Save your sympathy Sup Forums
Save your sympathy Sup Forums
Gay guy here, what are they talking about?
>white liberals will read this and nod their head
He's saying he wants to fuck Muslims not conservative Christians
people tend to nod their head when someone says the truth
(((Huffington Post)))
Probably the White CIS Males who are law abiding gun owners and so happen to be Christian.
If I were to take a wild guess.
>Not respecting "your pronouns"
>Must mean you agree with mudslime killings
>Huffington post
I thought the problem was Islam but I guess I'm just a racist bigot.
Imagine a world with our Gawker, Buzzfeed, and Huffpost
Anyone have a pastebin of this article? I share my internet connection and don't want HuffPo showing up in my cache.
Fags died,
People cried,
Hillary lied.
Religion of Peace.
>basement dwelling Sup Forumsack holed up in a bunker idaho
> The massacre in Orlando wasn’t an ISIS attack. It wasn’t a “radical Islamic terrorist” attack on the American way of life. It was a targeted hate crime against largely black and Latinx LGBTQ people by a violent, mentally unstable American man from Queens with a history of domestic abuse and an assault weapon he should never have been able to purchase.
I truly despise that fucking site.
>Shitskin armed invasion in full force
>Suicide bombers in every major city
>Road-side bombs
>Horribly mutilated SJWs still going:
>"Save Your Sympathy"
>"You are the problem"
Huffington Post should be killed with fire. Can't wait for them to go down like Gawker did. Fucking idiots
Thanks, have an electromechanical Messiah.
It's even worse when you're a homo like me and almost every gay person thinks like this one way or another. They're all fucking losers who type out their useless tweets or facebook posts about how "Love will Conqour all," that are so worried about getting a high like/retweet.
Fine, Fuck off faggots
I don't have sympathy. Nice try huffpost bastards
>The massacre in Orlando wasn’t an ISIS attack. It wasn’t a “radical Islamic terrorist” attack on the American way of life. It was a targeted hate crime against largely black and Latinx LGBTQ people by a violent, mentally unstable American man from Queens with a history of domestic abuse and an assault weapon he should never have been able to purchase.
Yeah, just because he was a muslim who pledged allegiance to ISIS and stated that his crime was Jihad, that doesn't mean we should blame ISIS or islam for it! Clearly the REAL problem is white America!
>I'm a lesbian who was raised Orthodox Jewish
(((C.J. Prince)))
do you hate LGBT
do you think women are below men
do you hate Jews
well my man Islam is the religion for you
these liberal faggots can't say shit once you join the religion of peace, they'll even defend you.
maybe Islam isn't so bad after all
Gay guy here
fuck these fucking faggots, I hope they get thrown off roofs when the Muslims take over and I pretend I like eating pussy and turn my back on them.
This is codeword for "piece of shit oxygen thief"
but SHE'S the one literally making money and a reputation off of it
No I'm not, I am not a Muslim.
Someone should tell her a straight white male is the reason she can write this article in the first place.
>Implying I ever gave a shit
>activist, mom
shit, we can do that kind of stuff now, I've got to pepper up my resume
>free thinker, male role model, capable walker/breather, skilled masturbator
>Dude literally called police and pledged allegiance to al-bombadi in arabic and said he is doing it for khaliphate
>The massacre in Orlando wasn’t an ISIS attack. It wasn’t a “radical Islamic terrorist” attack on the American way of life
Well thats it, you just did it
The war on terror is over
No matter what will happen in the future, there will never, ever be an islamic terrorist attack on your way of life again
You have finally won
Heterosexual emts healing wounded and carrying out dead
Heterosexual law enforcers rescuing gay clubbers and stopping gunman
Damn near all of America states and media and government coming out to show support.
"Save your sympathy "
Man fuck this clown.
>Tragic incident
>muslim homophobe slaughters gays
>people extend their condolences
Gotta say... this level of doublethink would make Orwell drop dead if he wasn't already...
