What did you think of this show?
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I loved it. It worked as a great meta story about the importance of storytelling, how it can be used to bring people together, heal them, and give people meaning in life.
I don't regret watching it but the ending - at best - left a bad taste in my mouth.
Why didn't you like the ending it worked so well. Though the power of story and myth a group of people were able to transcend their material existence, if only for a moment, and do something fantastic.
The truth of the story, and even the idea the movements and supernatural are irrelevant. Their actions saved the day and OA got her catharsis
>I'm the OA
What's the OA?
>Original Autist
Oh ok
>OA got her catharsis
A single shot to the chest and she lives.
It was my second as well. What was your favorite? Mine was The Young Pope.
It was very good, along with Westworld it was the most enjoyable show of 2016.
You don't really know that. She may have woke up somewhere. She could have died, she could have been transported. Regardless any of the possibilities work within the context of the story. The movements "worked" and she was free.
I watched the entire thing. I wish I didn't.
I couldnt even get past the first episode.
You really should watch the whole thing. It works both as a metaphor for dealing with trauma and multiple personality and as a story about storytelling and its power.
i enjoyed the show. i felt it could have been more, but was happy with what was presented.
I'm still in two minds about the finale but I absolutely loved everything leading up to it. The way the narrative drew me in from episode to episode was something I hadn't ever really experienced watching a series before.
I couldn't buy that all those people were that easy to convince that they should hang out with each other in an abandoned house.
The cast was too perfectly diverse.
Think of the school shooting like her kidnapping, this random event. In her telling the group of kids the story she was able to make sense of her captivity and they gained the strength to deal with the shooting.
The power of the narrative freed everyone, it works really well
Same. I loved the way they treated the mystery and told the story. Kind of reminded me of The Leftovers.
Their lives were shit and they had nothing else to do.
Or you could see it from the fantasy angle and say that OA has some angelic power to convince people (like how she pacified that dog). I read a theory that she does this by looking them in the eyes, hence why in the video she uploads she films her eye while asking them to come.
That is the power of myth, of a good story. The literal truth is irrelevant. A good story will captivate you and you will learn from the metaphor.
>mfw the opening credits started in episode 1
For what purpose were all those bathtub scenes if we never even got a hint of nipple?
Did she look the shooter in the eye?
>dat music
>dem snowy russian landscapes
you mean the credits that started at the beginning of her story, really makes you think
Did someone else get some Rectify vibes from this show? The actress even kind of looks like Daniel.
actual plebeian
i bet you dislike deadwood
I expected something bigger since I read about people literally bawling their eyes out but in the end it fell kinda flat for me.
Original Angel
I thought it was pretty good, mainly because I believe that the story was going the Life of Pi route throughout the whole thing.
Really lazy of them to use that 'hidden book' trick to hammer in the 'story' narrative though.
Her lack of eyebrows is disturbing.
I really want a season 2, even if it's 2-3 episodes if only to force Brit and Zal to write something unambiguous.
I enjoy their work but don't think they have it in them desu.
Yeah I liked that meta element, it applied to the characters as well - they all experienced benefits from story time.
The books were fine, they were the perfect tool to give our group of five the necessary amount of doubt they would need to overcome. It also helped keep everything ambiguous with them being fresh from amazon with FBI guy just hanging around the house at the same tim
They could have just had one of the kids bump into the parents in the last episode, and reveal that a small detail of the story is inconsistent. Like for instance the orphanage.
The scene with OA's parents where she gave different details about the prison room would have been enough evidence that it was partly bullshit.
Another thing they could have done was to have OA tell a story using characters that are more tailored to each person in the group.
My main problem with that is that they needed the books to begin to doubt her in the first time instead from the beginning. I mean, this girl comes out of nowhere calling herself some weird name after being held captive and abused (scars in her back) for seven years and she asks you to do weird nonsensical stuff like leaving your door open (what was that about btw?), then starts telling this paranoid story that parallels Anastasia Romanov which develops into a fantasy tale. Somehow none of the characters questions her story, by the sixth ep they are all like "yeah we goin to another dimension n shit".
