This has probably been discussed before but let's settle it once and for all. This is Tent City in Phoenix, AZ. It's a holding area for low-level offenders,and it's mostly DUI cases serving their sentences here. Today it got up to 130 degrees inside those tents. Is this an ethical part of punishment in a civilized society?
This has probably been discussed before but let's settle it once and for all. This is Tent City in Phoenix, AZ...
>hot part of the world is hot
who cares?
I don't know, would you prefer to be sent to jail and share a cell with Jamal?
You seem upset that people being punished are not enjoying the experience.
Did your daddy fuck you? Did you love it?
>criminals and illegals suffering
Who fucking cares let them all die of heat stroke
People actually go to jail for DUI?
Shit, I got pulled over after knocking back some beers and I just argued with the cops until they got sick of me and told me to leave.
>user, can we search your car?
>Fuck no.
>user, why did you swerve over the line while driving?
>I didn't.
>user, is that alcohol I smell on you?
>Is it illegal to smell like alcohol, officer?
Thankfully they finally let me go because I was about ready to piss my pants. Fuckers had me on the side of the road for like 45 minutes.
If fucking spics and degenerates wouldn't commit crimes they wouldn't be in tent city. Today was a chain gang kind of day to really make the shit people think.
Based Sheriff Joe for Trump VP.
I like that sherriff joe in new mexico. guy rigs up a stationary bicycle with a generator so inmates have to pedal to watch tv and they only get cspan and qvc to pick from. kek. he does tents also
I reiterate that these are low level offenders and before we say crime is crime, it feels like should someone get sick and/or die because of the conditions of their punishment, then that could be considered state-inflicted and a case of the punishment not fitting the crime.
Usually if you get a second DUI you can spend time in jail. My buddy is going in for 6 months for his third DUI
If you're drinking and driving to the point where you get pulled over for it, you deserve some suffering.
Aridzona has dry heat so 130 isn't as bad as it sounds as long as the tent people were being fed and watered appropriately.
>someone dies from being outside
>its the states responsibility to provide air conditioning for all people in the state
They have shade, that's all that needs to be provided, what more do you fucking want? Holy shit. There are people that are free men and women with kids, that cant afford AC in the same conditions. Is that the state's fault too?
How about pussies and criminals get the fuck out of Arizona. There are more welcoming places for pieces of shit in California, Illinois, New York, etc.
Criminals in Phoenix face nothing more severe than what our veterans face you socialist faggot.
No shit, any corner near the VA there is a homeless vet with only one leg or arm and a cardboard sign.
Fuck the tent city degenerates, at least they are being fed, even if the bread is moldy.
But I'm not saying that criminals don't deserve punishment or that they have the 'right' to A/C, I'm saying that when the state administers punishment, do they have a responsibility to reasonably provide for the welfare of the people under their watch in a civilized society? I'm pretty sure they do. I believe in the law, this is part of the law too.
It's hotter in those shade tents than being in the sun itself btw. The Arizona sun in summer can give you skin cancer right quick.
>repeat DUI offenders
Fuck off. If they die, they die. Should've thought of that before driving drunk.
Why does society have such a commitment to keeping shitty people alive?
Hopefully you learn. My "buddy" got his first excusal with a trip for public drunkeness.
Driving piss drunk is not cool.
you definitely don't want to admit to anything incriminating, or at least step it down
a good trick I've seen, for example if you've been pulled over for speeding:
>"Do you know how fast you were going?"
>"I was going pretty fast. How fast did you clock me at?"
>"80 in a 55"
>"Yeah, I was going at least 60mph"
They want you to admit to the speed you were going, or at least close enough
>do they have a responsibility to reasonably provide for the welfare of the people under their watch in a civilized society?
they're already doing that. They have shade, food, and water. If that isn't enough to keep them alive, then just die. They have all of their basic needs catered to, if their body cant sustain itself that isn't the fault of anyone but themselves.
As someone who lives in AZ and has seen the conditions: Yes.
It's great public humiliation for dumb fucks who drive drunk, and just generally fucked up but we don't need to waste money on sending them to a real prison.
Their clothes? Pink underwear, shitty white shirt. shorts.
Their food? Bologna sandwiches and kool aid (on special days)
Anyone claiming it's cruel or harsh, go fuck yourselves. They're usually there less than a week. It's not hardened criminals, it's tweakers, dui's and brawlers. They're kept alive, they're kept incarcerated at a minimal spending level, and it's a great deterrent.
When you have to come back into work after a week off and you have a deep tan and lost 10 pounds, explaining that to your boss is fucking hilarious, to me.