Dont worry society is violently imploding in 10 years tops
People like this will be literally slaughtered
Damn, that bitch is ugly.
>writer, activist, mom, and executive director of north jersey pride
so she doesn't actually do anything
so the reason you just posted the headline and not the article is because you clearly didn't read it, did you? I read the article, expecting to get mad, but actually it's fine.
She's talking to specific politicians in the article, ones that say gays are a threat to the nation, and then say they're sad to see the mass shooting.
OP, step up your game, nigge.r
Good, I didn't have any anyway
My echo sense is going off
>for faggots
I just want to go back to October 2001. Fuck this.
You can say I am a beaner.
But I am not the only one.
Didn't he literally call himself an islamic soldier and say the US has to stop bombing Syria or he will set off explosives?
They're actually rejecting reality at this point
Most neo/pol/ cucks don't realize faggots will just hate them more from this attack.
They'll learn in time ALL degeneracy is cancer, and must be wiped out.
And you are......?
>you can only express your sympathy if you do exactly what I say
What a cunt
sigh.... 2 years ago I would have said you were wrong. I'm not ready to say you're right just yet, but damn it's looking like you might be.
As a white man it seems there is NOTHING I can do that will ever be enough to please these people. I've stopped trying, and I'm getting daily flak over it.
>you have the right to massacre anyone you want to
>you have the right to rape anyone you want to
>you can do basically anything you want to and people just have to take it
Why haven't you converted to Islam yet Sup Forums?
>this divide and conquer
Ever been outside your state or your narrow point of view?
not really, it's a pretty valid point.
It's like when muzzies say people who draw cartoons of mohammed should burn in hell, and then a mudslime riot happens and they kill whites, and the muzzies who talked first say "well... that's a shame, I never actually advocated killing anyone". It's the same thing.
Be consistent. If you hate fags, say you hate fags and cheer when they're murdered. Don't be a little cuck and say you hate fags and then when a mass shooting happens in a gay bar say that you feel bad for the fags. I agree with what she's saying.
What's wrong with buzzfeed? Isn't it pretty much just a money making scheme? I don't think they push any sort of agenda.
We all went through growing pains user.
christfags are consistent though. they want fags to burn in hell, not actually kill them. Islamists kill faggots all the time, christians never do that.
You can hate fags and hate murder too you know. And hating or simply disliking somebody or the things they do doesn't mean you automatically wish for their death.
And you can hate murdering islamists a lot more than fags. It's not a black and white picture.
white people are to blame
>Fuck your attempt to relate to victims by understanding the common humanity between all of us, you are literally the entire problem and I expect you to not only agree with me despite my aggressively harsh tone but to fix it all by yourself
Liberals, everyone. Professional persuaders.
summerfag or just retarded
if retarded go to youtube and type in "buzzfeed" and "white people"
Hate the sin, not the sinner.
>christfags are consistent though. they want fags to burn in hell, not actually kill them
Listen, mr reddit. You shouldn't be pulling accusations out of your ass when its clear you have no clue what you are talking about.
It is the mandate of every Christian on earth to "testify" of their faith in hopes of "saving" as many people as possible. The story goes - we are all sinners, who can only find salvation through Christ.
>he without sin throw the first stone
The worst accusations that can be legitimately made against Christians are that they try to convert everyone they meet. Like the European settlers in the new world or when Michelle Bachman tried to convert (ie shoa) all those jews.
They literally want everyone in the world to get saved, through Christ, and go to heaven. You should stop getting your talking points thorough twitter.
>caring about what a woman has to say about politics
I don't hate gays. Asking them to act like human beings in public (I ask the same as heteros), saying that religious institutions shouldn't be forced to marry them, and saying private business owners shouldn't have to cater gay weddings doesn't mean that I hate gays.
Didn't he literally avoid shooting nigs because "they've suffered enough"?
>Save your sympathy
Never had any to begin with.
They claim he only said he was an Islamic terrorist because he was mentally ill. They'll say anything to make it fit their narrative.