And about the books, they were planted there by Riz Ahmed
Complete garbage. Couldn't get past episode one. Overdone tropes a pleanty, bad acting, and over all boring as gay sex with a dead body
It's exactly the same premise as the "sound of my voice"
that bitch and pooindaloo writer are a fucking hack
Agreed, they could have done those things, but it would have taken away from the importance that the concept of metaphor plays in the story. OA could have knowingly crafted the story as metaphor and the existence of the books helps hint at that, while your other methods don't
oh and let me add pushing tranny agenda with "buck" they didn't randomly scout her, they actively sought a girl taking hormones.
>Like for instance the orphanage.
what about that?
>The scene with OA's parents where she gave different details about the prison room
>she asks you to do weird nonsensical stuff like leaving your door open
Its about trust, a leap of faith. It also goes back to the fact that she was unable to have a door because of her condition.
>"His younger brother Rostam was a founding member of the band Vampire Weekend. Both brothers are gay."
so that explains everything
The cafeteria worker who tackled the gunman was Hap.
how is having a trans character the same as pushing an agenda?
>Somehow none of the characters questions her story, by the sixth ep they are all like "yeah we goin to another dimension n shit".
The hows are not important. Is it really inter dimensional travel or is she just processing a traumatic even, who knows.
What is important is that they were enchanted by a good story and with that story they were able to find each other, build a family, and transcend their normal life to do something amazing.
>trannies normal
>all kids are trannies
>not pushing
fuck off you fagget
Seems like the thing to do in a Netflix original. Over-representation of gay or trans people.
why would you want to talk about a the story when you can bitch about the sex of a character. A character who is supposed to be a social outcast who finds family through the power of storytelling.
A fucking trans character was perfect for that role you idiot Sup Forumstard
they never beat you over the head about how being trans is normal or what an unfair unprivileged hard life he's having. He's just a character who happens to be trans. You are too easily triggered by petty shit lol
And I say this as someone who hates the normalization of trans people.
I mean OA's parents could have revealed to the kids that she wasn't actually adopted from a Russian orphanage and was found caring for another baby.
>Prison room
In the stories she tells kids she describes a large cave like room with a connected river-like system for water. When OA is talking to her parents in the last episode in the facility she says the prison area was actually the size of the small room, and that water was given to them in troughs.
>Not Prairie's Russian father
at what point do they show that she wasn't adopted from a russian orphanage?
And I thought she meant her particular cage wasn't bigger than the room.
>I mean OA's parents could have revealed to the kids that she wasn't actually adopted from a Russian orphanage and was found caring for another baby.
Giving absolute validity to one series of events destroys the entire series. Truth of OA's story is irrelevant. The power is in the ability of the story to convey a deeper metaphorical truth.
I don't get it. After her father sent her away, she lived with her aunt who had an orphanage. Her parents went looking for a baby and took her instead. When did they show that this didn't happen like that?
How could you like this garbage but like the young pope?
The narrator is unreliable, you can't really trust anything she says. In the end its not important. What is important is that by way of constructing a story she and those around her, are able to make sense of the world. They are able to create a new family and overcome a horrible situation.
This happens both within the story of OA being held captive in the story of the kids in the school.
>Jealousy is like lemon juice on the invisible ink of our desires
Her face is so dull.
OOh, this might be a better theory but he still looks more like Hap.
>Someone just kicked my car in the face
Very great 7/8 episodes Shit ending that left some main plot points unanswered. Still worth watch I think.
Why do people insist it has unanswered plot points, all the character arcs were completed. What questions that were unanswered are ultimately irrelevant.
What the fuck happened to the hostages? How does she know they actually passed over? Why the fuck did the last episode discredit her and then not transport her in a way that we could enjoy unambiguously when everything else leading up to the last episode was unambiguous? Because someone dropped the ball for the sake of a second-rate sort of story telling ideal.
what was with that From Dusk Til Dawn pyramid-like reveal? were they on another planet?
