Judge is going to rule on the main case in Baltimore. In the morning. When he innocent, the will be rioting.
>pic not related
Judge is going to rule on the main case in Baltimore. In the morning. When he innocent, the will be rioting.
>pic not related
Pic actually is related. White girls like her are about to get culturally enriched
Can we get a court stream somewhere? The last trial Sup Forums live streamed was quite fun.
What case? Remind me
my face when the black kid was trying to run away from the killers only to be shot by police.
Can I get a cenus. Please Sup Forums
What stream is the majority here focused on and is it the one with the most possible chance of a chimpining?
Has anything worthy of note happen tonight?
All the good gets are being outsourced to nips
Same girl?
No, the Chimpout will happen if and when the main cop is not-guilty with the trial, announcement comes in the morning.
I don't think they'll chimp out this time, guys. They've had their chimping and realized it hurt them more than helped.
>tfw no buxom safrican boer qt3.14 gf
They are too lazy to riot.
>In the morning
Naw, niggas don't right until sundown
That way hey can blend in with he dark and have better chance at avoiding the po po
Bitch is fat and you've got problems mate
your pic related is the good kind of thicc, me likey
Baltimore chimped out in the day and night.
>niggers capable of critical thinking
>niggers capable of any higher level of thought at all
Australia, turn off your proxy.
Who is this???
>Bitch is fat
Good luck ever getting laid
Possible thunderstorms today, so maybe no chimpout.
Nignogs can't into inclement weather.
Hey retard. Judge said he rules on Thursday.
>driver of the van was black
business as usual. That shithole is detroit 2.0 in the making
That is just about the perfect belly, right when it starts to split down the middle. Yummy tummy.