Tent city is composed of deadbeat dads, dui offenders and criminal spics waiting for a bus ride back to Mexico. Who gives a shit, people who matter don't end up there.
Homeless vet can go into the hospital, can go into the Jack In The Box, can go in the gas station. He would not be kicked out on a day like today. The tent city prisoner cannot.
I'm a vet btw Fuck off.
If you want to argue against the nature of the prison system, that's fine with me. I think it's rife with very obvious problems. Look up Rev. Edward Pinkney, for instance, for an activist with what I consider to be legitimate grievances.
But a sneak attack on Based Sheriff Joe because some drunks were in a hot tent? I'll save my fucks to give somewhere else.
Tent city is not privately run, there is a golden thought. If we had more tent cities actually run by the government recidivism would drop like a fucking rock.
See this is why Sup Forums is fucking up lately, to me. I'm not attacking Joe. I like Joe. I think he;s funny. I'm asking a legitimate law and society question using Tent City as an example because it's there and it was hot as fuck today.
>driving with a slight buzz deserves a week of inhumane imprisonment
go fuck yourself fascist
>welcome to Arizona
>guess what it's hot as fuck in the summer
Were they being served rotten food? Exploited financially? Deprived of water? Locked up unfairly? I'm just saying cite some legitimate grievances.
Rotten food is a norm for tent city.
>AZ. It's a holding area for low-level offenders,and it's mostly DUI cases serving their sentences here. Today it got up to 130 degrees inside those tents. Is this an ethical part of punishment in a civilized society?
Yes and its very affordable. California is letting people out of jails because we can't afford to built them more air conditioned cells with cable TV.
You're right. They need a breathalyzer on their car and points on their license, because they were over the fucking legal limit.
>hurr durr i can totally drink and drive
>driving with a slight buzz is the same as driving over .08 bav
I had a coworker and a family member drink and drive. They spent a day in there. Boo fucking Hoo
Nice digits. Now that's out of the way. It's called punishment. They did something shitty, they get treated shitty.
Well that seems cruel and unusual to me. Let's collect some documentary evidence and agitate with specific and actionable demands.
Wrong side faggot. The only rights those fuckers get is to remain silent like they were told when they first got into the mess.
This was yesterday. I could sit in the shade all day and not die. Its a weird heat and unless you experience it first hand you shouldn't comment. 100 in the midwest with humidity is a lot worse than this weather.
niggers deserve death
>I didn't mean to plow into those pedestrians. I was just a little buzzed, lol.
>the legal limit
>basically one and a half drinks
how does the state's cock taste?
whats wrong with cruelty, libtard?
You're one of those faggots who cries for the poor "victim" who gets shot in the face while breaking into someone's home at 3am.
Your kind is worse for society than the criminals.
t. POG
Cruel and unusual is in the Bill of Rights dude. Let the courts hash it out properly.
Based on what I know of it, I think tent city is a fantastic solution to an obvious problem.
As long as you're hydrated, yeah it's pretty safe.
The heat isn't the only issue people have with this place. If it wasn't a prison for people who did next to nothing I'd reconsider my opinion on it.
said no buzzed person ever
>he fell for the MADD meme
way to give up basic Constitutional rights because of some Reefer Madness level scare tactics against drunk driving
>1.5 drinks
>you're not a woman with that requirement
Well whats the limit then? Huh? What's the max bav that a person should have that they're ok to drive?1.6? a 2? People at .06 can manage to crash into shit.
Are you upset cause it happened to you? Did you get sent in for a.08? Is daddy missing because he went on a beer run?
It still stands, the law is .08, and these fucks broek the law. Boo fucking Hoo
>the bill of rights
also known as "in defense of degeneracy"
Its a holding area dumbfuck meaning they have not been proven guilty. If they had gone through their due process then i would have no problem with this. Furthermore its been proven that when inmates are excessivley uncomfortable they tend to be more violent and disorderly which presents a hazard to both other inmates and the guards.
You can go to Tent City with just one DUI, esp without decent legal representation. That user saying it's one week is full of shit, usually it's like a month or so and inmates can get work release if they have a job. Avg cost of a DUI in AZ is something like five grand in fines. But guess what? I think that's just fine. It's the law.
The food is shit and I heard his brother owns the overpriced snack machines, if you have money. But guess what? Don't drive drunk. Sorry dude. Food is gross but edible.
My question is if the CONDITIONS of the imprisonment, meaning the exposure to dangerous weather conditions, constitute an additional unjust punishment on top of the sentence? It seems like it sort of does and it also seems if someone were to get sick and/or die from heat related exposure, the responsibility for that would rest with the state and not the offender. I'd like someone to convince me otherwise.
due process is liberal and effeminate If you are under suspicion of a crime you are guilty.