>putting lettuce in my bed
You never know if the hostages are real or a creation of her story, their existence is not that important.
>How does she know they actually passed over? Why the fuck did the last episode discredit her and then not transport her
because they complete the movements and she was transported. her transportation could have been death, or it could have been travel, what it is does not mater in the context of the story.
What is important is she was able to achieve it by telling those kids a story, creating a family, and giving them a power to survive something crazy. You will never get a concrete answer because myths and stories don't have them. The truth is a metaphorical truth, they said as much in the show
>Exclamation points are like faking orgasms - you do them for other people.
Remember when Brit "So Serious" Marling showed up on wacky meta sitcom Community playing not a lesbian?
She's so perfect it hurts
>mfw there are people who think the books were hers and not planted by the FBI guy to discredit her story.
oh shit it's her! Now I love her more.
>yea that theory makes sense why the fuck was he already inside the house
Watched that ep just for her. It was kino
>So Serious
Check out her tweets and the way she's like in interviews. She seems very chill though somewhat ditzy and maybe flighty.
I can tell that the way your watched this show did not make you enjoy it as much as myself and other people were watching it. You're a nerd.
She behaves like a autist, not an angel.
Oh NO, you called me a nerd on the internet as if it was an insult. Now I am so worried I didn't enjoy the show as much as you, what ever will I do?
Please tell me the correct interpenetration of this show so I can understand it on such a profound non nerd level
what are you imblyin?
It was supernatural story of superb framing and story telling. It built and built and promised and moved and then it through out the whole thing before the climax. And then gave a shitty denoument unworthy of the previous episodes and which disrespected rather keenly circumvented the audience's expectations. It's like the first 7 episodes were like "Magic! Pathos! Love!" Then the last episode was basically a giant "Retard! Magic isn't real. But here, since you won't shut up if I don't give you something, have this shitty ambiguous ending."
you choose how to interpret it. You can say her story was real and magic angels are real or that she made it all up and nothing supernatural exists.
So I can be smart or a retard, respectively. I knew that. If you are of the first mind then necessarily the ending is a big slap in the face or pull-out before climax.
How exactly? There's no evidence that her story didn't happen
Did not care for it. These two make some terrible movies/shows though.
I mean it's all good at the beginning but then they pull the (now extremely tiring) shtick of "haha it was all in her head FOOLED U" which is not satisfying in the least. The problem is compounded by the fact they never address how a fucking BLIND GIRL GOT HER SIGHT BACK.
The blindness thing is a hook; surely this girl has been somewhere strange or has undergone something really bizarre. But by the end they're not even addressing it anymore, it's just accepted. The world is remarkable blase about the whole thing; she would be getting invited to talk shows at the very least if this really happened.
This minor autistic detail derailed the whole thing for me, because it's clear the blindness gimmick was merely to fool us into thinking her remarkable story had any weight.
The first episode is so bizarre, it starts kino and you think it's going to be a great show. They even toss us a nice sex scene.
Then it goes down the rabbit hole and becomes Expressive Dance: The Show
>the level Sup Forums will go to defend waifushit
this show gave me cancer
Pretentious shit.
It was interesting at first, but when they began doing Interpretive dancing in the cells , I lost it.
they doesn't exist because they do.
reddit hates it
Sup Forums loves it
Ummm.... yea... that's about right.
I have never agreed more with anyone..... ever
Anyone that thinks otherwise needs to go back.
She is basically Britta's character IRL, but smarter.
I want Brit Marling to be my GF
>I just died of laughter. But seriously. This is the afterlife.
Is she retarded?
I have no problem with a narrative which asks me to question if what was being shown was true. Pan's Labyrinth is kino for that. But Pan's Labyrinth also has a proper ending. This does not.
Also I hate the guy who punches people and acts out, only to get redeemed. Why should he receive a transcendent life experience when kids who behaved and studied hard get jack shit?
Every episode but the last two 9/10
2nd to last episode 6/10
Last episode 4/10