You have people that will get 8 people of your choice for you to execute them. Who do you choose?
You are in a room with a table and a fully loaded m1911 pistol (8 rounds)
Other urls found in this thread:
Why does it matter when the gun jams on the first shot?
Gimme a 6 shot revolver and I'd answer the question.
>Only having 8 rounds
>Shoot myself in the head 7 times
>1 extra round so the police can shoot me again when they get there
Tim Wise
Hillary Clinton
Noel Ignatiev
Angela Merkel
Bahar Mustafa
Thom Hartmann
Anita Sarkeesian
Nicolas Sarkozy
Rough list, I could think of much better people, but Tim Wise and Noel Ignatiev would stay on that list regardless.
1. Angela Merkel
2. Weedman Justin Trudeau
3. Anita Sarkeesian
4. George ghoul faced Soros
5. Fat fuck Sargon of Akkad
6. Todd lyin' Howard
7. Shillary Crowned crone Clintomln
And finally number 8 is reserved for Nigger in chief Barack Hussein Obama
I expect all the bullets to be marked in order
Why not George Soros?
I would unload the 1911 and save my rounds for an actual battle because I do not believe in summarily executing people without them having a right to defend themselves.
Even traitors would be given a new lease on life.
Its what Jesus would ask of me as a man who believes in forgiveness.
I cannot say the same for the men who dragged these criminals to my front.
OP and his 8 closest family and friends.
See there, Weedman.
Soros is too old to matter much longer, his son would make a good addition.
Sargon is decent, but not a big enough propagandist.
Even Angela, on my list but shes been in power so long, she wont have that much more of an impact. Damage is done.
Dont forget US supreme court justices! lol
1. Angela Merkel
2. George Soros
3. Justin "faggot" Trudeau
4. Nicki Minaj
5. Hillary Cunton
6-8. The kardashians
I'd stick Soros no matter what. The fucking Ghoul still manages to cling to life similar to Chaney. Maybe it's true they bathe in thr blood of virgin female children to retain life, his Son woul be a great addition too. I might be willing to Replace Sargon with Chenk Ogre. He's got quite the liberal following behind him.
Use your head, theres so many evil people ruining the world. I told you I could think of better choices than Anita and Nicolas, a former PM. His forced interracial breeding remarks are what really sting me.
So revised list:
>Tim Wise
>Noel Ignatiev
>Hillary Clinton
>Thom Hartmann
>Janet Yellen
>Jonathan Greenblatt
>Elena Kagan
>Sonia Sotamayor
Id have Breyer too, and line him up behind someone putting 1 through the 2 throats.
Yea, that would be grand.
none because I'm not ISIS
Btw this is probably a honeypot thread and Im safe because Im a cannuck, but if you post my list as a US citizen, prepare to get heavily investigated lol
I would shoot Karl Marx 8 times.
>supposed to succinctly execute 8 people
Do you really expect me to reload for one fucking person, OP?
FBI thread?
why edward snowden 8 times of course. I am the best of goyi... american patriot
Like I mean, why dont you tell us what your list would be OP?
(hes not reading the thread)
OP and his closest family for him being an edgy faggot
Hello Lt. Mathers.
Slow day at the agency?
...and I'm watchlisted
Adolf Hitler
Random nigger 1
Random nigger 2
Random nigger 3
Random nigger 4
Random nigger 5
Random nigger 6
Random nigger 7
Random nigger 8
Oh, weird, it was showing you as 1 post only :S now theres 4.
1: The Queen of England, because a Brit tried to assassinate Trump
2. Hillary Clinton
3. Weedman
4. Obama,.for personal reasons
5. I would shoot another 1911 to test its strength for breeding purposes
6. I would shoot another 1911 to test its strength for breeding purposes
7. I would shoot another 1911 to test its strength for breeding purposes
8. I would shoot another 1911 to test its strength for breeding purposes
9. I would shoot another 1911 to test its strength for breeding purposes
10. I would shoot another 1911 to test its strength for breeding purposes
The strongest 1911 gets sent to the maker of it to breed it with a proper mate.
I'm making a joke btw CIA, chill out.
Now heres a game for you.
Try to name 8 people that have as much impact as those people in the opposite direction, who stand for the opposite political spectrum and do as much to counter them out.
There isnt.
Ignore queen Obama and weedman. They are for extra rounds if anym
Anita Sarkeesian (after being gang raped)
Angela Merkel
Canadian Dude Weed
Kathleen Wynne
Mark Zuckerberg
King of Saudi Arabia
Kanye West
Big Red (the red haired "triggered" cunt)
All our heroes are dead men.
>quadroon of mossad
>anita "armenian jew" sarkeesian
Why? They aren't really that powerful and they mostly just disseminate information provided by other people. This is like executing a corrupt news anchor. It's not going to help. Surely you can think of a few Rothschilds to include instead.
>Lyin' Todd
The same thing applies here, but I hate him too much to disagree.
Kek wills a 1911 breeding program.
8 midgets in varying sizes and color
Sorry, the nine slot magazine is banned.
Go back to iFunny.
1. George Soros
2. Shoot Goerge Soros 7 more times
OP. 8 times.
>le current year man
>bill maher
>goofey Pocahontas
>this beta cuck named davis at my uni
>no master roch-jew yet
Don't kill the puppet but it's master
8 random white male trump voters
8 randomly selected black lives matter "activists"
Three most prominent rabbis, three sunni imams and two shia ones. Watch the shitstorm ensue
Four for the leadership of hamas and the other four for hezbollah
be a big step towards ensuring the palestinians will have a better life free of their manipulative leaders.
All these faggots say it but no one delivers. I have met him twice. His security is thick but they can't shut down traffic like obama.
Justin Trudeau
Angela Merkel
George Soros
Hillary Clinton
Receip Erdogan
Al Baghdadi
Any feminist or BLM member of my choice.
That's the spirit!
>Al Baghdadi
Good news bro.
>Rumours of al-Baghdadi's death denting ISIS morale
Word is head dead, posted here a few days ago... and it was ISIS that admitted it.
He died at least 10 times already, but if it's true, one more for the feminists/BLMs.
>Kevin across the street who molested me as a kid
>Richard in high school who bullied me fuck you Richard stop showing people from school my deviantart you piece of shit
>6 maids a milking
Hillary, Bernie, Obama, Merkel, Warren, trudy, Gary Johnson
Good. Point I forgot him He's my last
Was going to type this but poster 2 beat me to it. So.... OP and 8 of his family members who can continue his lineage.
Pistol whipping OP to death after him seeing his bloodline cease.
My dad. I just h8 him sooooo much xD
a-am i being detained?
first post only post