>People at .06 can manage to crash into shit.
so do people at .00
amazing argument friendo
>americans get tortured without trial and talk shit about europeans not being allowed to say n1663r on the internet
so show me when in the history of tent city somebody has died due to the harsh elements
nothing wrong with torture without trial. courts are for liberal panises.
You stupid, fucking nigger. You think it's ok to get shit faced, and plow into cars on the 10fwy?
I have to deal with the aftermath of DUI's every fucking day. I have had to pull what's left of little kids out of wrecks caused by "buzzed" drivers. Yes I'm mad. If it were up to me, I'd bring back flogging, and the stock for assholes that DUI.
Yeah, but alchohol aenshances it.
You avoided the rest! What's the limit faggot? What is the problem with .08? You got caught didn't you? You're a slty little bitch cause you got caught drinking and driving right?
Get a fucking uber and don't have a higher risk of killing people like the illegal fucks that drink and drive and kill kids on their prom night.
There's a way you're actually meant to solve that.
The exposed parts of the tent get heated in the sun, and that heat gets passed off above and below it.
The brits had the same problem with the first generation of military jeeps that they had.
They eventually found out that the solution was really simple:
You just need a second roof. The second roof catches all the sunlight, diffuses the heat into the air above and below it, and that air isn't trapped within your structure.
if a kid dies due to a drunk driver the blame is on the kid for not getting out of the way.
Google it nigger. That shit's happened.
Isuppose you belive .08 is "drunk" or .16 for that matter. It very can be if you are uninitiated but to those who are initiated its nothing which isbwhy field sobriety tests are little more fair IMO
Maybe i feel that way just because tis saved my ass like three times, but it was in a rural area anyway.
Someone doesnt have friends or social engagements hat dont involve the internet
And which, pray tell, Constitutional right are you giving up?
Wow, that's such an interesting personal anecdote. I guess if we banned alcohol there would be no more accidents. Especially since most of them are cause by buzzed drivers that had two Miller Lites according to you.
> if you are uninitiated
>if you're not a fucking alchoholic
It's ok, the bottle really helps get over the separation anxiety right?
Seriously, there's a reason they picked a specific number, and if you don't agree with alchy, try to change it. In the mean time, I'll look at the asshole sin tent city and laugh at them because for at least the next year, their life includes a breathalizer on the car, and a special drivers license.
>My question is if the CONDITIONS of the imprisonment, meaning the exposure to dangerous weather conditions, constitute an additional unjust punishment on top of the sentence? It seems like it sort of does
Yes, all criminals should get ice cream, and cake, and naptime, and cable TV with 168 channels, and a foot massage.
That'll make sure they learned their lesson. Shit, Sheriff Joe should be legally required to take them all to Starbucks for Frappucinos every afternoon, on his own dime.
>OMG it was like HOT today!!! Cruelty!!
Fuck you. Road construction crews work outside in Phoenix year round. So do many others. The people in tent city sit on their asses, in the fucking shade of the tents.
Maybe Sheriff Joe should work on getting these fucks onto chain gangs.
Then whiney little bitches like you would really have something to complain about.
I don't think it has yet. I don't know if it will. But if it does, that's a slam dunk case for a decent trial lawyer and every time that department has to pay out a settlement, that's taxpayer money.
>criminals should have rights beyond not letting them die
yeah fuck off m8
Where you at in our great state of Arizona?
I agree but if it's 130 out like it was 120 in some places. Extra water should be given out. They don't deserve death.
look at this badass, all he needs is the State on his side to feel tough
Shit strawman tbqh polpham. Nice dodging of the question too.
I lived in the Mojave desert. 130 degrees wasn't abnormal. There's nothing unethical about it. Humans are evolved to be tropical animals. We can easily survive that kind of heat provided #1 we have sufficient water to drink, and #2 we are properly acclimatized to it.
Oh shit ya got me. I just jerk off to this Russian wood polishing site.
Really though, I work every day and goof off with my friends on the weekend. I actually have a decent social life. I just don't get shit faced every available day because it's not my thing.
Is there an option to avoid tent city but do longer time? I think the reason a lot of people pick tent city is due to the reduced sentence, but I'm not sure what that's for.
They gave ice pack and extra water all this past high heat weekend. They weren't mistreated.
Or you could just not get behind the wheel. It's not rocket science. If you have been drinking, don't drive.
>low-level offenders
>mostly DUI cases
Fuck drunk drivers. That is not a "low-level offender" to the thousands killed by them annually. There are roughly as many drunk driving deaths annually in the US as there are gun homicides.
