Your British token American has BTFO Brexiteers.
Brits, is it over?
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The fuck is a brexit? Some kind of Bongistan brunch pastry?
Brexit is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Brexit is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD.
Don't people in Britain hate him?
John Oliver doesn't get me nearly as angry as the people who vouch for him and literally takes his half-truths and trivialization as if they were the word of Jesus himself.
I thought it was a pretty compelling pro-Brexit piece. He really made the EU seem useless and out dated, showed some stat of 190 million getting sent to Belgium weekly and all around made a damn compelling case for them to leave.
I'd never heard of this fag until yesterday.
>I'd never heard of this fag until yesterday.
He is the most famous British entertainer in the world. I highly doubt you did not hear of him before.
I just searched his name on Jewgle. The only show he's appeared in that airs in Britain is Mock The Week, and that was only for 7 shows.
>only show he's appeared in that airs in Britain
hahaha, why would you watch 'shows' that 'air' in Britain? What is the internet?
Why are Germans so butthurt about OUR country leaving the EU, a supposedly democratic union of equals?
I don't really watch TV tbqhalter.
Most famous British entertainer in the world? Lmao, I only know of him because Americunts seem to care about him.
>He is the most famous British entertainer in the world.
That's just plain wrong dude, people like Stephen Fry, David Attenborough and John Cleese are more famous globally than some mouthpiece shill talk show host like John "Literally Who" Oliver
>Stephen Fry
>David Attenborough
He is known for animal documentaries, he is not an entertainer, and he is literally 95 years old.
>and John Cleese
You do know Monty Python was like 40 years ago?
There are literally dozens more.
Germany has no one at all by the way.
brexit is a big wall
Iv never heard of him except on here but I don't watch the propaganda box.
Pretty sure Rowan Atkinson has most famous British entertainer locked down by miles. Even African shit holes still air Mr. Bean.
As another Brit, he's right. There's not many people over here that would recognise John Oliver by name, or be able to name him from a picture. If it wasn't for pol memes, I'd be the same.
He did some bit parts in talk shows before moving to the states. That's about it.
I don't think many people even know who he is. I only know him from Sup Forums memes.
Yeah, ignore the Kraut bastard.
Fuck all Germans to be honest, they think we're fools. I hope the second we leave that shithole union they run, Our Nige goes on telly and tells them to fuck off to the tune of The Great Escape.
We don't want their prissy union and we don't want their monopoly money currency. And we don't want their jealous ire staring us down every time we go online.
Let their failed "European project" and hubris be their undoing. Enjoy your millions and millions of undocumented and violent third world trash who want your women and money, Krautcünt!
No normie brit knows who John Oliver is.
You mean Jeremy Clarkson?
>Germany has no one at all by the way.
Heidi Klum, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Donald Trump, Siegfried & Roy, the German football team etc.
This video is awesome
- I know that EU is awful outdated, stiffing the economy and nobody likes it
-Look there are like 2 things wrongly quoted in a hour long movie shitting on the EU
Same against his arguments against the wall
-They can get like 31foot ladders ]
These cucks only have 2 more days to swing the vote for Remain and this is the best they've got? Pathetic.
Based leaf.
He's done some cool things (like buying debt off of people and forgiving it, challenging tele-ecclesiastical scam artists, ect) but he's still a pawn faggot.
I don't trust in his reporting and I encourage other people to take his reporting with a dose of salt. Doesn't mean I think everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie.
Arnold is Austrian, and Trump + S&F are American.
>Heidi Klum
doesn't even compare to 90% of the world renown Brits enjoy.
>German football team
Just stop.
Oliver is wasting his time anyway. The only British people that even know John Oliver exists are ones that visit Sup Forums
And maybe his family.
Wrong. He did not address the following Brexit arguments:
-Massive immigration
-Bureaucracy that ruined UK fishing
Same as his video on immigration
He found a teenage refugee on a wheelchair and declared everyone against immigration to be souless bastards.
I seriously don't know if hes retarded. Or evil. Can someone explain to me how people think they are virtuous by spewing what is clearly propaganda appeal to emotions
>I highly doubt you did not hear of him before.
I literally only heard of him when he started spewing the CURRENT YEAR bullshit
These are people who would throw their countrymen's futures down the drain for riches and "fame".
They will back any ideology; say any trite rubbish; make any number of platitudinal empty promises, if their paymasters would only jerk the right string.
Brexit is gonna narrowly lose, isn't it?
No, it will win.
>The only British people that even know John Oliver exists are ones that visit Sup Forums
This, I don't think his show even airs in the UK. Even if it did I don't imagine it would be popular, it's fucking cringe inducing and nothing like our topical humour programmes (HIGNFY, Mock the Week etc.). It's just him being a condescending prick and pushing his beliefs.
Hofer losing by 0.2% killed my hope desu
>literally 30 seconds in and he already made a sex joke
People find him informative and funny
as always
It'll narrowly win and then it will be ignored.
I fuckimg hated that part
Oh no, people over here know about him. I have some liberal faggot friends who for all intents and purposes are supposed to be smart people but nope, John Olliver is trotted out as something to be watched and believed.
The Doctor?
Literally who
I stopped after the clown doll thing, did he really somehow make this about Trump as well?
if that isn't a sign that democracy is dead, I don't know what is.
Either lose by 5% or win by .5% and get tossed out.
Cameron has said that any margin of victory for either side will carry
You have to be literally retarded to support Brexit, but I guess it's not a shock that it has such high support considering the inbreeding that goes on on that island
because he'll never go back on something he said, right.
>I seriously don't know if hes retarded. Or evil. Can someone explain to me how people think they are virtuous by spewing what is clearly propaganda appeal to emotions
He thinks he's doing the right thing and like all condescending, elitist liberals that it's his job to "educate" the masses and make them think the "right" way even if it involves deliberate distortions and untruths. Because it's for the "greater good".
Honestly it's quite effective. Somehow the right can't seem to appeal to emotion in the same way the left can, but if we could find a way... we'd be pretty fucking unstoppable.
I know he's a snake, but what can I do
>taking Nigel Farage banter out of context
Please kill yourself, John.
That's not Jeremy Clarkson OR George Formby
He did a piece on corruption in state legislators and somehow managed not to mention Illinois at all. That's when I knew he had absolutely no scruples. He may actually be even worse than Maher... somehow...
Who owns HBO?
>a German not knowing who Stephen Fry is
You showed your cards. Now drink Raid Turkroach.
He addressed the immigration. He claimed that leaving the EU would do nothing to stop immigration and his 'proof' was cutting to a video of a economic analyst saying that if Britain wants to STAY in the EU it needs to accept immigrants.....
I assume he was hoping no one would actually listen to what was said in that clip.
for you.
>mfw 71% of Norwegians don't want to join the EU, 5-6% are not shure.
>our prime minister travels to the uk warning them about leaving
Stay cucked britsnigs
>most famous British entertainer in the world
u avin a giggle m8?
First time I've ever heard of him.
He literally backs everything up shitty news clips
They're going to need somewhere to off load a lot of mudslimes soon
as a brit I care more about this john olver than that one