal and primitive form of porn out there.