>this is the worst thing a liberal can imagine
This is the worst thing a liberal can imagine
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Can we please get some diversity in there.
the father looks mexican
They look happy
No me (an Iranian atheist who wants to obliterate their pet ideology Islam) is the worst thing liburals can imagine.
A smiling,. White male with an erection
What do you mean? I'm very far left and can see nothing wrong with that picture
MP if you were white it would be worse.
They would blame white people for making you hate your self and your heritage.
He looks like Lou Thesz
I don't know why, but I don't seem to care at all when asian men is with white women. Why?
diversity = black, shitlord
You're a good guy
An undone fly?
It triggers me when they're with Filipino though
>This is considered White people on the American continent.
I wouldn't blame White people for making me hate myself, they just let me see the truth and let me adjust myself. I now know everything that makes a person a dirty Muslim, and what makes a person a dirty Iranian. Besides, they'd let me be a Westerner, and let me in their countries. If they closed their doors to me I would be furious. You just can't show a man the right path and sweep the red carpet from underneath him.
Only if they are rich.
Nah, non-fundamentalist Middle Eastern people are the darlings of the left
I have a couple of flips
And last one
we'll just show you the path, it's up to you to walk it
Because you have a good shot at having a bigger cock than him.
At least, in a perfect world
Trust me, we aren't. If by non-fundamentalist you mean Muslims who don't rape people and burn down villages, yes. They use these people to convince everyone else that Islam is tame and civil. But if a person like me decides even lets out the fact that he's fed up with Islamic bullshit and wants to take any chance to destroy it, then it's hell. They even called me Jihadi once for hating Islam. That doesn't even make sense.
This kids look suspiciously like Marilyn Manson
The path shouldn't be optional for Muslims in your country, though. It should be mandatory. FORCE THEM to stop being a bunch of wife-beating, daughter-killing, misogynist brutes.
>take any chance to destroy it
have you ever considered your phrasing makes you come across as an extremist to normal people?
>boy looks like a fag though.
Good luck trying to keep the family name going.
>White woman with Black guy - Kid ends up with no Father & becomes a gangstal, White woman then bitches about how hard being a single mom is & how men won't take her in now
>White woman with Asian guy - Kid is a normal kid with a normal upbringing
This is why
Looks like it.
Would you call an exterminator an extremist for hating insects? Muslims, in my eyes, and in your eyes as well, are dirty cockroaches.
>le bbc maymay
kill yourself my man
>tfw all these girl are just going through an "asian phase" to be different
what about the georgia rodgers?
>Normal kid with a normal upbringing
Have you ever met an Asian/White half breed? The supreme gentleman was tame by their standards.
>Muslims, in my eyes, and in your eyes as well, are dirty cockroaches.
WTF Iran, all that culture thrown away for that arab garbage.
>worst thing a liberal can imagine
>dick jokes make me sad
Spotted the social retard. I was saying the gook had a bigger dick than him. Fuck you, leaf. Stay off my beaches
Iran is historically a shitty place and Rome was better. If this was any time in the history I would rather live in West than East. Even in this liberal invention of "Islamic Golden Age".
Things that libruls will never experience?
Because Asians and whites have a strangely positive relationship
Why do white women who date Asian men look like they're just really good friends?
pic related.. Looks like a couple of friends are roleplaying a wedding or a "friendship wedding" or something cringey. I literally just don't see Asian men with white women in relationships.
Black men and white women, that's a different story. I see them fucking, but I don't see a weddding dress; it doesn't enter my mind as even plausible. Even a picture of it looks photoshopped in my head.
It tends to be the White male/Asian girl boys that go on reddit hapas/asianmasculinity & bitch about not being able to get a girl because of white men or some shit
Because asian men with white women does not exist
future son
who are you? are you asian? do you know these isolated examples you compile does not do anything about the fact that asian women are the only women who prefer men outside of their race? (white men)
because you dont give a shit about your race and just dont want to see white women with gorillas
Im not asian. Im half mexican half anglo american
I just like posting my posts with an asian guys and white women cause it derails a lot of threads
Holy fuck.. Seee what i mean? They look like really good friends.. cuckbuddies
>zero replies
Stop disrupting their circlejerk.
>A land
The fuck?
quite the opposite, the western media and cinema always praise so called "iranian dissidents" like marjan satrapi who made the film persepolis.
the iranian regime is probably one of the few in the world to oppose american progressism and international zionism, that's why liberals hate it
Holy shit, I keked hard on that one. Thanks, leaf
All those pictures are not proofs. You do not breed by holding a hand, hips, or even by getting married. Mutual masturbation is not breeding.
You need to put penis into vagina and ejaculate. And it does not always works. There are pills, vasectomy and shit.
It's because Asian men look beta as fuck unless they're fit, so you just see them as beta orbiters by default.
holy fuck this thread.
I'm a nice quiet person. I'm 181 cm albeit skinny. Why does this automatically make me unmasculine?