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>The Atlantic was born today, and I'll tell you how
One of my favorite albums. I'm not huge on Death Cab in general, but I still listen to this album at least a few times a year.
I think I might check this album out soon.
One of my favorites. Essential 00s indie.
really beautiful album. a classic even.
but their time has passed
>tfw title track starts
I really like Title and Registration, but that's the only song from the album I've heard
I also like their radio singles, Cath and Grapevine Fires being my favorites
Anywhere else I should go with Death Cab/Ben Gibbard projects?
100% agree.
this is my favorite band mostly for their first 4 albums but its all ogre for them now.
i tried listening to this a month ago but it was so boring, maybe i'm just burned out on indie
This album is lit as fuck easily my second favorite, just behind We Have The Facts
What's the best track and why is it We Looked Like Giants?
It reminds me of middle school\freshman year which sucks and I hate it.
generic and goring as most indie
please refrain from posting screenshots of my wife's videos
"Something About Airplanes" and "We Have The Facts And We're Voting Yes" are the best and superior DCfC albums
agree. there are still some classics on here though. tiny vessels, we looked like giants, and title and registration.
Title and Registration is so good; one of my all time favorite songs
Quintessential indie
best performance if T&R. youtu.be
liked it in high school
didn't like it after high school