Then fuck em, they fucked up, or got caught doing something they shouldn't.
Beside your not a true Arizonan if you die due to the heat.
let's ban all restaurants that serve alcohol unless they collect everyone's keys
>4 people died climbing squaw peak and camelback this past weekend
>all out of towners
Yup, people overestimate their ability in the heat. This is Blowdryer heat, not humid heat. Natives here know what's up.
If you can't handle waiting to get smashed or shit face at home, you shouldn't be ordering drinks when you have to drive. If you get caught fucking up on the road, then learn from it.
No but if you're unemployed, your sentence is shorter. 30 days with work release is really two months. No job just means you stay there the full 30 days. I've heard of people quitting bullshit jobs to just do that.
People are aware the law is harsh, but they decide to break the law, anyway. Why should I have any sympathy for these people?
They made a bet, they bet they could break the law and get away with it. They lost. That's that.
As long as people are made wholly and fully aware of the punishment they face for their crimes in advance, I have absolutely no qualms about any kind of punishment.
>People at .06 can manage to crash into shit
People at .00000 can manage to crash into shit. Is that the standard?
Listen, .08 BAC is so laughably low that lots of people wouldn't even feel it at all. Meanwhile, there's no way to really know. We don't have a digital tattoo on our foreheads that lets us check our BAC in the mirror. Did you have a glass of wine with dinner? How can you be sure you're not above .08 before you drive home?
Look, it's a rotten law that was rammed through because of moralizing old women in a time when there was such a thing as actual police discretion. Today, in the era where #BlackCrimesMatter has forced every cop everywhere to wear a camera at all times, they can't just toss your keys into the woods and tell you to fuck off to a hotel room and come back when you're sober enough to find them.
send them back
It's ok alchy, we understand where you're coming from. The bottle has a power over you. It's hard, but you can get the power back.
I don't know what you're so uptight about. The premise of our entire legal system is trust that a person knows how to act responsibly. There are plenty of reasons other than alcohol that would cause somebody to be unable to drive safely.
If you're so obviously unable to control the vehicle then it's important that somebody stops you. And if it's because you did something obviously stupid like get drunk then take your lumps. A lot of decent cops will let things slide depending on the situ.
Drunk drivers should be summarily executed.
Deal with it.
You have far more faith in your government than is warranted. The fact is that there are too many laws with too large a range of punishments for anyone to really know what they all are. Your standard, which seems so reasonable to you, is impossible to meet in our real world.
Arizona guy here. Stayed in tent city once. The heat isn't bad. The food will kill you. Also, the state animal control is next door. Couple times a week, they burn up the unwanted dogs and cats. When the wind blows just right, nasty smell over tent city. After staying there, I had new found respect for sheriff Joe.
Agreed. And the punishment should be severe so as to act as a real deterrent. But that's not the question being asked.
>drinking any amount and driving
>not beign a piece of shit
Pick one. I'll give you a hint, Tent City is full of people who chose option 1. I have no sympathy for DUI recipients. They knowingly fucked up.
If your only at .08 and fucking up driving and get caught, tough luck.
>arguing in the hypothetical
Love the ad hom buddy but you fail to make arguments.
Some people have naturally higher tolerances and the "alcoholic" label is just another attempt at name calling by butt blasted MADD women.
Funny how how everyone has a different definition of that term.
The standard was based off a flawed experiment. Ive seen the study, I have a DWI and can tell you most people just drive anyway without the breathalyzer until they can get their license back without it. I got my DL back in 6 months and drove the entire time prior.
AZ's dry heat is nothing. 130 here feels like 100 any where else. Its lovely.
>dry heat
>not that bad
Nigga come down here and sit in the heat for 5 minutes in the shade or better yet turn in your oven and pretend to be a Jew for 5 minutes and tell me "it's just a dry heat lol"
Or you could take a little personal responsibility, and call a cab. Who am I kidding? That would take away from your drinking money. Funny thing, those "2" beers you had, just cost you your license, your car, and maybe your job.
Stay in till twilight, and then do your shit, or early as fuck.
I live in Mojave we only got to 111 today. Bull head got it at 120. It was fucking hot today.
No, faggot. I've lived in Phoenix. Went to college there. Had one year with over a hundred days in a row over 100 degrees. Highest temperature while I was there was 129.
You know how I payed for college? i worked as a flagman on road construction every summer. Made 4 times the pay as any other job I could get being a fuck with no degree and little experience. Normal day was 10 hours, but I was excited for the 14-16 hour days when they came. Extra pay.
And, your faggot ass is trying to tell me that sitting on your ass, in the fucking shade, is cruel and unusual punishment.
No. It's not. And never will be, princess.